Poll, Evlution ? Yes, No ?

Do you beavlive in EVLUTION???

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You don't have to "believe" in evolution. It's demonstrable; in labs and natural observations. Darwin just happened to recognize it.

There's punctuate, like the K-T boundary has shown which gave rise to mammals, and adaptive, like the end of the last ice age causing weather changes that turned forests into savannas and caused rising sea levels to isolate land masses.

Oh, yes! Don't forget Microsoft Windows........:D
It can be demonstrated that new varieties can emerge within a species due to selection pressures, over the course of a few generations - but no-one has yet seen an entirely new species developing, not within the timescale of recent human history when science has been well-established.

Sure, fossil evidence supports the theory very strongly, but someone will always loudly emphasise that evidence is NOT unequivocal proof.

Having said that, I certainly believe in evolution...
The Bible is True said:
There are over 100 prophecies that have been fufilled throughout the Bible and more to come. I wanted to ask you guys something who caused the big bang? Spontaneos Generation?

And what would you say towards the other religions? That the Bible is the only true one, far superior to the Torah and the Qur'an?

I wanted to ask you guys something who caused the big bang? Spontaneos Generation?

This is where science starts to mesh with religion. You cannot attack us as if you knew the answer was definitely God, because that answer is may not be accepted very easily by those who believe in p-branes, although such is not the case for me. I respect spirituality, but I also respect science.
Well I have to add (once again) that speciation events are usually not caused by a species giving birth to an organism that miraculously is a new species. Most speciation events are either caused by hybridisation (quite common in plants), or by geographic isolation (allopatric speciation), with genetic drift often playing a major role. As such it is of course not that easy to pipoint a species that has been originated (or split) from another one. Nonetheless, in labs the steps of speciation have been observed (most notably in Drosophila), but evidence also exist for various other species (Iguana, insects various plants).
That being said, one also have to add that speciation is but one of the major events of evolution. Evolution itself is basically a change in the gene-pool over time, and this is easily observed (e.g. as pointed out in bacteria, but also in numerous eukaryotes). organisms).
I think that the bible accounts for evolution in Genesis, the story of adam and eve and the apple and then the ages of man are a refence to the evolution of man from another species.
The Bible, Torah, Qur'an, Veda, Avesta and other foundational religious writings are composed of allegories, myths and the recordation of pre-historic oral histories, and with some content simply invented. Some is good, some bad, and some downright evil.

None of them explain, prove or disprove what is observable as evolution.
Both the bible and Darwinian evolution are false...

Intelligent design is true.

That option is not in your choice list.
nero said:
Both the bible and Darwinian evolution are false...

Intelligent design is true.

That option is not in your choice list.

Who is this designer though? He kinda sucks, I hope he never takes us architecture or medical.
nero said:
Both the bible and Darwinian evolution are false...

Intelligent design is true.

That option is not in your choice list.

i dont think that you can judge that
nero said:
Both the bible and Darwinian evolution are false...
Intelligent design is true.
That option is not in your choice list.
"True Believers" and "Bearers of the Truth" tend to choose words like you did. What ideas you do or do not accept are your business and no concern of mine. You're hardly in a position to tell me what's correct or not.
The distinction between intelligent design and purposeful design as per the bible
is profound

A 'god" = personal god, overlord

an impersonal creator may be nothing but mathematics.

you are on your OWN.
The words "intelligent" and "purposeful" both imply a "personal" creator.
The word "design" itself implies both intelligence and purpose.
There is no distinction at all between "intelligent" design and "purposeful" design.
There are three possibilities for creation. One is the direct method, the mathmatical probability of collisions. All possible collisions and reactions throughout time are predetermined at the point of creation of the universe and since we are simply an outcome of those physical collisions and chemical reactions, we and our responses to our environment are predetermined ie fate - judaism and islam. Two, that our free will throws up a chaotic outcome and (collectively) our lives become determined by our free will - christianity. Or three, that there are multiple possibilities at various stages (sub atomic and free will) which will incur multiple universes ie hinduism and buddhism. The last can include the two former but I think is unlikely. I hope it's the second, not that I have a vested interest in christianity.

As for overall design, Evolution is the likely outcome of all laws of the universe, so hell yes.

If you need an explanation of what God is then go to the Koran, indescribable, suits me
Facial said:
I respect spirituality, but I also respect science.

Right attitude. ;) The two should not need to conflict. And even if one accepts evolution, how can anyone say it is not just a part of God's ONGOING creative process? A Creator who stopped creating at some point would become redundant.

Who can say that the Old Testament, or whatever ancient doctrine that may contradict evolutionary theory, has to be the absolute truth? We humans cannot claim to have understood the mind of God thousands of years ago, or even today - only to learn more about His works all the time, as we study the Universe around us. The Big bang theory is not immutable - why should the Book of Genesis be?
Starthane Xyzth said:
Right attitude. ;) The two should not need to conflict. And even if one accepts evolution, how can anyone say it is not just a part of God's ONGOING creative process?

Because it is an empty statement scientifically speaking...can just as well say martians created life on earth and started evolution.