Political Cartoons Vol. 2


Note: Yes, Woodrow Wilson actually did sign the bill.


Yes, back then everyone was a "Progressive" and together with words like 'magnetism', 'humours' and 'scientific' pretty basic propaganda worked well enough to trick a simple voting public into buying (into) just about anything.

Actually, this shouldn't say 'all businesses' - those that pay the piper call the tune. Thus, 'winners' like Murder Inc, Walmart et.al. and McFastFoodFranchies secure the credit needed to form the poo-smear-homogeneous 'culture' (if you want to call it that) that makes up 'modern' America.

A 100 years later and Alan Bubble's Greenspan is sold as "The Maestro" to a gullible public without so much as a *peep* from the millions of 'Professors' of Economics that litter our University landscape.... all while this age-old scam plays out and is used to disembowel the middle class / tax chattel.

$18 Trillion and rising - soon that little hay pile will read 'assets and retirement savings of Generation Baby'. Seems kind of fitting if you stop and think about it.

Lets remember how Eric Himpton (more like simplton) Holder, Jr. - the 82nd Attorney General of the United States, coined the phrase "Too Big To Prosecute" (see: WSJ). Of course, now this weasel works in the same industry he was supposed to be prosecuting.

The Justice Department is actually spelled 'Just-Us'.

It must be nice running a fiat-currency monopoly - complete with a militant force (the State) to ensure the peon/small business owner/laborer pays his 'transaction tax' in order to own a business or work.

Just look at all those little Tax Chattel running out front their master's whip.

I wonder what the American people from 1912 would think, if they knew that their great grandchildren would not have the 'luxury' to spend time at home with their mothers during the crucial formative years of their development. That their great great grandchildren would be shoveled into State-regulated Day Supervision Centers, placed onto a lifetime of State-regulated anti-depressants and flushed through 12 years State-regulated Government Schooling to graduate along with the other 20% of functional illiterates shat out into the hyper-regulated-markets hoping to work as a Greeter at a box-top? Or go work in Murder Inc? Or trying to raise a family working a McFastFood Corp? Yes, I do wonder what they'd think.

Here's what I's suggest: listen to our Political Masters, then pull the magic lever to the left or right depending on which one tells you what makes you feel happy, fuzzy and warm inside.

That'll fix things. See how well it's worked across the last 100 years?

Change We Can Believe In.
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