POLL:What do you think the origin of UFOS is?

What is the origin of UFOs?

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Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
Many people have different beliefs as to where UFOs come from. There are many different beliefs on this subject and I thought it would be a fun to discuss/debate.... however I very much discourage arguing, it usually kills threads.

So speak up and tell us your beliefs about the origin of UFOs and we shall critique one another. *drinks of his wine goblet and slams his fist on the table* "Let the debate begin!!"
Now people, you've spoke in the poll, state it out in your own words! *tries to motivate*
Then I shall put in my own statement: I think they are man-made electrical machines invented by Nikola Tesla.
People with vivid imaginations came up with them.

People with mental disorders saw them.

People with distorted vision have seen them.
People like Star_One and chainsy propogate the myth of aliens in saucers (tea, anyone?)... anyway, cosmic traveler has it pretty much right, but that is not all there is.

Project Mogul

For example, most unidentified flying object sightings that can be attributed to the military were never supported by the military. If they are flying an experimental craft, or using just a helium filled balloon in order to monitor radio transmissions or other lines of communication from enemies, they are not going to come forward and say, "Yes, that scrap metal, albeit a normal piece of metal, like any kind you find on earth, is not ours. It must be aliens ::wink, wink::" The military does not want their enemies to know how they are being watched. This is precisely what happened in Roswell. They found debris. People, with their superstitious nature and lack of ability to reason, immediately assumed it was an extra-terrestrial UFO. Some more intelligent people considered the military doing experiments. So, when the military was asked about it, they denied ever knowing about that "craft" and supported the idiots' claims and not denying it came from outer space. Since then, researchers have found out that there was a balloon that broke and came apart and landed in a field, that had been monitoring Russian communications. The military couldn't let them know, because it was the COLD WAR.*

There is always a better explanation for phenomena, when there is evidence.

*refer to http://www.csicop.org/si/9507/roswell.html and Skeptic magazine Vol. 10, issue 1
A bit of everything except 1 and 6.

CosmicTraveler took the words right off my keyboard.
I think that it is a mix of the choices. All except 1 and 6 for me. I know a man who went a facility in New Mexico, the place openly admits they have Nikola Tesla's papers. He asked to see them and they said he didn't have clearence. So he went to another government facility and they openly had detailed plans to build the nuclear bomb out to the publice. Then I thought about it, since I believe Nikola Tesla invented the "flying saucer" they kept his papers classified because I think that civilians would be capable of making a saucer, if they/we only had the plans.

Great Book
/\ Go to that URL for a great book on UFOs! :D
Yeah, I imagine that we're capable of building flying saucers. The misconception that anytime something odd is classified it has to be extraterrestrial is pretty rediculous. I used to firmly believe that aliens had visited us, but as time goes on I'm growing more confident in Man's ability to make some pretty incredible things. And if they are building flying saucers, I see no reason to let the information out to the public.
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That’s why we have so much history of flying saucers prior to man even being able to break the sound barrier, let alone fly. Man did it and we didn’t know. LOL
craterchains (Norval said:
That’s why we have so much history of flying saucers prior to man even being able to break the sound barrier, let alone fly. Man did it and we didn’t know. LOL

I refer you to choices 4 and 5.

JDawg said:
Yeah, I imagine that we're capable of building flying saucers. The misconception that anytime something odd is classified it has to be extraterrestrial is pretty rediculous. I used to firmly believe that aliens had visited us, but as time goes on I'm growing more confident in Man's ability to make some pretty incredible things. And if they are building flying saucers, I see no reason to let the information out to the public.

They do let the information out to the public. They didn't talk about balloons and spy equipment because of the Cold War 50 years ago...

http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/ BROWSE/HQ_6.html
All of the above except #6.

It appears by some of the debunkers comments that ignorance is still among us. Project Mogul my ass. That goes beyond ignorance.
Manmade: I did not vote in this poll, because it hardly matters what anyone thinks they are.

The definition of a UFO is that WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. That's the U part. If the neighbourhood kids tie a bunch of cans to a dog's tail and it runs around making a racket, someone may report it as a UFO. Which of the above categories does that fit into?
All of the above except #6.

It appears by some of the debunkers comments that ignorance is still among us.

That is a rediculous statement. You say that ignorance is still among us, yet you say in the line above that UFOs are alien and hallucination, among other things. You have no proof, or reasonable cause to believe that any UFO you or anyone else has seen is of extraterrestrial nature. Until one parks on your lawn and four little grey dudes get out, you cannot base your theory on anything other than all the X-files you watch.

I'm not saying that they aren't alien, I'm just saying that I have no f'n clue what they are, and I'm not about to jump to a conclusion. And trust me, I've seen some weird shit in my lifetime, including two UFO sightings. But am I running around calling them aliens? Hell no I'm not. I wouldn't know if they were Russian, let alone alien!

They do let the information out to the public. They didn't talk about balloons and spy equipment because of the Cold War 50 years ago...

I'm saying that they don't let all of the information out to the public. Just becuase the cold war is over, doesn't mean that they want everybody to know about new weaponry, and/or aircraft. I just don't see why they would. Even if you do have the winning hand in Texas Hold'em, doesn't mean you show your cards when they guy across from you mucks his.

JDawg said:
I'm saying that they don't let all of the information out to the public. Just becuase the cold war is over, doesn't mean that they want everybody to know about new weaponry, and/or aircraft. I just don't see why they would. Even if you do have the winning hand in Texas Hold'em, doesn't mean you show your cards when they guy across from you mucks his.

YAY! Well said!
I'm curious: What is the path of logic that says, "I see something in the sky, I cannot identify it, therefore it must be an alien spacecraft."
Originally posted by Ellimist

YAY! Well said!

Don't get me wrong, Ellimist. I'm not saying that they're hiding the existance of aliens. I'm not saying that they're hiding a First Contact. I'm just saying that they have no reason--and it might even be dangerous--to release information of cutting-edge weaponry to the public. I don't see how it's in the best interest of the US government, or any government, to show thier hand when they're developing technology.

Think about it like this: If the cigar-shaped, saucer-shaped, or triangle-shaped UFO's really exist, and they just happen to be amazing spy planes...why would they tell anyone about them? Isn't it kind of better to have the world thinking aliens are visiting then the "evil" US of A is watching them?

Originally posted by Chunkylover58

I'm curious: What is the path of logic that says, "I see something in the sky, I cannot identify it, therefore it must be an alien spacecraft."

I don't think it started like that, Chunk. At first fighter pilots thought they were new Nazi fighters. I think the saucer's origins would have stayed Earthly in our imaginations had Roswell not happened. And hey, who's to say that they weren't alien ships? But regardless, Roswell is what made us look past our own governments and into the heavens.


Roswell wasn't even discussed until Jesse Marcel came forward to tell the real story in the early 80's. Sure, it was talked about for week, but when General Ramey layed his weather balloon on the floor of his office, the story died.

Therefor, it wasn't Roswell that peeked the interest. I suggest you do a little research before you begin your next attack.

BTW: I think Ignorance is the perfect term here.