Pope says condom use is acceptable in 'single justified cases'

Who is speaking for the animals? Lol, priceless.

and you would easily laugh at the suffering or make light of it. what a christian but somehow doesn't surprise me.

it's your use of cognitive dissonance and stupid hypocrisy so that you can pretend that your god or creator is never at fault. you think humans are separate from animals but criticize society and think there is nothing wrong with the animal kingdom. how society is, is a result of the animal kingdom, humans are animals. all those primitive motivations and actions that one would find unsavory in human society exists in the animal kingdom such as violence and manipulation of every imaginable way; murder, rape, infanticide, theft, parasitism, fighting, selfishness, stalking, dishonesty, promiscuity, territorial disputes, and pecking orders (bullying).

it's easier for you to just say that the animal kingdom is perfect (so that your god can remain blameless) and stupidly cite that whatever is wrong or not liked in human society is due to not recognizing what god wants us to do.

it would have been smarter of you to say that animals are ignorant and are not aware as much as we are to what is motivating them and thus have less control but even if you admitted that, you would still have to deal with the obvious which is those primitive motivations still exist in humans. did god make a mistake or are you going to continue to gloss over the obvious and say humans need to overcome it? something which god allowed or created.

you are not even reasoning at all. you just repeat mainstream rhetoric, 'animals are fine, it's humans that are bad'. it's pathetic actually why you say this because it's not because you give a damn about the animal kingdom but it's because what animals do, does not concern you (that's why you see nothing wrong with it) but what humans do affect you more and you deal with it everyday.

it's also a way for you to keep "god" out of the hot-seat or even questioned when all the responsibility is put on humans, though what you blame them for is exactly what god had created in the first place. hypocritical much? so the correct question you should be asking yourself is: should humans try to overcome what god has created? should they overcome jealousy, anger, dishonesty, and selfishness that results in violence, murder, rape, killing, theft, wars and destruction? wake up and laugh at yourself. the real world doesn't work on your imaginary level such as 'okay if i put this over here in my mind and that over there, that is perfect'. lmao

no, it's humans that show a greater capacity for evil or destruction because we are even more aware. that would still point to a creator's responsibility if you believe it was responsible for the creation of "everything." you don't get it: we are the animal kingdom! we just live in buildings instead of dug-outs or caves, we fight and kill using weapons we've made intead of our teeth and claws etc.

it's amazing how strangely dishonest one's mind would have to be to self-delude as you have.
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So I think this needs to be seen for what it is - a pastoral reflection that recognizes human sinfulness and fraility rather than a dogmatic pronunciation.

The church's problem is continues to see non procreative sex as a sin.
this attitude has always been a major cause of suffering not only
caused by Christianity but all the major religions.
and you would easily laugh at the suffering or make light of it. what a christian but somehow doesn't surprise me.

it's your use of cognitive dissonance and stupid hypocrisy so that you can pretend that your god or creator is never at fault. you think humans are separate from animals but criticize society and think there is nothing wrong with the animal kingdom. how society is, is a result of the animal kingdom, humans are animals. all those primitive motivations that one would find unsavory in human society exists in the animal kingdom such as murder, rape, infanticide, theft, parasitism, fighting, selfishness, stalking, dishonesty, promiscuity, territorial disputes, and pecking orders (bullying).

it's easier for you to just say that the animal kingdom is perfect (so that your god can remain blameless) and stupidly cite that whatever is wrong or not liked in human society is due to not recognizing what god wants us to do.

it would have been smarter of you to say that animals are ignorant and are not aware as much as we are to what is motivating them and thus have less control but even if you admitted that, you would still have to deal with the obvious which is those primitive motivations still exist in humans. did god make a mistake or are you going to continue to gloss over the obvious and say humans need to overcome it? something which god allowed or created.

you are not even reasoning at all. you just repeat mainstream rhetoric, 'animals are fine, it's humans that are bad'.

no, it's humans that show a greater capacity for evil or destruction because we are even more aware. that would still point to a creator's responsibility if you believe it was responsible for the creation of "everything." you don't get it: we are the animal kingdom! we just live in buildings instead of dug-outs or caves, we fight and kill using weapons we've made intead of our teeth and claws etc.

it's amazing how strangely dishonest one's mind would have to be to self-delude as you have.

ok, first of all, YOU brought up the animal kingdom, not me. then proceeded to accuse me of speaking on their behalf when i had not, and then proceeded to speak on their behalf. now, you're speaking for me. what a piece of work you are in this kingdom!

you want to talk about parasites? here's a video about the world's worst parasite.


in the bible it says that god gave man dominion over the garden (earth), and over the animals. that actually means that we're supposed to take care of them, but apparently that was "misinterpreted" at some point to mean "exploit the hell out of". and we know what's wrong. look, we even made a video about it! maybe we just need a widespread and selective extermination, and that's also in the bible.
ok, first of all, YOU brought up the animal kingdom, not me. then proceeded to accuse me of speaking on their behalf when i had not, and then proceeded to speak on their behalf. now, you're speaking for me. what a piece of work you are in this kingdom!

you didn't get it. it's because humans are a part of the animal kingdom. you keep thinking what is wrong with he world is just humans but what motivates humans is primitive drives that are the basis of all life. you are so desperate to believe in a creator that is perfect just like a kid who wants to believe their parent is perfect that you will make any excuses.

the piece of work is you but you don't get it. it's because you strangely don't perceive reality.

in the bible it says that god gave man dominion over the garden (earth), and over the animals. that actually means that we're supposed to take care of them, but apparently that was "misinterpreted" at some point to mean "exploit the hell out of".

that's bs. it's just a way to say that humans have reached the top of the food chain. as far as exploitation, that is inherent in nature. humans are just much more adept at it.

it's just amazing how you give yourself away and are all over the place with your points. you said you see nothing wrong with the animal kingdom. it's like saying you see nothing wrong with a system that depends on or is built on or uses murder. what great morals! lmao. it's clear you don't really have any in any real sense of the word. your seeming nonchalance is not even in alignment with the bible either as it's clear why it differentiates between the world/universe, hell and heaven.

if you think there is nothing inherently wrong with this system, you should not care about an after life either or going to heaven. why would you? it's alright here with all the killing, disease, wars, hatred, anger, jealousy, greed, covetousness, malice etc.

oh, that's right. humans are not animals and they are the only ones who get to go to heaven. animals are fine and they like it just the way it is. that's very convenient.

do you even know what you believe or think?
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you didn't get it. it's because humans are a part of the animal kingdom. you keep thinking what is wrong with he world is just humans but what motivates humans is primitive drives that are the basis of all life.

the piece of work is you but you don't get it. it's because you strangely don't perceive reality.

i perceive reality just fine, the difference is i don't make excuses for it. i'm tired of shrugging shoulders and saying, "well, we're all only human". and i DO get it. i get what's wrong with humans. i get what's wrong with myself...unlike an animal, for all our rocket scientists are worth. hahaha.
that's bs. it's just a way to say that humans have reached the top of the food chain. as far as exploitation, that is inherent in nature. humans are just much more adept at it.

it's my belief that humans who do not desire to exploit will rise even further up the food chain, and the world will be a much better place. :)
'm tired of shrugging shoulders and saying, "well, we're all only human". and i DO get it.

that's true, humans do have more responsiblity for their actions because they are more aware but you ignore that the things we find immoral that we want to overcome is endemic in nature. it is what nature is built on.

so if you believe in a creator, it is similar to saying we must overcome the mistakes or wrongdoing of god. but you don't want to see it that way which is not that big a deal but it is illogical. i wouldn't want to burst your bubble entirely.
For evolution substitute corruption. The Catholic church has little to
do with God, rather it is an instrument power, social control and finance.
The Vatican was created by Benito Mussolini in 1929, currently the president
of the totally unregulated Vatican Bank is under investigation for money

I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's nature leaves room for improvement, unlike Islam, for instance.
that's true, humans do have more responsiblity for their actions because they are more aware but you ignore that the things we find immoral that we want to overcome is endemic in nature. it is what nature is built on.

so if you believe in a creator, it is similar to saying we must overcome the mistakes or wrongdoing of god. but you don't want to see it that way which is not that big a deal but it is illogical. i wouldn't want to burst your bubble entirely.

it is NOT god's fault we're in this mess. we asked for knowledge and we got it. now some of us are ready to take that knowledge and change things. i don't give a crap about morality; i care about what actually is right and wrong. for all of our morality, most people don't give a crap about even that...it's just another thing to fight about and to hate each other about and kill each other about. you mark my words, what is wrong with us is NOT what "nature" is built on, and because of that, "nature" is about to correct all of us. and i'm all for it.
I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's nature leaves room for improvement, unlike Islam, for instance.

I guess you're right, they don't burn heretics at the stake any more,
they're too busy sexually abusing choir boys.

While Islam has a bad habit of stoning its women and beheading
homosexuals, but no one said they were perfect either.
it is NOT god's fault we're in this mess. we asked for knowledge and we got it. now some of us are ready to take that knowledge and change things. i don't give a crap about morality; i care about what actually is right and wrong. for all of our morality, most people don't give a crap about even that...it's just another thing to fight about and to hate each other about and kill each other about. you mark my words, what is wrong with us is NOT what "nature" is built on, and because of that, "nature" is about to correct all of us. and i'm all for it.

a christian saying they don't give a crap about morality! thanks for that strange contradiction. anyways, your statement is a case of anyone can spew anything. of course you care about morality, because i know you would if say someone were to rape you today or murder one of your loved ones etc. just because you say you don't doesn't mean squat in reality.

you still don't get it. what you think is wrong about nature of humans is what nature is built on. you just can believe otherwise when you have a false sense of security or can maintain it for certain lengths of time such as being safe in your house, have police nearby to come to rescue, have hospital at the ready etc.

what a selfish person that's fabricated all these erroneous mental defense mechanisms/excuses. for all your talk about nature correcting us, your motivation is because you see what people do affecting human lives. you state things as if it's about nature but that is not what it really is. you would have no problem with the murder happening among animals but you would if it happened among humans etc.

very dishonest mind.
a christian saying they don't give a crap about morality! thanks for that strange contradiction. anyways, your statement is a case of anyone can spew anything. of course you care about morality, because i know you would if say someone were to rape you today or murder one of your loved ones etc. just because you say you don't doesn't mean squat in reality.

you still don't get it. what you think is wrong about nature of humans is what nature is built on. you just can believe otherwise when you have a false sense of security or can maintain it for certain lengths of time such as being safe in your house, have police nearby to come to rescue, have hospital at the ready etc.

what a selfish person that's fabricated all these erroneous mental defense mechanisms/excuses. for all your talk about nature correcting us, your motivation is because you see what people do affecting human lives. you state things as if it's about nature but that is not what it really is. you would have no problem with the murder happening among animals but you would if it happened among humans etc.

very dishonest mind.

well since you're doing such a poor job of making my mind up for me, i suppose you can boast that.

who said that i think rape and murder are the right things to do? you, that's who.

you want to talk about an erroneous mental defense? how about "i'm an animal"? in defense of the fact that there are a number of people on this earth right now who are willing to trade ALL THIS (sarcastic tone) in a second, for a new kingdom who's only steadfast rule is to love each other truly and completely at all times.

we're taking over, and "nature" is actually going to see us through this endeavor.

in defense of the fact that there are a number of people on this earth right now who are willing to trade ALL THIS (sarcastic tone) in a second, for a new kingdom who's only steadfast rule is to love each other truly and completely at all times.

and i agree that there are many people who are more awake in this way. this is more a case of 'in spite of' nature (not how you put it) but work with nature because we have to. the realization that we are all in this together and nature has to be bent to our will to make it work for us. like i had said before, it's like being in many ways a cruel prison system. you support eachother for what you value or think is good in a system that does not really care or pitting you against others for survival even if that betrays your real values (valuing life).
The church's problem is continues to see non procreative sex as a sin.
this attitude has always been a major cause of suffering not only
caused by Christianity but all the major religions.
Seriously. Almost all media organs on this planet aggressively want to find a chink in the Church's armor on the question of contraception (among other topics). Not a one of them is above grossly misrepresenting the Pope's words to advance that agenda. Despite my lack of official authority, I will deliver myself right now of an infallible statement on an article of faith:

If any news report suggests a change in the Catholic Church's declared doctrine, that report is lying.

Might it be morally permissible for a male prostitute, before sodomizing another man, to apply a condom to lessen the likelihood of transmitting AIDS? Since it would obviously have no contraceptive effect or intent in this case, I could see that the Pope might find it not morally impermissible. There's still the small matter of the basic behavior with its attendant moral difficulties which I do not understand the Pope to have in any way diminished.
Might it be morally permissible for a male prostitute, before sodomizing another man, to apply a condom to lessen the likelihood of transmitting AIDS? Since it would obviously have no contraceptive effect or intent in this case, I could see that the Pope might find it not morally impermissible. There's still the small matter of the basic behavior with its attendant moral difficulties which I do not understand the Pope to have in any way diminished.

Right ok, so what about a woman that can't have children but wants to fuck lots of guys, can she insist they wear a condom?

I would suggest that if the Pope feels so strongly on the issue he could spend some time in a brothel, perhaps even watching people engage in sexual acts and gain a perspective on their thoughts and desires. If he's not too busy of course.