Positive Brainwashing

Dywyddyr said:
The definition I gave in post 8 would cover "programming" a child for the first time (albeit loosely).
I.e. you're turning the little brat sweet child into someone capable of operating in society instead of the largely self-centred hobgoblin person that it previously was.

That as well. :D

But you want to be careful to reinforce that the child's capable...of doing things that will sometimes be difficult.
Negatively reinforcing a child for not doing something right (Criticizing, making fun of them, telling them things like "You'll never get that! here let me show you!") give the kid a self-concept that they can't do things and their effort is worthless.

It leads to adults who will give up, because they assume if they don't succeed...they aren't going to succeed, they can't they never will, and they quit.
This is called "learned helplessness," but you probably knew that.

Originally Posted by chimpkin
My mom kept telling me," You'll hurt yourself on a bicycle!"
I didn't learn to ride one until I was 24...at which point I developed a spectacular set of bruises and road rashes
So she was right.

She was, wasn't she? :p
(I hope she's not right about my plan to fix the roof-she's terrified I'm going to fall off the roof.
It's a one-story house.:rolleyes:)