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What are your ideas on polygany....what are your ideas on swingers?? Are they good, bad, indifferent and why???

Any religous arguments??
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Isn't it "polygaMy"?

Anyhow, I think it should be legal so long as everyone married to a certain person is aware of all the other people married to them.

As for swingers, I think it's a little odd but it doesn't really make a difference to me. Their choice.
I believer that polyamory (poly = many; amour = loves) is a perfectly viable option for anyone who wants to live that way; but don't see much point in getting married.

I see little or nothing wrong with 'swinging'; but - in my view - there is considerably more to be attained from open relationships (..or at least for the 'emotional' types).

getts said:
Any religous arguments??

If, by this, you mean comments, or views, on religious texts, then yes; but I don't have time to prepare them at the moment.

I actually started a thread on this topic (..or at least a very closely-related topic) before - here; and offered something resembling a 'relgious argument' (if that's what you want to call it) here.

The main thing I would be concerned about is hygiene and sexually-transmitted diseases; but these problems can be overcome with good sense and a bit of care.

I think this is a topic very much worth discussing - well done on bringing it up!
Beryl - not I didn't mean polygamy, I was actually speaking of polygyNy. But I am very open to discuss polygamy, as well.
Yamayama said:
The main thing I would be concerned about is hygiene and sexually-transmitted diseases; but these problems can be overcome with good sense and a bit of care.

I think this is a topic very much worth discussing - well done on bringing it up!

I am very much enjoying reading your previous thread similar to this one.

I look forward to seeing where this one goes.

My wife and I are in an 'open' relationship, and love it. It has truly made us grow that much closer. We never have jealousy rear its ugly head (of course, we never did prior to the 'lifestyle change', either). But it is nice to be walking down the mall and have my wife ask "Would ya?" when we pass an attractive girl in the mall. So many of my friends have to pretend like pretty women (other than their wife) do not exist.

I cannot imagine living in a relationship where jealousy rules....
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DarkEyedBeauty said:
What does religion matter, at least in the States government is secular, right....RIGHT?? :confused:

Sure, gov't is secular, but overall, people are religous. Now, before you refute that, I don't mean Christian. I happen to be Christian, (and my wife and I are 'swingers'), but most people have some type of religion. Anytime a discussion about something that is percieved as immoral is discussed, religion is often brought up.
hm, very interesting...
From an evolutionary perspective:
In the case of humans though, it would not be very practical. A female can only be impregnated by one sperm. one sperm= one male. theoretically speaking, it takes a male and a female to succussfully raise a human child. the whole goal of sex is to pass on one's genes to the next generation. with many males, there would be endless competition to mate with the female, and things would get chaotic. This is part of the reason why monogamy seems to be a common human practice.
Enigma'07 said:
hm, very interesting...
From an evolutionary perspective:
In the case of humans though, it would not be very practical. A female can only be impregnated by one sperm. one sperm= one male. theoretically speaking, it takes a male and a female to succussfully raise a human child. the whole goal of sex is to pass on one's genes to the next generation. with many males, there would be endless competition to mate with the female, and things would get chaotic. This is part of the reason why monogamy seems to be a common human practice.
I disagree....I have had sex for pro-creation (i.e., passing on my genes) a very few times compared to the number of times that I have had nothing but pleasure on my mind - in fact, hoping I did NOT pass my genes along (lol) :D
my opinion i believe that Polygamy is wrong for the same reasons that i think gay maridges are wrong i believe it brings down the sanctedy of maridge now swingers i dont really care about i think having some good healthy friendly even for meere pleasure is perfectly ok
Enigma'07 said:
the whole goal of sex is to pass on one's genes to the next generation. with many males, there would be endless competition to mate with the female, and things would get chaotic.

The whole goal of sex? Man, what a cold fish you are, why even bother with the messy business in the first place if that's the case? Just go for artificial insemination and never even touch your partner!

Also, I don't really think that swingers have the idea of "passing on their genes" as their number one priority (yet still they have sex, how odd!) and as far as polygamy goes doesn't that also make sense from a purely naturalistic standpoint? The strongest male competes for the women, and whoever he can beat out just doesn't get to breed while his genes are passed on through many different women? It just makes better evolutionary sense than one man and one woman. Sure a woman has a limit, she gets knocked up and she's out of the game for nine months or so, but that's all the more reason for a successfully adapted male to have a number of women around to get down with.
David2 said:
my opinion i believe that Polygamy is wrong for the same reasons that i think gay maridges are wrong i believe it brings down the sanctedy of maridge now swingers i dont really care about i think having some good healthy friendly even for meere pleasure is perfectly ok

So same-sex marriage is wrong because it "brings down the sanctedy of maridge (sic)" but rampant hedonistic adultury doesn't? How about "who want's to let others decide what complete stranger you'll marry" reality television programs? Do they degrade the institution of marriage less than as much or more than a loving monogomous same-sex couple?

Also, regarding your user title, I'd like to ask of what faith you happen to be. I found it a bit odd at first that you're concerned with the "sanctity of marriage" but claim to be a non-Christian. Of course I realize that just because you're not a Christian doesn't mean that you're irreligious, I just found it slightly odd that you might be borrowing their rhetoric for your own purposes.

David2 said:
buy the way i was talking about sex

Wow, really? That puts a whole new spin on your previous post, because I never would have figured that out if you hadn't taken the time to make a whole nother post just to point this out. I mean certainly nothing in the context of the discussion would have even hinted that this topic was central to your post.

Also, please spell check your posts, before submitting them, or at least keep a dictionary on hand.
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The whole goal of sex? Man, what a cold fish you are, why even bother with the messy business in the first place if that's the case? Just go for artificial insemination and never even touch your partner!
Well, from an evolutionary standpoint...
Real life is differant :D
David2 said:
my opinion i believe that Polygamy is wrong for the same reasons that i think gay maridges are wrong i believe it brings down the sanctedy of maridge

But Jacob and David had more than one wive - not to mention Solomon!
Marriage is just a cultural/social contract that serves to secure the enviroment for raising children. I would assume that it is of no consequence how many people are bound that way, so I have no problem with polygamy.
Enigma'07 said:
Well, from an evolutionary standpoint...
Real life is differant :D

You're anthropomorphizing evolution. It's not a conscious being with goals or desires, it's just a word we use to describe a natural system whereby complex patterns which self-perpetuate continue to exist and change while those patterns which fail in self perpetuation disappear and are usually forgotten.

Saying that evolution has a goal is a bit like saying that tornados mean to strike at trailer parks. It's a force of nature, not a conscious entity, it has no goals or feelings or aspirations, only you do.
Dreamwalker said:
Marriage is just a cultural/social contract that serves to secure the enviroment for raising children. I would assume that it is of no consequence how many people are bound that way, so I have no problem with polygamy.

Ya' know, it is interesting how and why so many people are against polygamy? I've thought about it some because there's a group out in west Texas that's formed a commune of polygamists, and the state is trying to shut them down??? Why?

I've seen a few "reports" that say some girls are being held against their will, but isn't that two separate issues? One is polygamy, which is a voluntary multiple "marriage", the other is a criminal act ...one ain't got nothin' to do with the other, does it?

Baron Max
Mystech said:
It's a force of nature, not a conscious entity, it has no goals or feelings or aspirations, only you do.

Can you prove that? ...or are you just repeating what you've been told all this time? You sound so sure ...please provide some proof.

Baron Max