Post your all powerful/all knowing paradoxes here, please

Fine, everything but the last part. Explain how it is possible for God to have always been and not anything else.

Maybe it is not possible for me to explain it to you because it is not within the comprehending ability of any human to understand it.

So why ask the question?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
(ahem) a time when psychotics, schizophrenics, sociopaths, and numerous other neurotics with unspecified mental woes were called prophets for lack of a better word. Why is it that we assume everyone biblical to be mentally sound?

Strange coming form a person who goes by the name of PsychoticEpisode on these forums.

Strange also when you and people like you on this forum have week in and week out over a number of years constantly declare people who are biblical to be delusional and mentally unsound.

Did your PsychoticEpisode lead you to become a pathological liar.

Makes me wonder why you bother putting such a useless paragraph together. Maybe you have multiple personalities that don’t inform each other what they have been saying for years.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Don't a lot of people here consider everyone biblical delusional?

:) Yes the truth. LOL

And you have only been here a short time but the fact sticks out like dogs balls doesn’t it.

Maybe you’re a bit to observant for this crowd

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sorry, I'll clarify. In my previous post, by biblical I meant the good people written about in the Bible.

And yes, they do, in response to your question.

Oh a clarification of a confused mind. Or maybe the adjustment attempted by someone caught out by a simple observation.

Lets read what you said again with this new spin you have put on it.

(ahem) a time when psychotics, schizophrenics, sociopaths, and numerous other neurotics with unspecified mental woes were called prophets for lack of a better word.

First sentance you claim that Prophets where well all the things that are not indicative of a sound mind. then the next sentance you proclaim.

Why is it that we assume everyone biblical to be mentally sound?

See it does not matter if your talking about Prophets of the past or theists of today. The same observation by Betrayer0fHope still stand true.

So what unspecified mental woe afflicts you PsychoticEpisode?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
:) Yes the truth. LOL

And you have only been here a short time but the fact sticks out like dogs balls doesn’t it.

Maybe you’re a bit to observant for this crowd

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Did god intend dogs' balls to stand out or is that how they evolved ?

Have you ever thought of making a time machine, the instructions are encoded in the Bible. and heading back to the Ancient Days ?
why do they sell hot dogs in packs of 10 and hot dog buns in packs of 8

name the film and you get a *hug* and a slap
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By reading the bible, of course.

Must be the Christian Bible, especially if Adstar's sanity was cured. I hear they're expensive. Is there a generic Bible? My health insurance doesn't like me using name brands when a viable substitute is available.
Must be the Christian Bible, especially if Adstar's sanity was cured. I hear they're expensive. Is there a generic Bible? My health insurance doesn't like me using name brands when a viable substitute is available.

The best on offer is the King James version. As KJ has been dead for a long time, his version is out of copyright. If that proves too expensive, frequent trips to the library might solve your problem. One further possibility is to sit in the loo,bog,dunny or whatever you call it and wait for the spirit to move you. This happens more quickly if you take a handful of laxatives,

I hope this helps.

Please remember that I lack Adstars experience. I suggest you seek his guidance in all humility. BTW ,do you know they are making yet another "escape" film. This one is called " The Great Escape from the Lake of Fire". It features a cast of sinnerrs who reveal how to thwart god's intentions.
The best on offer is the King James version. As KJ has been dead for a long time, his version is out of copyright. If that proves too expensive, frequent trips to the library might solve your problem. One further possibility is to sit in the loo,bog,dunny or whatever you call it and wait for the spirit to move you. This happens more quickly if you take a handful of laxatives,

I hope this helps.

Please remember that I lack Adstars experience. I suggest you seek his guidance in all humility. BTW ,do you know they are making yet another "escape" film. This one is called " The Great Escape from the Lake of Fire". It features a cast of sinnerrs who reveal how to thwart god's intentions.

I'll keep that in mind. People are so helpful on these forums. All one has to do is ask.

Adstar, if I could have your attention for a moment. To cure my sanity, should I read the Bible 7 days a week, 6 days a week and rest on Sunday, or just on Sundays. I'm a bit unclear of the dosage required.

Myles, this is a real hit in the making. I hear the casting is just about complete with Adolf, Josef, Genghis and Jerry Falwell just signed up. Charlton is playing Satan for a change. There are plenty of cameos and walk ons in this flick including one from Leona Helmsley. They're waiting for Benedict before starting production. Dubya has agreed to play God, we'll see.
I'll keep that in mind. People are so helpful on these forums. All one has to do is ask.

Adstar, if I could have your attention for a moment. To cure my sanity, should I read the Bible 7 days a week, 6 days a week and rest on Sunday, or just on Sundays. I'm a bit unclear of the dosage required.

Myles, this is a real hit in the making. I hear the casting is just about complete with Adolf, Josef, Genghis and Jerry Falwell just signed up. Charlton is playing Satan for a change. There are plenty of cameos and walk ons in this flick including one from Leona Helmsley. They're waiting for Benedict before starting production. Dubya has agreed to play God, we'll see.

At the risk of getting things wrong before Adstrar gives us a ruling, I would suggest you read the Bible six days a week and rest on the seventh.

Secondhand copies are usually well thunbed in all the good places, i.e, all the begetting and begattig, Ruth and, for those with a viloent streak, lots of smiting, blood sacrifices and such like.
Just thought a nice, organized list of paradoxes would make it easier to talk to people who believe that there is a God who is All powerful and All knowing, even though there are several paradoxes which occur. I'll start off with one I actually read on these forums(if you were the author I'll give you credit, if necessary):
If God knows everything, he knows exactly what I will do in the future. If God is all powerful, he should be able to change the future. So, God, knowing everything, would already know he was going to change the future, so, I don't really know where I'm going with this but you can sorta guess what's happening here. Anyways, post all of the paradoxes that involve an all powerful and all knowing God here.

Oh and one more thing, if someone already knows of a thread or another link that has this list compiled, PLEASE tell me about it!

Oh, if you take quantum physics into action, then knowing that God cannot change the laws of nature itself, leads to many paradoxes of understanding.

'All conflicts between science and religion have all sprung from deadly errors.'

The difficulty for theologians is that physics does not require a divinity. However, i am a Christian, so i tend to fight against the dogmatic and rather shallow view of modern science. There are a few scientists however that strongly believe that a God exists. Einstein was one of them. (But not in any Biblical sense).

He often referred to God as ''the Old One'' - this term would often leave me in curiosity. It tends to indicate God has age about him. Perhaps the description of God has undergone some drastic changes over the years - because i would have thought God has no age... After all, He/She is never changing; now that must also indicate never ageing.

So, let us break free of this - can we all agree on what God is like? If we take the biblical interpretations of God, we can make a consistent picture of his/hers nature - (now is a good time to mention that Einstein was raised as Jew - but he lost the Jewish faith at the age of 12, and picked up the faith of Spinoza's God - but the point i am trying to make in this book, is that, whatever God is, there should be correlations we can all come to agree on). For me, three words can sum God up rather well. He/She is omnipotent. God is also omniscient. He/She is also omnipresent. This sums God up for me... but, before we continue, let us agree on one more aspect. God knows everything. There should not be an atom in the universe He/She is not aware of... hence something similar found in the Bible, ''God knows the number of every strand of hair on your head.''

However, having a scientific mind, i must admit, we must change our views of what God could be - we often take the bible far too seriously. For instance, to say God knows everything, is where the first inconsistency arises, when interpreting God into the theory of quantum physics.

According to the uncertainty principle, to know everything there is about matter, like the location or path of any particle simultaneously is unknowable. To know such knowledge would be disastrous for our universe; it would cause extreme violence. The uncertainty principle states that some of the particles in our universe are potentially volatile. This means that certain particles have explosive tendencies. Even an amount of $$10^{15}$$ particles would be sufficient in ultimately annihilating our universe in one swift flash of energy, sending our universe back whence it came.

So, the question is, can an all-knowing God be correct? To know the location and path of $$10^{15}$$ particles at any given time would destroy our universe - God would need to be ignorant of certain atomic behavior.

The second paradox arises when one takes into consideration when measuring an energy of a system. To measure the energy of any system, you need to be separate of it. In Relativity, it indicates that there is no outside to our universe. All that counts, exists inside of it. In just this case, how can anyone measure the energy of the universe, when one needs to be outside to measure it? To do so, God would need to be able to measure Himself/Herself simultaneously; now this might not be a problem if He/She has omnipresence. Of course, there is always the argument that God made it all, thus He/She should know what and how much ingredients were used, just like your mums Sunday apple pie.

The third paradox arises in the wave function. The only time anything real can come out of the wave function is when intelligence comes into the picture. If God is all-knowing and all-seeing, then surely He/She would collapse the wave function for us? Indeed if God did, there would be nothing for us to collapse.

'I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion
are natural opposites. In fact, i believe there is a very close relationship
between the two. Further, i think that science without religion is lame
and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important
and should work hand-in-hand.'
Albert Einstein

Most physicists should agree that if God is real, then God is what we call quantum physics. Thus all quantum laws would be the nature of God. It is His/Hers way of having anything tangible in the universe. Some scientists believe God is some kind of holographic entity existing as some kind of supercomputer recording all events in its data banks. If we where to believe physicists Barrow and Tipler, all matter requires the consciousness of God to exist.

Nowadays, most scientists however use God as a metaphor, just to explain the unexplainable - well, nothing much there has changed after 2500 years. We where using God to explain the mystical back then, and we are still doing this today. However, as i have said, there are some scientists who entertain the God theory - like physicists Frank Tipler, Fred Hoyle (in some interpretations), Shiuji Inomata and Fred Alan Wolf. Fred Alan Wolf has an interesting description of what he calls God. He believes God is us - as he puts it, ''a spill from the giant ocean of thought,'' and goes on, ''that is God, temporarily trapped by the hologram.''

We often wonder how reality became how it is. From the simple seed, to the human eye, everything has the appearance of intelligent design. It was unfortunately, only last year or so, the theory of intelligent design was taken out of American mainstream teaching in schools. Though, some of us have no problem in accepting reality as a product of some superintelligence - whilst others mock the idea. Can we simply sit back and say the universe was a fluke? What about the fine tuning in our planets distance from the sun; including the fine tunings in the size and age of our sun or the moons gravitational pull on the earth? What about the abundant elements found on earth capable for producing life? Or as Einstein once put it... why should reality dance to the pipers tune?

Superstring Theory says that particles are not made up of little point-like units, but rather made up of tiny little strings that all vibrate with different frequencies. A certain frequency brings with it harmony, the chords of life as we see it today. One could imagine that the universe is like a giant harp - with God plucking at the strings so that they all make sense. The music of the universe plays an intrical overture to the sonata of the observer.

Parallel Universe theory can invite the infinite possibilities of a God. Perhaps an infinite amount of universes might mean, if you look through enough of them, in at least one of them might be Gods domain. And, as we have seen earlier, Hyperspace theory says that a twin universe might be curled up into a very small region of space in the hypothetical 6th dimension. Is this where the heavens are? We need not concern ourselves about the location of hell - some interpretations of the Bible class that we are living in hell - but to be accurate, the Bible does say that hell is found in the center of the Earth, where it is extremely hot nevertheless.

In fact, the Bible is highly scientific. Just there we have seen it putting hell into quite an appropriate place; since hell is depicted as being unbearably hot with brimstone and fire. It has also correctly predicted that the world was spherical - not flat as they once believed much later in history. Poor Christopher Columbas - it turns out that he was not the first to discover the world was round. The Bible also successfully predicts a beginning to our universe, and an end.

We must also remember, the Bible was written in an era when science was rife. In fact, most of the Bible writers in the new testament at least, may well have been 'scientists of their day' - certain scientific knowledge’s would have needed to be known, such as astrology, numerology and geology (just to mention a few). And many of the writers where Greek. We know that the Greek civilization where highly intelligent. The Greeks were the first to devise that all matter was made of tiny little units, and it was from them we obtain the word 'atom'. They also predicted Hyperspace... Also, circumcision, a Jewish tradition as i am sure you know, actually prevents certain types of disease - thus it is a 'cleaner' way to have sex. Also, fasting has cleansing properties, killing bacterium that form is the gut (forgive me for being so graphic, but to grasp the amount of bacteria in our gut, the human feces is made up of over 50% bacteria itself - the rest, used, dead matter), not to mention extending lifetimes, as fasting actually slows the bodily use of energy - and thus stores it for a longer-lived life. The scientific lists within the Bible seem endless...

For some people, God is the only way to explain reality and existence. For me, it is the only way to contemplate, not only reality and existence, but the fundamentals that allow reality and existence to be possible; and that is through consciousness. And here is the interesting part - there is only one unified consciousness in this world.

Arguments of this fact have been brought forward by a few physicists and philosophers. The idea is that no matter how individual we feel separate from the next human - we are inexorably tied, as there is no separate consciousness or mind.

One physicist called Ludvik Bass, who was a student of Erwin Schrödinger, shares the sentiment that there is only one single mind. So let's suppose that Bass is right; no two minds can exist independently, it would seem to suggest that our independence, our single-minded lives are nothing but illusions. Thus, let us consider this is true - out of this, i can begin with my description of God and every individual on the face of the planet - past and present.

Hidden, though intricately woven into reality of the physical and non-physical is the realm of consciousness. I envision the unified dimension of consciousness like a gigantic sky-scraper, with each office resembling a human mind. This building however, is powered, not by the individuals that make it, but by a God. This God powers the conscious being - this infinite power is the essence of God, and he/she ascribes how much energy is allowed for any single human being. We never leave this unit of unified consciousness - we are only under the illusion that we are somehow independent and separate to the next observer... and this delusion of the mind is brought about by awareness - brought about by life itself.

The Bible itself informs us that we are somehow separate of the 'netherworld' of God, and that when we die, we return to the God of the heavens... in much the same sense, death would be like awakening from a dream... an illusion of sorts, that the world we had been experiencing was nothing more than Gods dreaming mind. Let's now finish this part on Einstien’s response to question we are all asked at least once in our lifetimes. In response to a telegrammed question, 'do you believe God? Stop.' Einstein replied in 25 German words;

'I believe in Spinoza's God, Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony
of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the
doings of mankind.'
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BOH...The list is satirical at best. When mixed with sarcasm it becomes an excellent rebuttal tool. I'm sure there's a counter-list somewhere. Its a good thing both sides are only lobbing lists at each other. Such lists are indicative of being self aware of having a weakness in your argument. Diversionary tactics like lists are only meant to send a stronger argumentative opinion off track. So when you see counter measures such as this, you can take pride in knowing you've hit a home run.
Stopped reading at nine, if you think it isn't important to know the definitions of words you frequently use, what else can i say but fuck you. :shrug:

Should I even bother reading a Reiku post about quantum physics? :rolleyes:

EDIT: tried to, but couldn't. Someone feel like translating?

I'll translate Reiku's post for you free of charge.

It means life is you didn't know that.