Population and the Bible!


The Amish web page is fast!
Valued Senior Member
Ok if we started with Adam and Eve 7000 years ago? Was it 7000? And today we have 6 billion people, does the maths work out?

What are the factors we need to look at here?

Also what would be the factors if we looking at the Maths for Evolution filling the earth with 6 Billion.

So we are looking at:

Bible Maths vs Evolution Maths

One two, one two, duck, punch.
Has it been 7000 years already. Where does the time go? I think you may have to readjust the time scale because if I recall the good Lord slaughtered an entire Earth's population some years after A&E (5000 years ago?) leaving only a small ship's crew alive.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Has it been 7000 years already. Where does the time go? I think you may have to readjust the time scale because if I recall the good Lord slaughtered an entire Earth's population some years after A&E (5000 years ago?) leaving only a small ship's crew alive.

:p not only that, 6500 years ago polynesians and north east asians were drag racing to the main (new world) to grow super corn.

Really though "Major" civilzation has been proven to exist between 6500-8000 in years in SOUTH AMERICA :eek:. so i don't know where you get 7k from?
ArtofWar please don't worry to much about facts after all we are talking about the Bible here.
Lucy from Ethiopia - one of the oldest hominids has been dated to at least 3.5 millions years old ......
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Can anyone shed some light on the Bible's age for mankind? The line of descent goes from adam and eve to christ doesn't it? Then again thing really start again in Noah's time!
Well hypothetically this would mean that we all come from a bunch of inbred bastard’s seeing how Adam and eve were parentless children searching for truth in form of Thomas Hobbs’s “state of nature”
The inbreeding was so rife that most people were giving birth to themselves.
well either way we come from someform of self recreation or reproduction. when bacteria splits it duplicates itself. So i guess i would rather adhere to the theory explaining lower lifeforms doing anything to survive/reproduce and eventually evolving into lifeforms of Moral consequence that practice Coitus
Don't forget Adam lived for 930 years. That's plenty of time despite the Earth being 6 or 7 thousand years old, to get the human population up to 6 billion.
KennyJC said:
Don't forget Adam lived for 930 years. That's plenty of time despite the Earth being 6 or 7 thousand years old, to get the human population up to 6 billion.

Also since we all know that people in the bible were all white, the people in Africa and New Guiniea did some serious tanning in just two Millennia, and that is if the serious bible goers of the late 1500's believed that they were actually human ;)
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KennyJC said:
Don't forget Adam lived for 930 years. That's plenty of time despite the Earth being 6 or 7 thousand years old, to get the human population up to 6 billion.

:eek: The one man Theory, Wow :)
ArtofWar said:
Well hypothetically this would mean that we all come from a bunch of inbred bastard’s seeing how Adam and eve were parentless children searching for truth in form of Thomas Hobbs’s “state of nature”

Before the b-thumping community jumps on this one it may be good to know that Genesis also states god made more of us after A&E.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Before the b-thumping community jumps on this one it may be good to know that Genesis also states god made more of us after A&E.

So your saying that alexb123's "one man theory" is indirect truth :D, cuz if that is the case Adam should be all out of Ribs then! alright just kidding seriously where in Da Bible, umm Genesis is this stated?
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Not sure where but it was pointed out to me by somebody awhile back when I used the same logic. I have a bible here to reference but if i pull it out to look at it my chair will fall over.
Psychotic any ideas how many others were made?

ArtOfWar I want to base my views here on Maths. Although I believe in Evolution this might be a chance for creationists to prove a better case. Maybe you can draw some evidence from the Bible, that can be tested, this might be one of them?
alexb123 said:
Psychotic any ideas how many others were made?


Doesn't really matter if he made 6 billion. God kills 'em all anyway in the flood. OOPs, except the ship builder and immediate family.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Has it been 7000 years already. Where does the time go? I think you may have to readjust the time scale because if I recall the good Lord slaughtered an entire Earth's population some years after A&E (5000 years ago?) leaving only a small ship's crew alive.
M*W: Then they made a quirky TV series about it called "Gilligan's Island."
PsychoticEpisode said:
Has it been 7000 years already. Where does the time go? I think you may have to readjust the time scale because if I recall the good Lord slaughtered an entire Earth's population some years after A&E (5000 years ago?) leaving only a small ship's crew alive.
How merciful...
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Then they made a quirky TV series about it called "Gilligan's Island."

Only difference is there's a lot more sex between the Ark survivors.