Polytheism vs Monotheism

What if Constantine hadn't had that pivotal dream?
Then there probably would be no Jeudaism (at least as we know it) and less or no Xianity and possibly no Islam.

While there's the story that Mohammad brought monotheism to polytheistic Arabs the truth is there are many many monotheistic writings concerning Allah well before Mohammad was born. If he existed then he stepped into a culture teetering on the brink of becoming monotheistic anyway. There was already a blending of Arab myths and Xian/Jewish myths. Think of the Mormons. It's just happens.

It should also be noted that the line between Xian and Jew was blurry. Things weren't as defined as they are now. So the first Muslims were more then likely Arab Jewish-Xians, which may seem odd now but was normal back then.

Did the dream itself actually happen?:bugeye:
Wouldn't some other emperor find christianity convient, sooner or later?

Maybe, maybe not.

M*W: More so, is a dream evidence of anything?

The dream or the claim is enormous evidence that the fact of Christianity being what it is today doesn't mean much. That just happens to be the way it turned out. It could just as easily have happened in a way that results in Judaism, Roman mythology or something else being so common today.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
generally the average joe absorbs the mood of their respective religious leader - even historically, this whole issue of intolerance and monotheism was introduced by certain personalities - like for instance it was St Augustine (religious scholar) who really got into persecuting people of other faiths which probably wouldn't have amounted to much until a few average joes got on board too.

Then it's probably a good thing when joe average is not very religious. I think polythiems, over monotheism, may put joe average the majority, in a good position to not be manipulated by a St. Augustine because there are so many differing beliefs.

BG 3.21 Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.

It holds true for communism too

It's harder to have a pope in polythism. Especially when gods from other lands come into the mix.
It may be harder to have an orthodoxy with polytheism (due to the diminished role of philosophy), but hierarchy remains a constant, whether amongst chickens or human
I disagree completely.
First of all, people believe something because they are taught to believe it or coerced into it - narly universally.

That was essentially my point. If we could manufacture a religion to improve society as the OP suggests, then surely religion itself loses the little credibility it had in the first place?

Secondly, of course religion is custom fit to the follower - why do you think there are over 30,000 different Christian sects? Why do you think so many people use teh same book to justify VASTLY different beliefs?

For that I have no answer, I must conclude that that's another 30,000 reasons why Christianity is self-destructive.
Anyway, it was just a thought I had. It seems to me, that this is another example of where polytheism fits in better with society
You're just a tad off. Polytheists did and do worship the gods. But you are right that it wasn't abject and total servitude, and that polytheistic temples were less devoted to orthodoxy.

The main important thing in various polytheistic religions is orthopraxy, or proper religious practice. Even moreso in neopagan religions, which more often than not will accept the existence of each others' deities, but only worship and perform rituals to the ones relevant to their religion and cultural concentration.

M*W: More so, is a dream evidence of anything?
No, but often dreams can be interpreted by the person it happens to as UPG, or Unverified Personal Gnosis.
Though any of the stories about Constantine becoming Christian should be taken with a mound of salt. Constantine was a devoted follower and practitioner of the Imperial Cult of Sol Invictus.

He did not convert to Christianity until his deathbed, and it was more likely than not just to get his Christian wife to finally shut the fuck up, and go make him some pie. :D