Possible Yeti Remains Found

Well, so apparantly Thomas Jefferson was a fool (at least in this respect). My American history is shaky in the details: Is TJ assumed to be a particular proponent of skepticism?

Of course there are skeptics out there who will just reject anything out of principle, but sound skepticism is simply about awaiting proof. Thus, the fact that a skeptic rejects an idea for lack of evidence today does in no way make him look bad if evidence is found tomorrow.

Finally: What has the Yeti to do with the paranormal? So far, we are just speculating about an undiscovered species. We find dozens of those every year, albeit rarely any remotely as spectacular as the Yeti ;)

What has the Yeti to do with the paranormal? So far, we are just speculating about an undiscovered species. We find dozens of those every year, albeit rarely any remotely as spectacular as the Yeti

The problem is the way Yeti is treated. It is considered just as much a fringe as the UFO problem by skeptics. Witnesses who see it, photographs, and footprints are often dismissed as delusional, hoaxters, or fame seekers. Sound familiar?

Take a look at the entry for Yeti given by the Skeptics Dictionary:

It is an obviously one-sided and slanted article, but it also shows how at lease some "skeptics" treat the Bigfoot phenomenon with the same eye of rediculousness that they treat the paranormal.

Well, so apparantly Thomas Jefferson was a fool (at least in this respect). My American history is shaky in the details: Is TJ assumed to be a particular proponent of skepticism?

Thomas Jefferson was the man who drafted and pinned the Constitution of the United States. He was highly educated, seccular, and in every way a skeptic. He is considered a role model to many Atheists and presented to many as an example of rational, seccular reasoning. When one stops and thinks a minute, his reasoning reguarding meteorites was very typical for skeptics. His opinion reguarding meteorites as the concensus of the scientific community at the time. Maybe he was a fool, but then so you have to consider the entire scientific community at the time to be fools as well. But, they had questions:

What proof is there these things fall from the sky?
How do I know the simple-minded witnesses aren't lying?
Meteorites are a very old superstition. (And they WERE)
What is the origin of meteorites?

Even with the physical specimines available to science, the idea that stones fall from the sky was simply so BEYOND their level of knowledge and experience. It seemed beyond rediculous to them, and something to be thrown out with myths and legends of the past.

In this context, it has everything to do with the paranormal, as an example of how prejudices against ideas outside of one's own experience or knowledge can mislead people. In this case, I think it would be fair to call scientists guilty of mass delusion... their delusion being that they were blinded to the truth by their own way of thinking.

if my memory serves me correctly the chineese have discovered some yeti bones but have not released the further findings
which is ofcoarse to be expected in most cases i would imagine.

it was a press release and i think they had a skeleton
which was relegated to the status of under firther investigation although a few anthropologists had already stated it was not standard human and was in the size and dimensions of the size of such reports from eyewitnesses in the area over several hundred years, in some remote part of china


groove on :)
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I've heard of that as well... and it's not the first time Yeti remains have surfaced. It has happened time and time again. What I find interesting is that the specimines seem to dissapear from public eye. If they had proven to be fakes, skeptics would have been pouncing on them... but that hasn't been the case. They just vanish, with no final word on wether or not they were real or not.

That somehow bothers me...
im sure when the world is finally ready to be able to handle the truth then we will learn allot more
currently even the largest most self acclaimed richest city can not feed and house all its people or give them health care
or give their children a safe place to grow up in with quality education for all

and to balance that it must be said that also a great number do not wish to compromise with some things that would allow this to happen i.e share food and shelter equaly and create a ballanced scale of profit for work done regardless of race or religion
equal rights
equal laws
just and sensible laws
non intrusive laws of constraint on private lifestyles

hence the removal of the scientific association with such terms as ufo and skeptic,
they lean now more than ever to the same side and consideration as extreemist or terrorist

given the morals and ethics of a great number of the worlds current inhabitants cultured by such greed mongering and power
mongering i guess some information is best left undiscovered

as far as the YETI is concerned i have seen tv documentation
of foot prints
which is valid evidence for most police departments and courts of law
valladated video evidence somewhere in northern canada if i remeber correctly
(meaning unable to be proved as a hoax video by profesionals on many occasions)

bones being found that have no current relation to known species in that line of hereditry development

with such amounts of evidence and corroberating storys and details a person would be locked up in jail for many years by a court of law with such testamony and supporting evidence

groove on :)
That one I'll hand you. It seems that the standards of proof for determining Yeti exists is higher than it is to convict someone like OJ of murder.