Population and the Bible!

KennyJC said:
Don't forget Adam lived for 930 years. That's plenty of time despite the Earth being 6 or 7 thousand years old, to get the human population up to 6 billion.
I wonder how many women he was with... damn! That's gotta be fun...

Except maybe the diseases... thank him for sexually transmitted diseases?
Well, Alexb123 with statistics you can prove anything if you want to :
If women get their children when they are 25 years old , that would mean that from
Noah 5000 years ago there would have been 200 reproductive generations (5000/25 =
If each generation grows 12 % more than the former in average , it would mean that
now there would be 1.12 timed with itself 200 times = 6.9 billions x the first population (at least 2) = 13.8 billions .......... it is possible ......

that would mean that every woman should get 2.24 surviving children in average - does anybody have a saw .............
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Thanks Lord this is what I was looking for, but can anyone add more details to this? Birth and mortality rates over time need to be added, so wars and diesease etc.

Also nobody has attemped to work out the evolution stats. If we are talking about man being around for millions of years then the stats would be a totally diff story. Maybe even a provable story.

I think Religion has won the first round.
As I said you can prove anything with statistics - sometimes even false things ......

The problem is that 5000 years might be to short a time for biological and racial diversity - in else all 13.8 billions might look a lot like Noah and his wife ....
Figures lie and liars figure.

So here's one culled from my memory banks.

Modern man....homo sapiens sapiens is only 25-30 thousand years old. I stand to be corrected.
I am sorry to inform you, Alexb123, but these facts (birth,mortality rates for the last 5000 years) are not recorded , I can only provide you with this theoretical statistic, that actually only proves that it is theoretical possible in numbers , but probably not in reality .........
alexb123 said:
Thanks Lord this is what I was looking for, but can anyone add more details to this? Birth and mortality rates over time need to be added, so wars and diesease etc.

Also nobody has attemped to work out the evolution stats. If we are talking about man being around for millions of years then the stats would be a totally diff story. Maybe even a provable story.

I think Religion has won the first round.

I guess what you want are answers from an Evangelical stance, and that i cannot give so... I think you're better off reading from sites like these

Q&A bible/science
Missing still missing? My advice is to learn a much about each and every major Religion if for some reason you are inclided to study religion over science.