Pope's Justification For Pedophilia


Briefly noone gives a fuck what happened to those kids or what might be happening to some now.
Like Muslims encourage marriage at very early age.

What makes me sick is they actually don't recognise or take the term pedophilia as dangerous seperated problem by itself.
It's mentioned with prostitution, pornography in general and something getting more acceptable with democracy and free speech?! This is fucking nuts.
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"The psychological destruction of children, in which human persons are reduced to articles of merchandise, is a terrifying sign of the times," Benedict said.
It was FAR worse in PAST times. As little as a few hundred years ago it was entirely possible to BUY human beings including children at the local market.

Jean Jacques Rousseau talks about doing just that in this writings.
It was FAR worse in PAST times. As little as a few hundred years ago it was entirely possible to BUY human beings including children at the local market.

Jean Jacques Rousseau talks about doing just that in this writings.

Indeed it was.
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How many times have you seen the movie "Stigmata"?

Does the movie's release coincide with your unfortunate experience leading you to Jesus, or did it all happen later?

i've never seen it. what the hell are you talking about?
Let it out girl, but don't go beyond yourself with concepts, you confuse yourself, it looks embarrassing.

It's perfectly clear what's meant in my post. Interestingly you're intelligent enough to understand it, but not good at acting stupid.

I am not talking about my fucking morals either, it's private.

It's not any irrelevant than your answer to birch's post. Actually, mine is better related to yours,his and the topic.

you were talking about morals, and having a tantrum like some child.

listen, if you don't know the difference between the relationship between a husband and wife and the relationship between a john and a prostitute, then you're one of two things. either you're a liar, or you're pathetic. pick one.

communion is a holistic, honest, and committed relationship, founded in love.
you were talking about morals, and having a tantrum like some child.

listen, if you don't know the difference between the relationship between a husband and wife and the relationship between a john and a prostitute, then you're one of two things. either you're a liar, or you're pathetic. pick one.

communion is a holistic, honest, and committed relationship, founded in love.

Stop insulting.

You're the one trying to sell your own morals as the high and the only one.

Noone is talking about "love". I am talking about a situation. Get real and stop dreaming about a control that cannot be managed.

The only mistake I am doing is, taking someone like you seriously enough to answer her posts.
Stop insulting.

You're the one trying to sell your own morals as the high and the only one.

Noone is talking about "love". I am talking about a situation. Get real and stop dreaming about a control that cannot be managed.

The only mistake I am doing is, taking someone like you seriously enough to answer her posts.

well, love just happens to be the answer, so perhaps someone should be talking about it. morals are quite obviously not the answer. morals are just egotistical bullshit, and i'm not selling that, the vatican is though. i'm not selling shit. what i stand for can't be bought or sold.
It's a movie. ETA: Advertising your sickness of "everyone and everywhere is the church".

not everyone and everywhere. you really should stick to what you know and perhaps think about not referring to movies as your source.
christians are wolves in sheeps clothing.
all of them?
all of them. even the ones on here who pretend otherwise.
hey i am as messed up as you are.
they may not even realize it but they are perpetuating a religion because it all is based on the bible
this assumes all christians belief is based on the bible..(i will accept that the majority are)

which will continually uphold and strengthen religion.
this is true..
all fundamental religions need to have less power.
this also is true..

I also am the Church..
not everyone and everywhere. you really should stick to what you know and perhaps think about not referring to movies as your source.

This is one of the major problems. Every one of the believers -not just as Jews, Christian,Muslims; but as individuals in one group against each other- claims they know the real thing.

And that's a thing can be seen by anyone with a little sense.

Movies are great tools for brainwashing. What you said in your post reminded me the movie, I didn't offer it as a source.
That movie was taken very seriously generally by Christians, sole Jesus followers and negatively as Vatican. As a "message", it briefly says what you have been saying about your faith all along.

And you are one person, the movie was watched by millions. At this point I don't know what to think of your ego by the claim "not everyone and everywhere". Why are you right and they're wrong? You're defending the same thing.
In his traditional Christmas address yesterday to cardinals and officials working in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society.

He's right. There is a NAMBLA after all. And didn't the Dutch put forth a political party based only on pedophilia?
There was a time -before the eighteenth century - when children were not considered distinct from adults. At some point during the Industrial revolution, childhood was given some sort of hallowed status which brought in the concept of consent, minors, age of reason, age for voting, age for marriage [all of which are highly localised and based on local attitudes towards what constitutes the divide between childhood and adulthood]

Now we live in an age where children are a separate species and gender.But its a fairly recent phenomenon and not entirely embraced everywhere [social workers in India, for example, are apt to come up against violent opposition when they try to prevent child marriages].

But the trend now is towards childlike prepubescent images of women and waxed slender representations of men.
well, love just happens to be the answer, so perhaps someone should be talking about it. morals are quite obviously not the answer. morals are just egotistical bullshit, and i'm not selling that, the vatican is though. i'm not selling shit. what i stand for can't be bought or sold.

Lori, you just wrote in your previous post, how a relationship MUST be according to your belief. And called me "a liar and a pathetic" if I can't see that.
How are you not selling your own morals?
There was a time -before the eighteenth century - when children were not considered distinct from adults. At some point during the Industrial revolution, childhood was given some sort of hallowed status which brought in the concept of consent, minors, age of reason, age for voting, age for marriage [all of which are highly localised and based on local attitudes towards what constitutes the divide between childhood and adulthood]

Now we live in an age where children are a separate species and gender.But its a fairly recent phenomenon and not entirely embraced everywhere [social workers in India, for example, are apt to come up against violent opposition when they try to prevent child marriages].

But the trend now is towards childlike prepubescent images of women and waxed slender representations of men.

I knew there were a strong tendency to expect a child to grow up very quickly in the past. But I didn't know it this detailed. It explains a lot.
From some Disney movies to the topic we're talking about.
I knew there were a strong tendency to expect a child to grow up very quickly in the past. But I didn't know it this detailed. It explains a lot.
From some Disney movies to the topic we're talking about.

Maybe its a control issue. The trend for "attractive" today is almost the same as "without secondary sexual characteristics". Hence you have women with slim, almost emaciated bodies, small breasts, waxed pubic hair - you have men without five o'clock shadows, the metrosexual with a manicure, a slim build, a waxed chest.

Its weird, but people who are more like children than adults are the standard for attractiveness in society. In some stores you cannot even shop above a certain size. I think it portends an acceptance of child pornography. You don't have to be 14 just look 14. Just look at the ads for American Apparel.

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This is one of the major problems. Every one of the believers -not just as Jews, Christian,Muslims; but as individuals in one group against each other- claims they know the real thing.

And that's a thing can be seen by anyone with a little sense.

Movies are great tools for brainwashing. What you said in your post reminded me the movie, I didn't offer it as a source.
That movie was taken very seriously generally by Christians, sole Jesus followers and negatively as Vatican. As a "message", it briefly says what you have been saying about your faith all along.

And you are one person, the movie was watched by millions. At this point I don't know what to think of your ego by the claim "not everyone and everywhere". Why are you right and they're wrong? You're defending the same thing.

imo it's not about arguing with other people about what's right and what's wrong, but about trusting your own experience, and allowing that to affect you and your perceptions, thoughts, and behavior, and your destiny. i said, "not everyone and everywhere" because not everyone is open to certain experience, and even if they were, don't trust their own experience. atheists attest to that here all the time. i discuss and argue the rightness or wrongness of different things out here simply because it's a discussion forum, but from a practical standpoint, i don't make my beliefs some kind of political agenda, or use them as an excuse to hate people or to judge them. my beliefs actually encourage me to love people. i think someone would be hard-pressed to say that's wrong. though obviously, according to many people's behavior, they do think that's wrong. a lot of those people are religious.