Poor Boy…… What gives on this crazy story?????


Registered Senior Member
Truly a sad story…. But one you shake your head at and say humm………..

Paraphrasing this story from Texas…… A 15 year old boy committed armed burglary of a habitation (He had a gun and a metal crow bar) was tried,convicted and sentenced as an adult to 15 years in prison. The boy was placed in the prisons protective custody because his age and small size. Unfortunately the protective custody is also where they house many sex offenders and this boy was housed along with many of them and even assigned a cell with a 42 year old male sex offender serving time for a sex crime against a 14 year old boy. (Talk about throwing meat to the lions)

The boy had written home to his family to protest the situation whereas his mother became furious and cried foul. (Where was she when he was robbing a home at gun point???)

Truly a sad situation, but my question is if the man has sex with the boy in the cell (not rape, but consensual sex [although that is not really legally possible or an option with a minor]) Can he be charged with molesting the boy because the state has classified the boy as an adult and the state put the boy in that situation? If he can be charged with rape or molestation can the boy sue the state for endangering a child or as an accomplice to rape?

Leave it to the government to do such a stupid thing by housing a young boy with a sex offender in the first place… The states comment was something politically correct like ‘While in prison, other inmates are not told of other inmates crimes for privacy and security reasons, and classification does its best with limited space and resources available’ (Yea but do they also provide KY jelly to help ease the transition to prison life? I felt so sorry for the 15 year old boy who probably by now is a Maytag and wears homemade mascara.)

What say you?.............
He'll be fine. Well, you know, as career prisoners go.

I'm not sure, are you asserting some kind of position on the issue? though a child, he committed a violent crime. Life's a roulette game at that point.

I doubt he'll be molested against his will.As for who's at fault, see the above statement.
This story came to me by way of thread on another blog from a relative of the person or cousin. I will try to see if there is a link to the story, I do know It was NOT a recent story so no sure the status or the it…. But I assume it is a true story as it was a relative who was posting their frustration in a crime blog on offenders…..
This story came to me by way of thread on another blog from a relative of the person or cousin. I will try to see if there is a link to the story, I do know It was NOT a recent story so no sure the status or the it…. But I assume it is a true story as it was a relative who was posting their frustration in a crime blog on offenders…..

Sorry, but that sounds too much like, "I know someone who knows someone who knows someone..."

You need to get us as close as possible to the original source or just drop the whole thing.
read-only i dont think the validity really makes any difference as far as the question is concerned. It could be a hypothetical or it could be real the question remains.

Now you said this happened in the US and i dont have the crimes act for texes in front of me but i have read some of the crimes acts here. In the case of is it rape, yes it would be because all the acts refer to is AGE. for instance the victorian act says sex at 16 is legal unless the person is in a position of authority over the 16 year old (excluding husband or wife) and in that case its 18. So if this was victoria and the boy conented at 16 he could have sex with his fellow prisioners but if it was a guard he would be raped until he turned 18

Now in the case of child endangerment the child or his legal guardian would have a good case against the state and the institution for putting him in a situation where there would be a reasonable expectation that he would be unsafe.

Lastly criminal charges against offices of the state, anyone who should have forseen the danger, was in a postition to object and didnt including the judge and the prision warden, guards, police ect could find themselves charged with child endangerment.
read-only i dont think the validity really makes any difference as far as the question is concerned. It could be a hypothetical or it could be real the question remains.

It's the FACTUAL content that makes me wonder, Asguard. Because there are strict controls in place here to prevent a child of 16 (even IF tried as an adult) from being placed in a cell with someone of 42.

Therefore, the question itself is questioned. Just assuming any old set of conditions does not make a hypothetical questions a valid one.

See my point?
that would make sence seeing as the state is responcable for any harm to any prisioner, especially children. Of course our way is better, the youth justice center (i think thats its name) houses all minors incacirated. I dont even belive a kid CAN be tried as an adult here (but i could be wrong on that)
that would make sence seeing as the state is responcable for any harm to any prisioner, especially children.

Precisely - now you're getting there!! :) And that's exactly why I refuse to comment on it even as a hypothetical - it doesn't make enough sense to be worth discussing.

I believe the enitre story was just made up because it would sound so unjust and disgusting. Things like this pop up all the time.
to be fair i have herd of some apaling acts of stupidity by the child protection services, the mental health services and the justice services (ie all the departments which have the power to detain someone)

Not to mention the SA women who had a mental illness and couldnt speak english (i belive because of her illness but im not 100% sure), got locked up in a imigration detention center and was passed back and forward between the police and imigration until see was finally deported. Problem is that she was an australian citizan and either hadnt been to the country she was deported to since she was a child or had NEVER been there.

Nothing really surprises me
to be fair i have herd of some apaling acts of stupidity by the child protection services, the mental health services and the justice services (ie all the departments which have the power to detain someone)

Not to mention the SA women who had a mental illness and couldnt speak english (i belive because of her illness but im not 100% sure), got locked up in a imigration detention center and was passed back and forward between the police and imigration until see was finally deported. Problem is that she was an australian citizan and either hadnt been to the country she was deported to since she was a child or had NEVER been there.

Nothing really surprises me

Sure, I've read some pretty terrible things myself in the news.

But that's beside THIS particular point - the whole subject of this thread. I still say it's a fabrication and not worthy of discussion. But I'm open to changing my mind if someone can show some evidence.
Sounds odd that they would put this kid in the cell with a known Child Sex Offender.
I am not really buying this either.
Ok let me say this, regardless if you believe the story or not (which the story is true as I feel confident the person who told it and in the manner they told it was not making it up) it is the story itself and the questions it raises…. Some people don’t believe in God but they comment on that topic all day long…

I personally enjoy going to legal justice blogs and threads for the conversation on legal and moral issues and having a practical discussion. If you are not commenting on a topic or a post then why even bother showing up and posting a negative comment claiming it is an untrue story and above yourself to make comments, please… if you don’t like it move to another thread… No disrespect intended….

What about the convicted sex offender in Florida who was a teacher convicted and sentenced to 45 years but was granted bond while awaiting his appeal, tell me the government doesn’t make such errors… of course the revoked his bond after public outcry, but they had given him bond….

I guess you wouldn’t believe me if I told you that a convicted sex offender was sent to prison in Texas and sent to a psychiatric unit where he was diagnosed with depression and pedophilia. However because he was on the psychiatric case load (Taking Zoloft for his depression) he did not qualify for participation in the sex offender treatment program because the prison system rules said anyone on the psychiatric case load didn’t qualify to participate in the sex offender treatment programs and they didn’t even offer them on any of their many psychiatric units, and the program was only offered to inmates not on the psychiatric caseload or on any medications.. This is ignorant to me because such disorders are clearly listed in the DSM IV and considered a psychiatric condition. Sad this particular inmate served his entire sentence and was released without sex offender treatment. (he was eventually put on an electronic monitor and required to participate in outside sex offender treatment programs and is still being monitored) This particular case and the situation finally caused the Texas prison system to reevaluate their policy by simply allowing certain inmates on the psychiatric case load to participate in the program, all sex offenders still do not qualify. If you don’t believe me on this go look up the treatment qualifications of sex offenders in the Texas prison system. I know this is true because I have a friend who works in the Texas prison system…..

I have so many examples of such stupid stories about how the government mess ups that it would turn your head..

What about a paroled sex offender who made application to parole to a house where there were two schools at each end of the short street he applied to live on and a park connected to one of the schools, but the parole department sent a representative out and they approved the location, once the offender was paroled and after his first field visit by his parole officer they tried to revoke the parolees parole for violating the rules of where to live although the same office in writing had approved the location????

Forgive me, I guess I went off on a tangent there but my purpose is not to question the validity of anyone’s post but rather use it for discussion and make comments regarding the content. There will always be hypothetical situations or stories that are out there but it is the content that we comment on and that is all… Thanks and again excuse me…..
all sex offenders still do not qualify.

Umm you do realise that in the US i belive prositution classifies as a sex offence?

Im hoping even the australian states which dont alow prositution are smart enough to realise this ISNT a sex offence but *shrug*.
Umm you do realise that in the US i belive prositution classifies as a sex offence?

Im hoping even the australian states which dont alow prositution are smart enough to realise this ISNT a sex offence but *shrug*.

Anyone want to lookup laws in the USA about whether solicitation of a prostitute or such activities classify as a sex offense?? I would wonder why pissing in a park would be a sex crime and one where registry is required but solicitation of prostitution or other such acts wouldn’t be…????
Ok let me say this, regardless if you believe the story or not (which the story is true as I feel confident the person who told it and in the manner they told it was not making it up) it is the story itself and the questions it raises…. Some people don’t believe in God but they comment on that topic all day long…

I personally enjoy going to legal justice blogs and threads for the conversation on legal and moral issues and having a practical discussion. If you are not commenting on a topic or a post then why even bother showing up and posting a negative comment claiming it is an untrue story and above yourself to make comments, please… if you don’t like it move to another thread… No disrespect intended….

What about the convicted sex offender in Florida who was a teacher convicted and sentenced to 45 years but was granted bond while awaiting his appeal, tell me the government doesn’t make such errors… of course the revoked his bond after public outcry, but they had given him bond….

I guess you wouldn’t believe me if I told you that a convicted sex offender was sent to prison in Texas and sent to a psychiatric unit where he was diagnosed with depression and pedophilia. However because he was on the psychiatric case load (Taking Zoloft for his depression) he did not qualify for participation in the sex offender treatment program because the prison system rules said anyone on the psychiatric case load didn’t qualify to participate in the sex offender treatment programs and they didn’t even offer them on any of their many psychiatric units, and the program was only offered to inmates not on the psychiatric caseload or on any medications.. This is ignorant to me because such disorders are clearly listed in the DSM IV and considered a psychiatric condition. Sad this particular inmate served his entire sentence and was released without sex offender treatment. (he was eventually put on an electronic monitor and required to participate in outside sex offender treatment programs and is still being monitored) This particular case and the situation finally caused the Texas prison system to reevaluate their policy by simply allowing certain inmates on the psychiatric case load to participate in the program, all sex offenders still do not qualify. If you don’t believe me on this go look up the treatment qualifications of sex offenders in the Texas prison system. I know this is true because I have a friend who works in the Texas prison system…..

I have so many examples of such stupid stories about how the government mess ups that it would turn your head..

What about a paroled sex offender who made application to parole to a house where there were two schools at each end of the short street he applied to live on and a park connected to one of the schools, but the parole department sent a representative out and they approved the location, once the offender was paroled and after his first field visit by his parole officer they tried to revoke the parolees parole for violating the rules of where to live although the same office in writing had approved the location????

Forgive me, I guess I went off on a tangent there but my purpose is not to question the validity of anyone’s post but rather use it for discussion and make comments regarding the content. There will always be hypothetical situations or stories that are out there but it is the content that we comment on and that is all… Thanks and again excuse me…..

Your point is well taken - there certainly ARE many, many mistakes made every day by law enforcement, courts, prisons and other such organizations.

HOWEVER, the point I'm trying to make is that lets discuss THOSE cases - the ones that have been documented - rather than what appears to be a fairy tale!!! :bugeye:

Catch my drift, bud?

I, and many others here, will be more than happy to discuss and comment on actual cases that have something to support and show their validity.

Anyone - and I do mean anyone - can make up what sounds like a gross miscarriage of justice. How about we start one about a teen being forced to eat a live snake in the tracks of the Chicago "L" while a train is approaching and the police on board do nothing about it. Eh? Does that suit you?

I would hope not!!! I'm just trying to drive home the point that there is no reason to make up a story or even bother with one that has all the appearances of fraud right from the get-go. There are plenty of REAL ones out there that we can (and do) discuss here quite often.

So I make NO apologies to you unless and until you can show that your initial post here is true. In which case I will be more than happy to post a public apology - but NOT before. Get it all now??????
I'd like to see a link, because the story sounds too stupid, a 15 year old? No way. As for the boy, he's screwed, quite literally.
oh just a side note Read-only, the imigration case i was talking CAN be varifide from multiple sources. I THINK it was julia Rowe case but as there were two cases very similar and very close together (only difference being one was deported and the other one was long term detention both of citizans or permident residents).
HOWEVER, the point I'm trying to make is that lets discuss THOSE cases - the ones that have been documented - rather than what appears to be a fairy tale!!! :bugeye:

I get you point about a case being documented and maybe a link for those skeptics out there who might question such a story’s validity… I am sorry you cannot take somebody’s word on such a story and simply consider it truth when there would be no reason for me to lie about such a situation, but I have learned my lesson regarding posting anything on this forum again that doesn’t have some link to it.

Quick question for you, I guess if the person this actually happened to came on the tread and posted this same story and claimed it was he who this happened to, you wouldn’t believe him either because the story wasn’t posted in the news or had a link to it?????