pornography and feminism

Re: to della

Originally posted by alice
porn is a multi-billion dollar business w/organized crime in the background.

I think you're confusing porn with prositution, that or gambling, or the auto industry, or the trucking.
i say if you want a good lover, don't..and i mean don't, let a man who is into porn touch you. He'll be absolutely clueless on touching you w/love and eros. For one thing, part of the beauty the sensuality of intimacy is the time being for two..sharing the sense of touch and passion and sexuality. There's a wonderful power and beauty in it.

Oh. Have fun with your eunuch, I guess some guys are into the whole "extremely submissive, sure baby, penile restraints turn me on" sort of thing.
Perhaps he'll even let you beat him every time you catch him masturbating.
you are not thinking through

At least I'm thinking at all, which is more than some of us can say.

a supreme court justice makes a decision on not knowing any neuroscience?

Neroscience has nothing to do with this.

as for Kinsey, ever read about him. I mean the guy stuck the bristle end of a toothbrush up his penis..

Up his penis? I'm not sure that's possible.

this is today..and free speech was never intended to cover some forms of media. photography wasn't even invented when the constitution was written.

Neither was the internet, and the Court has ruled that this is protected as well.
Allow me to sum up my oppinion. If you want porn, fine. No one here will convince you not to get it. But don't pay for porn. These are not organizations that you want to support. Anyway, it's not like If everyone stops paying, there will be a shortage.
[I like this topic because my opinions are not firm on either side of the argument, and I sort of wish they were.


I'm confused? You claim that they deserve artistic freedom, yet then say that they should be censored...

Isn't this a contradiction?

WELL, ya. Actually it is a contradiction, Xev. That's why i posted it and said that im sort on the fence about the issue.

then you go on to say that im illogical and have no argument. Well, there is no argument because its a thread (i.e. open for discussion) because I wanted to hear what other people think so that maybe I could hear some points that may help me form a STRONGer opinion.

I really thought that was obvious.

Should pornography be protected under the First Amendment as speech?

YOU: Of course.

And I dont have an argument?

Also, I said that there should be artistic freedom, but also censorship because Im not sure if there is a lot being done about pornography being inaccessable to children. For example, sattlellite tv makes this material easily accessable to unattended children.
The difference in cencorship between Canada and the United States adds a lot to the discussion as well.

thanks for trying to pick me apart though.
Attend your children. There is no reason that the rest of the world should suffer because of the careless actions of a few.
WELL, ya. Actually it is a contradiction, Xev. That's why i posted it and said that im sort on the fence about the issue.

I see. So what method do you propose to reconcile the two?

then you go on to say that im illogical and have no argument.

Actually, I never said either of these things about you. Read my post, please.

Now, do you have anything valid to say, or are you going to simply make erronious statements?

And I dont have an argument?

If you claim that speech shouldn't be granted first amendment protection, your post would be more appropriate in politics, with the title: "I am a stupid fascist".

Since I'm assuming that you're not a stupid fascist, it necessarily follows that speech should be protected as such.

Also, I said that there should be artistic freedom, but also censorship because Im not sure if there is a lot being done about pornography being inaccessable to children. For example, sattlellite tv makes this material easily accessable to unattended children.

So? I personally find tampon and douche commercials to be much more aestetically ugly than porn. Are we going to censor based on my preferences or yours?

Nobody is going to be scarred for life because they saw a freakin' hardon. Watch your own brats.

thanks for trying to pick me apart though.

You'd be welcome if I had tried.
First off Sex, Love and Intamacy are not the same thing. This is only a western cultural phenomenome. I love my mom I don't want to have sex with her. If I had a kid I would love him but I wouldn't tell him everything about me. I jerk it I don't love my hand.

Are you against Masterbation? Good luck finding that 1 guy in 1,000 that hasnt choked the chicken atleast 1 time.

Porn dosent make you rape people if it where that way I would have some problems. I can name like 20 pornstars off the top of my head. Im not thought most of my good friends are actually women. I would never hurt a women either if I can avoid it. I would say the reason why rapes happen is not because of porn but because their mother is not being a good female role modle. (Ted Bundies sister was actually his mom, Pedro lopez's mom was a prostitute and was raped repeataly as a child I don't think many had porn where he lived he killed/raped 300 little girls.)

Porn isint really art IMO. I mean a naked woman can be beatiful art but 2 girls a guy a midget and goat isint art I think.

If your kid gets a hold of a play boy you think it will be the end of the world for him? Wow a naked women? Some funny jokes he dosent get. I remeber looking at em when I was 10 I think im one of the sanist people in my family..
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It is indeed repression that makes insane. Pushing things into the shadows of your mind, where they lurk and jump on you at the most inapropriate times.

Porn shows people at their most basic level. That's what makes people resent it. People always want to think of themselves better than they are.

As my friend mr Reznor said: I am a piece of shit, and I declare that I am.
I dunno if I'd go that far - "Teenage Sluts Sucking Horse Cock" isn't precisely the natural state of mankind.

*Wonders what Roussau would say*
I believe things like that exactly happen because there is too much shadow. The link with reality is lost. And when the possibility arises, things swing to the extreme.

The nature of man is hard to describe, because it is cut down on all sides.

Maybe love for horses is an integrating part of it :)
Originally posted by Xev
I dunno if I'd go that far - "Teenage Sluts Sucking Horse Cock" isn't precisely the natural state of mankind.

Wait so your saying that isint normal? :bugeye:

uh oh...:(
I believe things like that exactly happen because there is too much shadow. The link with reality is lost. And when the possibility arises, things swing to the extreme.

Perchance. I'd say that it's a natural sort of curiousity.

What, after all, is a sexual object? Is it any less natural to lust after a malamute than it is to lust after a woman who's had such extensive plastic surgery that she resembles only 1% of the female population?

Where do you draw the line between being attracted to a woman who's half silicone and being attracted soley to the leather boots she wears?

Sexuality is a continuum, and the definition of "normal" says more about the person who labels than the person with the paraphilia.

The nature of man is hard to describe, because it is cut down on all sides.

I like the way you put this, very apt.


It's not the natural state of man, but neither are computers.

Actually, aren't there petroglyphs showing bestiality scenes?
It's a given that morals regarding sexuality evolve over time. The Greeks having fun with little boys is a cliché.

It is not so that evolution is always towards something better. It is more a matter of chance than of growing towards the good, whatever that may be.

I think psychologists would say that having sex with a child damages his or her psyche. That's why it is illegal, and that's why you can oppose it.

Animals, I haven't thought about all that much. I could imagine that penetration would damage a chiken's insides. There's no need for the little egg layer to suffer like that.

A horse... I don't know. It sounds bad, but that's of course just conditioning of the mind. You tell me :)
Originally posted by Xev

It's not the natural state of man, but neither are computers.

Actually, aren't there petroglyphs showing bestiality scenes?

I heard the romans where into beastiality in thier colloseum.
Originally posted by Xev

Actually, I never said either of these things about you. Read my post, please.

Now, do you have anything valid to say, or are you going to simply make erronious statements?

If you claim that speech shouldn't be granted first amendment protection, your post would be more appropriate in politics, with the title: "I am a stupid fascist".

Since I'm assuming that you're not a stupid fascist, it necessarily follows that speech should be protected as such.

Okay, i apologize. i see that you did not call me illogical. Yet, now i have nothing valid to say? Then why did you bother responding to an "invalid" thread?

Also, i am a firm believer that speech should be granted protection under the first ammendment; however, my question is "how is pornography protected under this when it is not speech?"

(also, not to plead ignorance, but I am a Canadian so it is possible I am missing something about the First ammendment)

By the way,Xev:
you really get all hot and bothered very easily about people misreading your posts. Maybe you need to take your own advice.
1st amendment says freedom of the press also. Porno is published. Hence it is covered by the first amendment. You don't like porn don't buy it.