Political Cartoons Vol. 2


Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, September 20, 2012

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Steve Greenberg, September 20, 2012

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Nik Kowsar, September 20, 2012

(via Cagle)

Jen Sorensen, Slowpoke, September 26, 2012
Conservative Contempt

Conservative Contempt

Michael Ramirez, Investor's Business Daily, September 29, 2012

Comment: I always wonder about conservative political cartoons. Well, probably not always, but, you know, frequently. Like Michael Ramirez; I presume he's a conservative because he never really breaks form, but then, I wonder if he's an obsessive liberal trying to discredit conservatives. Look, it's not that complaining about the electorate is exclusively a conservative behavior, but, "What America has become"? I think of Romney saying forty-seven percent of the people aren't his to worry about; kind of puts that remark about not worrying about poor people into a new light. And a conservative neighbor in this virtual community who thinks exceptionally poorly of American voters. Ramirez's cartoon, from a conservative standpoint, certainly seems to make sense; but from the liberal side it seems like he's lampooning Republicans for holding American voters in such contempt.
Legalistic Legumistic

Matt Bors, Daily Kos, October 16, 2012



Priorities: ... and to the Republicans, for which they stand ....

Jeff Danziger, October 26, 2012
The Resourceful Politician

The Resourceful Politician

Zach Weiner, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, November 1, 2012
The Resourceful Politician

Ok, that one had me rolling. The armada of gay speedboats...
But the real clincher was getting to the bottom of the cartoon and seeing it was drawn by a guy named Weiner. (Just mispronounce it and have fun with it.)