Political Cartoons Vol. 2

It saddens me that people are so quick to demonize and attack the man that successfully pulled us from the single greatest economic downturn of the nation since the Great Depression... the man that helped tens of millions get desperately needed healthcare.

Was he perfect, no... of course not. But he did a lot of damn good... in spite of Republicans best efforts to stymie him...
It saddens me that people are so quick to demonize and attack the man that successfully pulled us from the single greatest economic downturn of the nation since the Great Depression... the man that helped tens of millions get desperately needed healthcare.

Was he perfect, no... of course not. But he did a lot of damn good... in spite of Republicans best efforts to stymie him...
The truth should matter, but with these self described conservatives, it doesn't.
The Christian war against all things science got a huge boost back when the Republicans wooed and won the support of Buchanan, who brought his fellow Christian extremists into the Republican fold. They are still very much the driving force and have expanded the anti-science stance to include anti-fact.

Mud - slinging is effective. Propaganda is used because it works, branding and slogans replace the ideals, uneducated persons buy into things that violate our basic principles.

It is possible that the new regime will screw things up so badly (again) that enough people get sick enough of it that they do something about it. :smile:
Remembering Osama, I mean Kenyan guy, I mean Obama




You know if Trump is the "evil Reagan", well Obama is the "evil Nixon" for sure.
Sooo relevant
Lol, if you believe that, I have some wonderful ocean front property on Mercury to sell you.
Will Obamacare on 35 floppy disks come with this property too?

I'll even throw in a free Unicorn, Venetian flying saucers, and Trumps promise to return the power of the American Government to its citizens!
I'll even throw in a free Unicorn, Venetian flying saucers, and Trumps promise to return the power of the American Government to its citizens!

Oh you go ahead and go there yourself with Obama's unicorn promises. I am happy here on Earth where Trump has already returned power to American citizens.
All I am really waiting for now are all the liberals who said they will pack their bags and move to Canada if Trump becomes US President. Do you think you can take them to Venus as well?
Oh you go ahead and go there yourself with Obama's unicorn promises. I am happy here on Earth where Trump has already returned power to American citizens.
All I am really waiting for now are all the liberals who said they will pack their bags and move to Canada if Trump becomes US President. Do you think you can take them to Venus as well?

What power has he returned? If you haven't noticed, he is actually stealing more of it by subverting the checks and balances of our system of governance and by surrounding himself with multi-millionaires whose only interest is increasing their net worth. What of that, pray tell, includes giving power to the average citizen?