Political Cartoons Vol. 2

Mod Hat — Splinter note

Mod Hat — Splinter note

Further discussion of the McNaughton painting (see #493, 498-99 above) has been splintered to its own thread.

This is done in the specific interest of not dragging down the present thread with a longer digression. Members are requested to contribute their opinions and analyses of the painting in the new thread, as opposed to this one.

Thank you.
Three from Cagle

Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 29, 2012

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Steve Benson, The Arizona Republic, February 29, 2012

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Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, March 1, 2012

(via Cagle)
War and Peace

Zach Weiner, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, March 3, 2012

This guy would be really successful if he did a George W. Bush version that was identical to this one just so people knew he was paying attention and wasn't necessarily partisan. This is especially meaningfully considering what the President studied and taught.

So much for "equality under the law" . . .

Don't Teabag the Sausage Grinder

Adam Huber, Bug, March 23, 2012
The obvious point

Matt Bors, DailyKos, March 23, 2012
Most people know the old axiom in politics, if you want to know who is in control, "follow the money." That is why I get such a tickle out of this image. It isn't so much a cartoon, but it is so comical. It's why I, and most intelligent Americans have essentially tuned out the debate. They know it doesn't matter. Who ever is elected, nothing will change, the policies will reflect who paid for them. The same people are buying both candidates.
