Post your all powerful/all knowing paradoxes here, please


Registered Senior Member
Just thought a nice, organized list of paradoxes would make it easier to talk to people who believe that there is a God who is All powerful and All knowing, even though there are several paradoxes which occur. I'll start off with one I actually read on these forums(if you were the author I'll give you credit, if necessary):
If God knows everything, he knows exactly what I will do in the future. If God is all powerful, he should be able to change the future. So, God, knowing everything, would already know he was going to change the future, so, I don't really know where I'm going with this but you can sorta guess what's happening here. Anyways, post all of the paradoxes that involve an all powerful and all knowing God here.

Oh and one more thing, if someone already knows of a thread or another link that has this list compiled, PLEASE tell me about it!
In the bible, god is always interferring with peoples life in a direct and physical way... even sending his son to planet Earth...

But today he's either buggered off, or we can assume that those stories were all made up.
Atheists say it's impossible for something to come from nothing but they think the universe and Big Bang were caused by nothing.
definitely what I was looking for, thanks man. How about theists say everything came from something, except for god, which is everything?
definitely what I was looking for, thanks man. How about theists say everything came from something, except for god, which is everything?

I don't know, but maybe, those that say that God is everything, say that God came from God, who is everything, that came from God, that... Loop, see endless loop...
Right now is the begenning of the Christian time line. Somone will go back and create the faith, if not everything over the last 2000 years will change. It happend, it will happen again. So as such creates a 2000 year loop validating paradoxes.
Atheists say it's impossible for something to come from nothing but they think the universe and Big Bang were caused by nothing.

Not true.
Theists on the other hand, say that everything must have a first cause EXCEPT God.. how logical :rolleyes:

Edit: Eh Betrayer already said that..
Draq's equation is not crazy at all, it is correct. But the question is, is how much space is there?

Lets continue. The big bang was more like the quiet singularity that was really a singularity, because this is still just the result of a singularity therefore this is still just a very large energetic singularity. Everything you see and touch at a point was at a point of Epsilon, the closes to zero in quantitive size. A time paradox could have caused it or possibly we are just the result of well, God blowing the fuck up or just getting fat... But in all seriousness, this what you see right now is a paradox. God, jesus, this fucking timeline you live in is a paradox and it will get proven soon enough. That is what belief was about, believing that we live in a living paradox. Otherwise, when you die, you just die. Nothing else, no second chance nothing. This is your only chance to get it right, if you do it wrong this time, every time after this is the same. Therefore I think there for it is. If you do right now, right will be done every time. This is the future, my future is your past. As a result of the past the catholic church came to be, why? Jesus chose the jews because they were being regiously persicuted. No other reason. Good reason though, they been gettin picked on forever.

So he went back in time, yadda yadda yadda go into the physics post and read my article on working idea, lets work. It goes into massive detail on this. So he went back into like 0ad and changed the timeline, but not really because he resulted from a changed timeline, therefor if he doesnt go back the timeline over the last 2000 years changes.

So ask yourself, what would the world look like if the largest religion never existed? You cant because that would be imagining person to person more than 2.5 billion people over time. To be a christian you must be a jew. Old testament. So, now that brings in manifest destiny, this future was created by a past that was changed by that same future. Chances on that? about 1*10^27 or larger. About the same as a singularity happening. Wanna know more?
I thought of half of one, so, yeah. If God is all knowing, he knows everything, obviously. He knows the past, future, our thoughts, and, most importantly, he knows how we will react in any situation, as that is included in the "all" of all knowing. Why would he need to send us to Earth to test us if he already knows exactly how we will react and whether we are a good person or not?
Oh, that brings up another half of a paradox. God is supposedly loving and fair, but, BEFORE he even creates you he knows exactly what you will do in your life and whether you will go to Heaven or Hell, remember this is all before you're created. It hardly sounds loving or fair to create things that you know will suffer an eternity in hell, does it?
Draq's equation is not crazy at all, it is correct. But the question is, is how much space is there?

Lets continue. The big bang was more like the quiet singularity that was really a singularity, because this is still just the result of a singularity therefore this is still just a very large energetic singularity. Everything you see and touch at a point was at a point of Epsilon, the closes to zero in quantitive size. A time paradox could have caused it or possibly we are just the result of well, God blowing the fuck up or just getting fat... But in all seriousness, this what you see right now is a paradox. God, jesus, this fucking timeline you live in is a paradox and it will get proven soon enough. That is what belief was about, believing that we live in a living paradox. Otherwise, when you die, you just die. Nothing else, no second chance nothing. This is your only chance to get it right, if you do it wrong this time, every time after this is the same. Therefore I think there for it is. If you do right now, right will be done every time. This is the future, my future is your past. As a result of the past the catholic church came to be, why? Jesus chose the jews because they were being regiously persicuted. No other reason. Good reason though, they been gettin picked on forever.

So he went back in time, yadda yadda yadda go into the physics post and read my article on working idea, lets work. It goes into massive detail on this. So he went back into like 0ad and changed the timeline, but not really because he resulted from a changed timeline, therefor if he doesnt go back the timeline over the last 2000 years changes.

So ask yourself, what would the world look like if the largest religion never existed? You cant because that would be imagining person to person more than 2.5 billion people over time. To be a christian you must be a jew. Old testament. So, now that brings in manifest destiny, this future was created by a past that was changed by that same future. Chances on that? about 1*10^27 or larger. About the same as a singularity happening. Wanna know more?

He was talking about Draqon (a member here) not Drake's equation.
One day God set out to bake a cake he could not eat.
Some oldies and questions that have been hammered to death....

If God created creatures both male and female then why did women only come along because a guy got lonely?

If we were meant not to have knowledge of good and evil then why was the knowledge of good and evil temptingly placed within our grasp?

God tells us to obey Him when He could have just made us do it.

We kill, God tells us that's bad, God kills and then He commands us not to.

Post flood rainbows are God's way of saying He won't do a mass culling of the herd again. What of any rainbows prior to the flooding, or was this the first rainbow ever seen?

If death is the price of sin then all creatures existing at the time prior to original sin must have been immortal. We know at least one of them was told to be fruitful and multiply. How long until there is no room for another creature?

I don't see plants getting the recognition they deserve as life forms. Why were they created?

What's the rest of the universe for?
Here's something else I was just thinking about.
Atheist: Why doesn't God just show himself, or some proof of himself?
Theist: Because that would take away our free will to believe in him.
Atheist: Why did God let people see the resurrection of Jesus, doesn't that also take away the free will to believe that Jesus wasn't the son of God?
Theist: They were free to believe whatever they want even though they saw the resurrection.
Atheist: Then why can't God show himself?
Theist: you ownd me.
Just thought a nice, organized list of paradoxes would make it easier to talk to people who believe that there is a God who is All powerful and All knowing, even though there are several paradoxes which occur. I'll start off with one I actually read on these forums(if you were the author I'll give you credit, if necessary):
If God knows everything, he knows exactly what I will do in the future. If God is all powerful, he should be able to change the future. So, God, knowing everything, would already know he was going to change the future, so, I don't really know where I'm going with this but you can sorta guess what's happening here. Anyways, post all of the paradoxes that involve an all powerful and all knowing God here.

Oh and one more thing, if someone already knows of a thread or another link that has this list compiled, PLEASE tell me about it!

Looks like you do not understand your own paradox you where trying to start the thread off with.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
definitely what I was looking for, thanks man. How about theists say everything came from something, except for god, which is everything?

God is God not everything. that is a new ager delusion.

Christians claim that God has always been.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
God is God not everything. that is a new ager delusion.

Christians claim that God has always been.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Fine, everything but the last part. Explain how it is possible for God to have always been and not anything else.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days.......

(ahem) a time when psychotics, schizophrenics, sociopaths, and numerous other neurotics with unspecified mental woes were called prophets for lack of a better word. Why is it that we assume everyone biblical to be mentally sound?
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