Pope John Paul II's Last Words

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You do love to do that copy-and-paste thing, don't you? I bet you're so good you don't even click the Edit menu, do ya, you just CTRL+C and CTRL+V like a real pro!

(The heavy repetition of "Texas tycoon" in one of your previous posts indicates a predilection for find-and-replace, too.)

Edit:I'm sorry, Garry, that was rude of me: Happy 50th Birthday for last Friday!
What I'm seeing here is a serious case of terminal psychosis with bi-polar manic depression manifesting in grandoise behavior and MPD. He said he "liked rocks," but I think they are all in his head. His posts exude the melee of his mind.

This kind of behaviour is not uncommon for 50 year olds who yearn to reclaim their childhood. If you check his picture with his fingers in the air, his baseball cap, his college style tshirt that looks like he's been painting in it and his "friendship" bracelet, you can see the guy thinks he's 16 years old.

The reason for this is that generally the younger years were robbed by, (most likely), very authoritarian parents. While other children were out playing, Denke was forced to milk the cows and clean up the pig poo. What would have started out as relatively harmless imaginary friends, is now way beyond all that and he indeed believes himself to be something much better than what he is. Unfortunately the long years of these delusions have left Denke pretty much incapable of stringing a legible sentence together and completely unable to grasp much concerning reality.

The religious nature comes from a mixture of things, but namely handed down from his parents. His parents house most likely contained quite a few images of jesus, and Denke has since then established a "desire" for the jesus appearance - which signifies a repressed homosexuality, (which can also be seen further by his belt, and the way it is done up).

Of course, this is just a basic exam from the few details available to work with.

Oh and just to prove that I can tell the future, Garry Denke will respond to this with some useless website links and worthless text.
Silas said:
You do love to do that copy-and-paste thing, don't you?

Man it does save time.

Silas said:
I bet you're so good you don't even click the Edit menu, do ya, you just CTRL+C and CTRL+V like a real pro!

Man its' the best, a real time saver.

Silas said:
(The heavy repetition of "A Texas Tycoon" in one of your previous posts indicates a predilection for find-and-replace, too.)

Man you sure would like others to think so.

Silas said:
(Edit:I'm sorry, Garry, that was rude of me: Happy 50th Birthday for last Friday!

Man it was the best, even better than my 30th Birthday
on that Monday 1st April 1985 at Wilts and Hants Times.

Thanks Silas!

God of Genesis,
the Spirit of God
SnakeLord said:
This kind of behaviour is not uncommon for 50 year olds who yearn to reclaim their childhood. If you check his picture with his fingers in the air, his baseball cap, his college style tshirt that looks like he's been painting in it and his "friendship" bracelet, you can see the guy thinks he's 16 years old. The reason for this is that generally the younger years were robbed by, (most likely), very authoritarian parents. While other children were out playing, Denke was forced to milk the cows and clean up the pig poo. What would have started out as relatively harmless imaginary friends, is now way beyond all that and he indeed believes himself to be something much better than what he is. Unfortunately the long years of these delusions have left Denke pretty much incapable of stringing a legible sentence together and completely unable to grasp much concerning reality. The religious nature comes from a mixture of things, but namely handed down from his parents. His parents house most likely contained quite a few images of jesus, and Denke has since then established a "desire" for the jesus appearance - which signifies a repressed homosexuality, (which can also be seen further by his belt, and the way it is done up). Of course, this is just a basic exam from the few details available to work with. Oh and just to prove that I can tell the future, Garry Denke will respond to this with some useless website links and worthless text.

Here is the photo of ...

"the Devil, and Satan
. . . Crucify him, Crucify him, . . ."
~ ~ ~ Texas Jewish Post ~ ~ ~

the first
the last

Rock on !


two \ / two
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The Polish Seminary Student and the Jewish Girl He Saved

N Y Times Published: April 6, 2005 International Herald Tribune

Here is a family story of Pope John Paul II, an intimate tale of his humanity.

During the summer of 1942, two women in Krakow, Poland, were denounced as Jews, taken to the city's prison, held there for a few months and then sent to the Belzec death camp, where in October they were killed in primitive Nazi gas chambers by carbon monoxide from diesel engines.
Their names were Frimeta Gelband and Salomea Zierer; they were sisters. As it happens, Frimeta was my wife's grandmother. Salomea - known as Salla - had two daughters, one of whom survived the war and one of whom did not.

The elder of these daughters was Edith Zierer. In January 1945, at age 13, she emerged from a Nazi labor camp in Czestochowa, Poland, a waif on the verge of death. Separated from her family, unaware that her mother had been killed by the Germans, she could scarcely walk.

But walk she did, to a train station, where she climbed onto a coal wagon. The train moved slowly, the wind cut through her. When the cold became too much to bear, she got down at a village called Jedrzejow. In a corner of the station, she sat. Nobody looked at her, a girl in the striped and numbered uniform of a prisoner, late in a terrible war. Unable to move, Edith waited.

Death was approaching, but a young man approached first, "very good looking," as she recalled, and vigorous. He wore a long robe and appeared to be a priest. "Why are you here?" he asked. "What are you doing?" Edith said she was trying to get to Krakow to find her parents.

The man disappeared. He came back with a cup of tea. Edith drank. He said he could help her get to Krakow. Again the mysterious benefactor went away, returning with bread and cheese. They talked about the advancing Soviet Army. Edith said she believed that her parents and younger sister, Judith, were alive.

"Try to stand," the man said. Edith tried and failed. He carried her to another village, where he put her in the cattle car of a train bound for Krakow. Another family was there. The man got in beside Edith, covered her with his cloak and made a small fire.

His name, he told Edith, was Karol Wojtyla. Although she took him for a priest, he was still a seminarian who would not be ordained until the next year. Thirty-three more years would pass before he became Pope John Paul II and embarked on a papacy that would help break the Communist hold on Central Europe and so transform the world.

What moved this young seminarian to save the life of a lost Jewish girl cannot be known. But it is clear that his was an act of humanity made as the two great mass movements of the 20th century, the twin totalitarianisms of Fascism and Communism, bore down on his nation, Poland.

Here were two people in a ravaged land, a 24-year-old Catholic and a 13-year-old Jew. The future pope had already lost his mother, father and brother. Edith, although she did not know it yet, had already lost her mother at Belzec, her father at Maidanek and her little sister at Auschwitz. They could not have been more alone.

Pope John Paul II is widely viewed as having been a man of unshakable convictions that some found old-fashioned or rigid. But perhaps he offered his truth with the same simplicity and directness he showed in proffering tea and bread and shelter from cold to an abandoned Jewish girl in 1945, when nobody was watching.

It was based in the belief that, as he once put it, "a degradation, indeed a pulverization, of the fundamental uniqueness of each human being" was at the root of the mass movements of the 20th century, Communism and Fascism.

Stalin once contemptuously asked, "How many divisions has the pope?" Starting with his 1979 visit to Poland, John Paul gave an answer.

Perhaps the strength that enabled him to play a central role in ending Communism and the strength that led him to save Edith Zierer did not differ fundamentally. Like his healing ecumenism, those acts required the courage born of a core certitude.

Edith fled from Karol Wojtyla when they arrived at Krakow in 1945. The family on the train, also Jews, had warned her that he might take her off to "the cloisters." She recalls him calling out, "Edyta, Edyta!" - the Polish form of her name - as she hid behind large containers of milk.

But hiding was not forgetting. She wrote his name in a diary, her savior, and in 1978, when she read in a copy of Paris-Match that he had become pope, she broke into tears. By then Edith Zierer was in Haifa, Israel, where she now lives.

Letters to him went unanswered. But at last, in 1997, she received a letter from the Vatican in which the pope recalled their meeting. A year later they met again at the Vatican. Edith thanked the pope for saving her. He put one hand on her head, another hand in hers, and blessed her. As she parted, he said, "Come back, my child."


There was more to this pope than we will ever know. He was a man of strong convictions, and of strong humanity. Whatever faith he was, or no faith at all doesn't change that he was a great leader, and a very humane man.
SnakeLord: This kind of behaviour is not uncommon for 50 year olds who yearn to reclaim their childhood. If you check his picture with his fingers in the air, his baseball cap, his college style tshirt that looks like he's been painting in it and his "friendship" bracelet, you can see the guy thinks he's 16 years old.
M*W: You're right, Snake, but I don't think he's trying to recapture his youth, I think he ever left it. He's stayed at 16 years old since he was 16. Now, as you know, something traumatic must have happened to him around this age to stifle his maturation. When I first read his posts, I got the impression that he must have been sexually abused as a child, and to ensure that he could obliterate the psychological trauma that caused him anguish, he began drinking heavily and using drugs. Just look at those eyes. Those are the eyes of a psychotic. They are Charlie Manson eyes.
SnakeLord: The reason for this is that generally the younger years were robbed by, (most likely), very authoritarian parents. While other children were out playing, Denke was forced to milk the cows and clean up the pig poo. What would have started out as relatively harmless imaginary friends, is now way beyond all that and he indeed believes himself to be something much better than what he is. Unfortunately the long years of these delusions have left Denke pretty much incapable of stringing a legible sentence together and completely unable to grasp much concerning reality.
M*W: I agree. He didn't get to play outside and get dirty like we used to do as kids. I made many a mud pie in my day. Garry didn't have a childhood, and so he created one for himself. Now, he's the child playing in his own professional sandbox.
SnakeLord: The religious nature comes from a mixture of things, but namely handed down from his parents. His parents house most likely contained quite a few images of jesus, and Denke has since then established a "desire" for the jesus appearance - which signifies a repressed homosexuality, (which can also be seen further by his belt, and the way it is done up).
M*W: Interestingly, you picked up on his homosexuality which you described by his belt. I saw it in his dark, deep-set, HIV+ looking eyes, and he's a might thin for being about 6 feet tall and weighing only about 165 pounds.
SnakeLord: Of course, this is just a basic exam from the few details available to work with.

Oh and just to prove that I can tell the future, Garry Denke will respond to this with some useless website links and worthless text.
M*W: He definitely is obsessed with himself as are many psychotics. The problem is that they are unable to live in reality, so their sick world is all they've got. Just look at all those geological surveys he posted plus all those other unrelated ones. It is true he is unable to make a point, because his mind is so scattered -- or should I say "shattered?" In addition to all his other demons, he also has a bad case of OCD. But you were definitely right about his obsession with youth. Just look at those photos of him when he was 16! Those were the days that would never end for Garry Denke.
Arditezza said:

There was more to this pope than we will ever know. He was a man of strong convictions, and of strong humanity. Whatever faith he was, or no faith at all doesn't change that he was a great leader, and a very humane man.
Revelation 21:1-3
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”​
Concerning this new heaven (this Earth planet because YHWH lives here) and the new earth (the Galaxy planet where Jesus Christ lives), and concerning the first heaven of this solar system (the Mars planet) which was the first earth (of this solar system) no longer having any sea;

BE IT KNOWN that Jesus Christ will be teaching the universal polarity reversal polar-flip process on the Galaxy planet Cross (the new earth Jesus Christ is developing) while the universal polarity reversal polar-flip is observed there and at this new heaven (and all 139,998 other Galaxy planets having evolved life), on Excavation Day, specifically, at Exhumation Hour, of the artifacts underneath Heelstone, Stonehenge, State of Great Britain, United Kingdom:

1) gold ark (2.5c-1.5c-1.5c)
2) gold table (2c-1c-1.5c)
3) gold altar (1c-1c-2c)
4) gold candlestick
5) gold breastplate
6) gold ephod
7) gold censer

On the Second day following Jesus Christ's new death on the Galaxy planet by crucifixion, timed precisely to occur on the Second day following the beginning of Excavation Day, specifically, at Exhumation Hour, of such artifacts located inside YHWH's brass altar (5c-5c-3c) underneath Heelstone, Stonehenge, State of Great Britain, United Kingdom:


Round the Heelstone clockwise Xsections
1) A-A' (1979) C91 quadrant bearing; N 73 E
2) B-B' (1953) C36 quadrant bearing; S 67 E
3) C-C' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 57 E
4) D-D' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; South
5) E-E' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E
6) F-F' (1923) C6 quadrant bearings; S 2 W - S 22 E
7) G-G' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E
8) H-H' (1956) C51 quadrant bearing; S 63 E
9) I-I' (1979) C91 quadrant bearings; S 71 E - S 34 E - S 71 E / S 71 E


the universal polarity reversal polar-flip will occur, and, at the same specific time on said Second day Jesus Christ will return to this heaven (this Earth planet) for a One hour visit, after His reconnaissance of the next Galaxy planet new earth, (the new Hell planet 144,001 having dinosaurs).

Concerning that certain person holding back this occurring, against crude kind tidings of YHWH, and against kind greetings from Jesus Christ, who is currently waiting on that certain person to begin Palm Sunday on the Galaxy planet, located billions of light-years from this new heaven (this Earth planet), so that Jesus Christ may be crucified again, thereby teaching to those creatures the universal polarity reversal polar-flip process, as Jesus Christ taught all creatures on planet Mars the same, and all creatures now on planet Earth the same, and all creatures now on all 143,998 other Galaxy planets the same:


BE IT KNOWN that such person has said in her heart, "I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow",
BE IT KNOWN that John Paul II awaits her offspring arrival on the next Galaxy planet (the new Hell planet of dinosaurs),
BE IT KNOWN that universal polarity reversal polar-flips do not occur on every Jesus Christ crucifixion day, only every other one.

the first
the last

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The Catholic Church elects Pope at 11th April 2005 Conclave


> samantha : "You are a strange man Garry."

Garry Denke, Geologist (EIN'sTIN 75-2554014), the Sole Proprietor of the Catholic Church (EIN'sTIN 75-2554014), as duly refiled and recorded in the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, by the Honorable Brenda Taylor, Collin County Clerk, on 11th April 2005, at 12:14 p.m., Document Number 2005-0002746, Recording Type: REI, Paid Receipt Number 9469, is not strange samantha. Not according to the Great State of Texas samantha. As endorsed and elected by myself and my witness, both being present in person at the Conclave: Garry Denke, Geologist (EIN'sTIN 75-2554014), is currently the only legal Pope of the Catholic Church (EIN'sTIN 75-2554014), as certified by THE STATE OF TEXAS, under the hand and seal of the Honorable BRENDA TAYLOR, COUNTY CLERK, by and through her Honorable DEPUTY, Cyndi McClanahan, on 11th April 2005, at 12:14 p.m.

There are those who study History samantha,
and then there are those who create History.

Be a creator of History samantha.

Love always,

The Lord God Almighty

ps. Anyone who is rude to the Catholic Church's sacred
and holy Sister Tina will be bannished to pre-Cambrian.
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" I love you, With my every breath, With all I have left, From the deepest depths, Of my heart, I love you....
Strange, that's also what Michael Jackson said to Macaulay Culkin on his Neverland bed.
spidergoat said:
Strange, that's also what Michael Jackson said to Macaulay Culkin on his Neverland bed.


That's a great idea spidergoat, "The Catholic Church" with its clear as crystal record, suing the corrupt convicted child molesting "Roman Catholic Church" non-taxpaying rapists for fraudulently impersonating "The Catholic Church", and for fraudulently advertising itself as "The Catholic Church", both frauds being criminal activities.

And "Roman Catholic Church" books, pamphlets, and brochures are filled with statements never made by "The Catholic Church", nor its' creator, and such false statements by the corrupt convicted child molesting "Roman Catholic Church" non-taxpaying rapists made fraudulenty under "The Catholic Church" name are also criminal acts.

And "Roman Catholic Church" claiming that a person's real Date of Birth is not their real Birth Certificate Date, and "Roman Catholic Church" claiming that a person's real Date of Death is not their real Death Certificate Date, both claims being ridiculous, and against the international laws, the U.S. laws, and "The Catholic Church" laws.

Herewith a beginning list of five more false statements made by the corrupt
convicted child molesting "Roman Catholic Church" non-taxpaying rapists:

1. Abortion

False Statement;
"Roman Catholic Church" claims that, regarding a law permitting abortions, it is "never licit to obey it, or to take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or to vote for it" (EV 73). Abortion is the intentional and direct killing of an innocent human being, and therefore it is a form of homicide. The unborn child is always an innocent party, and no law may permit the taking of his life. Even when a child is conceived through rape or incest, the fault is not the child's, who should not suffer death for others' sins.

True Statement;
"The Catholic Church" creator claims abortion is acceptable when solely desired by the embryo mother, there are too many h. sapiens sapiens on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.

2. Euthanasia

False Statement;
"Roman Catholic Church" claims euthanasia, often disguised by the name "mercy killing," euthanasia also is a form of homicide. No person has a right to take his own life, and no one has the right to take the life of any innocent person. In euthanasia, the ill or elderly are killed, by action or omission, out of a misplaced sense of compassion, but true compassion cannot include intentionally doing something intrinsically evil to another person (cf. EV 73).

True Statement;
"The Catholic Church" creator claims euthanasia is acceptable when solely desired by the body's owner, there are too many h. sapiens sapiens on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.

3. Embryonic Stem Cell Research

False Statement;
"Roman Catholic Church" claims that Human embryos are human beings. "Respect for the dignity of the human being excludes all experimental manipulation or exploitation of the human embryo" (CRF 4b). Recent scientific advances show that often medical treatments that researchers hope to develop from experimentation on embryonic stem cells can be developed by using adult stem cells instead. Adult stem cells can be obtained without doing harm to the adults from whom they come. Thus there is no valid medical argument in favor of using embryonic stem cells. And even if there were benefits to be had from such experiments, they would not justify destroying innocent embryonic humans.

True Statement;
"The Catholic Church" creator claims embryonic stem cell research is acceptable when solely desired by the embryo owner, there are too many h. sapiens sapiens on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.

4. Human Cloning

False Statement;
"Roman Catholic Church" claims that, "Attempts . . . for obtaining a human being without any connection with sexuality through 'twin fission,' cloning, or parthenogenesis are to be considered contrary to the moral law, since they are in opposition to the dignity both of human procreation and of the conjugal union" (RHL I:6). Human cloning also involves abortion because the "rejected" or "unsuccessful" embryonic clones are destroyed, yet each clone is a human being.

True Statement;
"The Catholic Church" creator claims that human cloning is acceptable when solely desired by the donor(s), however, there are too many h. sapiens sapiens on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.

5. Homosexual "Marriage"

False Statement;
"Roman Catholic Church" claims that, True marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Legal recognition of any other union as "marriage" undermines true marriage, and legal recognition of homosexual unions actually does homosexual persons a disfavor by encouraging them to persist in what is an objectively immoral arrangement. "When legislation in favor of the recognition of homosexual unions is proposed for the first time in a legislative assembly, the Catholic lawmaker has a moral duty to express his opposition clearly and publicly and to vote against it. To vote in favor of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral" (UHP 10).

True Statement;
No h. sapiens sapiens married on
heaven at The Catholic Church.

Thanks spidergoat!

Sole Proprietor of
the Catholic Church
EIN'sTIN 75-2554014
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Setting the Mars record Straight...

Garry Denke's meteorite from Mars was found in March, 1977, while conducting an Arizona State University (ASU) graduate level class (GLG 518) geophysical survey for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, at the proposed Orme Dam site in Maricopa County, Arizona. The refractive seismic survey (sledge energy source) analysis report concluded that particular Salt River area east of Phoenix unstable, due to a major fault detection. The Bureau of Reclamation abandoned the proposed Orme Dam site, but Maricopa County's Mars meteorite found in March was not abandoned. Housed in 1977 at the Sigma Chi Fraternity, 606 Alpha Drive, Tempe, Arizona 85281, the meteorite collection was appropriately named MAR77001 (MARicopa County, MARch, 1977, MARs meteorite No. 1, by its founder, Garry Denke, geology/geophysics student, and relocated to ASU's Geology Building for analysis by optical mineralogy.

MAR77001, the same meteorite which contained the first known tangible direct detection evidence of the subject magnetic field of Mars, through observed reversed mineral alignments in thin section under polarizing microscope, also proved a polarity reversal, similar to those observed in the geologic record of the Earth, occured in the geologic record of Mars. More profound was the implication that MAR77001 expanded the geomagnetic reversal record to a broader scope, one which timed such polarity reversals as coinciding geomagnetic events. These events were coined "universal magnetic reversals" in Garry Denke's 1977 paper, "The Magnetic Field of Mars", which earned a "B" grade (expectation for Applied Geophysics was an "A" grade). Accordingly, meteorite MAR77001 was hacksawed in half resulting in Garry Denke's two (2) meteorites from Mars, "A" and "B". Catalogued Mars meteorite MAR77001"A" (505 grams) and Mars meteorite MAR77001"B", along with six (6) thin sections catalogued Mars meteorites MAR77001"C"-"H", the collection "B" through "H" was mailed to its rightful owner, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. "A" was conferred upon its rightful owner, in May, 1977, and is currently housed and Well-protected in Baylor County, Texas.

In chronological order of discovery, the Maricopa County Mars meteorites catalogued collection would be listed between the Zagami Mars meteorite found in October, 1962, at Zagami Rock, Katsina Province, Nigeria, and ALHA77005 Mars meteorite found in December, 1977, Allan Hills, Victoria Land, Antarctica. In July, 1997, over twenty (20) years after the first direct detection of The Magnetic Field of Mars through Maricopa County's Mars meteorite, and two (2) months before the Mars Global Surveyor direct measurement of the subject magnetic field, Denoco Inc., a Texas oil operator, and its president, Garry Denke, geologist/geophysicist, republished the findings in Usenet at sci.geo.meteorology. In September, 1997, the U.S. Mars Global Surveyor's magnetometer confirmed that Garry Denke's U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation's Maricopa County meteorite from Mars was indeed the first known tangible direct detection evidence of Mars' magnetic field as reported by fido7.ru.space.
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I'm not usually for banning people, but perhaps Garry and MattMarriot are good candidates.
Actually, he's kind of interesting.

Some of the items he posts are scienfitic and historical fact, seemingly random but they tie into each other strangely. It's easier to dismiss those we don't understand, than it is to try to decipher what they are telling us. But if we never try, we never learn... either about what they mean, or about their nature in general. Both opportunities that have presented themselves and shouldn't be missed.
And here I thought that Woody was a freak.

Woody, you have my sincerest apologies. I see know that you are a paragon of reason (in the grand scheme of things).

I want my momma.
Pope John Paul II's Last Word

spidergoat said:
You are truly weird.

My name is Garry Denke,
your name is spider goat,
and you call me weird?

Silas said:
spidergoat, everybody, please stop feeding the trolls.

Then why did you post?

spidergoat said:
I'm not usually for banning people, but perhaps Garry and MattMarriot are good candidates.

I'm for banning all fakes

Arditezza said:
Actually, he's kind of interesting.

Some of the items he posts are scienfitic and historical fact, seemingly random but they tie into each other strangely. It's easier to dismiss those we don't understand, than it is to try to decipher what they are telling us. But if we never try, we never learn... either about what they mean, or about their nature in general. Both opportunities that have presented themselves and shouldn't be missed.

Ten reasons Jesus was God the Paleontologist

01) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
02) And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
03) And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
04) And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
05) And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
06) And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
07) And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
08) And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
09) And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,
10) The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,

We like rocks especially us elder fossil creatures

fadeaway humper said:
And here I thought that Woody was a freak.

Woody, you have my sincerest apologies. I see know that you are a paragon of reason (in the grand scheme of things).

I want my momma.

Arditezza is wise

. . . ' A m e n '
~ God of forces

~ G=c^4/force
~ G=c^5/power

[Edits create 'Garry Denke' key Word]
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Garry Denke, religious nutjob is more fitting, how many times have you read the bible? We all know your insane, but do you ever think to yourself "wow I really am crazy"?

You are a typical example of what brainwashing can do. I bet you were raised in a religious family, in a religious town. I feel terrible when I hear people like you speak. Its sad to think about all the children continuously being fed lies by the people they trust.
Thank you, Garry.

Can you explain to us the religious importance of Stonehenge, and how we've misunderstood it's construction and purpose?
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