Political Cartoons Vol. 2

#pathologicalcorruption | #WhatTheyVotedFor

Brian McFadden, The Nib, 12 June 2018
Pathological buffoon, maybe, but for abject corruption you'd have to look to Hillary.

You don't get that the buffoon was elected rather than the criminal?
You don't get that the buffoon was elected rather than the criminal?
Let's see -

After over a year of investigation, and millions of dollars spent, charges against Hillary and her team - zero.

After over a year of investigation, charges against Trump and his team - four. Pled guilty - three.

Yep, the criminal AND the buffoon were elected.
Let's see -

After over a year of investigation, and millions of dollars spent, charges against Hillary and her team - zero.

After over a year of investigation, charges against Trump and his team - four. Pled guilty - three.

Yep, the criminal AND the buffoon were elected.
The right is happy with character assassination, so long as it's against the left.
Let's see -

After over a year of investigation, and millions of dollars spent, charges against Hillary and her team - zero.

After over a year of investigation, charges against Trump and his team - four. Pled guilty - three.

Yep, the criminal AND the buffoon were elected.

Except, among "right-wingers" there are those who think any of Bill and Hillary's serious accusers were made to not be. I don't know of any conspiracy theory that suggests Trump to be a murderer.

I don't carry a torch for the fool, something that seems to go over the unremarkable heads of the professed liberals here, but at the same time, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on Hillary if she were on fire.
Except, among "right-wingers" there are those who think any of Bill and Hillary's serious accusers were made to not be.
Yep. People will believe any shit they read nowadays.
I don't know of any conspiracy theory that suggests Trump to be a murderer.
Yep. Just a serial rapist and an agent of Russia. (Except, of course, there is actual evidence for those things.)
I don't carry a torch for the fool, something that seems to go over the unremarkable heads of the professed liberals here, but at the same time, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on Hillary if she were on fire.
So we had a choice between:

- a woman you hated
- a buffoon and a criminal.

The longer Trump is in office, the more it looks like right winger hate might have been less of a problem than incompetence and criminality.
Of course not. People of both stripes are just as likely to be murderers, I think. People of both stripes have proven it before.

billvon: Some are more likely than others.