Post a new slang word/phrase

When my wife accuses me of having
CRS (can’t remember shit)
I say my brain holds to much info I'm
TFS (too fucking smart)

Series 14 Episode 6

Marriage and Mating

Marriage is like a hurricane. At the start all sucking and blowing. In the end you loose your house

cock up

I'm not sure I've ever heard this one, but it's defined as ''a mistake.''
cock up

I'm not sure I've ever heard this one, but it's defined as ''a mistake.''

Used to be used frequently in England many years ago but like most dirty sayings overuse diluted its shock effect so the C word was replaced with the F word

Which having just checked the origin would be out of line

A shambles. Sounds vulgar, but may not be; it may be a grouse shooting term. Customarily, shooters employ beaters to disturb birds on the ground and drive them into the air towards the guns. Normally one only shoots grouse hens, so if the beaters were by mistake to put up a grouse cock, they would warn the guns not to shoot by shouting "Don't shoot! It's a cock up!"

I did briefly think it might have been rude from where I thought it might have originated from

A girl agrees to sex. Part way through she is thinking "This is a mistake and now I have a cock up"

My mistake

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Used to be used frequently in England many years ago but like most dirty sayings overuse diluted its shock effect so the C word was replaced with the F word

Which having just checked the origin would be out of line

A shambles. Sounds vulgar, but may not be; it may be a grouse shooting term. Customarily, shooters employ beaters to disturb birds on the ground and drive them into the air towards the guns. Normally one only shoots grouse hens, so if the beaters were by mistake to put up a grouse cock, they would warn the guns not to shoot by shouting "Don't shoot! It's a cock up!"

I did briefly think it might have been rude from where I thought it might have originated from

A girl agrees to sex. Part way through she is thinking "This is a mistake and now I have a cock up"

My mistake


Interesting! Eff up, I've heard of. Sadly, sometimes use. :oops:
Used to be used frequently in England many years ago but like most dirty sayings overuse diluted its shock effect so the C word was replaced with the F word

Which having just checked the origin would be out of line

A shambles. Sounds vulgar, but may not be; it may be a grouse shooting term. Customarily, shooters employ beaters to disturb birds on the ground and drive them into the air towards the guns. Normally one only shoots grouse hens, so if the beaters were by mistake to put up a grouse cock, they would warn the guns not to shoot by shouting "Don't shoot! It's a cock up!"

I did briefly think it might have been rude from where I thought it might have originated from

A girl agrees to sex. Part way through she is thinking "This is a mistake and now I have a cock up"

My mistake

I love genuine ginger ale. Most people I know do not know anything but Canada Dry type soda "ginger ale". I gave a friend 1 called Two Gingers & 1 made by a company named Cock And Bull. Later among a group of people, I asked whether he liked them & which he liked better. Several people were offended because I said Cock And Bull.


And after a generation of "I don't knows" comes up, we have the Idiocracy.

Shady person

So shady you could hold a picnic under him

Greg Gutfeld about Cohen 16/12/2018 Australian date

{something} -splaining.

Seems to have started out as "mansplaining", but it's taken an even more useful turn:
I mean, with all the whole supposedly leveling tech revolution, fewer companies now run America than did before the tech revolution. And they all know this at some level. They understand the facts. They understand that we do live in this winners-take-all world that has been rich-splained to us as being some kind of new age of emancipation.
(from an interview with Anand Giridharadas, )