
Thanks everybody!

I think I will stick around for a while. Just to keep track on the pooping business... :D
I applaud your decision. I will see if there is any rubber toe covers for tip toeing through the tulips, er, pooh.
Then I envy you. I would clean up monkey poo any day, if I had the opportunity to work with animals.

No, I'm not a zoologist, but I do however, have two dogs at home who I have to clean up after. :D Not to mention all of the rats. Do you think I should stop leaving food for them?
Please don´t...

I have four cats who would gladly relieve you from your rats. :D

Maybe I should change my statement, to that I would like to work with wild animals. Domestic animlas have become so selfabsorbed and arrogant and have totally lost their charm...and only view us humans as fridge openers and service personell, at the Luxurious Cat Hotel.

...oh no, I´m sorry, I LOVE CATS! .....please don´t pee on the rug...?
Without adversity and unjust opposition, cooperation cannot exist. Rudeness gives us a perspective on our own manners and, so long as we are secure in ourselves, it provides a sense of pride. Who brings themselves down to labels and jeering sees in the end their mistake and so is hurt more than any one-time incident.
To me it seems like a wasting disease, the effects of which are only seen in retrospect and in the individual's time of need. They seem broken, as if a part of them yearns for the community of intelligent discussion but long ago their priorities as to what to do to get attention were warped.
If there were no rude individuals, of course there would be no polite individuals, and we cannot exist without that perspective, as it represents one of the most commonly enountered examples of good and evil. Taking such people seriously can be a grevious error, while not seeing yourself in them blinds you to the world. People will always strive to make it harder for other people. I say it makes for good fodder for the soul's pondering.
That was an excellent explanation...

...of WHY rudeness and "evil" exists. Thank you for reminding me. :p But surely everybody should be taken seriously? Not that a joke should not be recognized as such.... But that all individuals should be respected and taken seriously mindless of what their low selfesteem caused manners are. And I´m also sure that it IS possible for us to EXIST without "evil", but that is when everybody has gained that perspective. If we hurry, it might happen in our lifetime.... ;)
Our collection of perceptions in the world are all we have.
All we can do if look down on someone that chooses to use their time in such a way. Well, there are ways to see them equally and take note of other merits, but the exhaustion involved compared to not having to let every comment slide or explain something slower reaches a breaking point. It is always, within a wide reason, better to forgive and forget. The idea is noble.
The utopia of complete goodness... so many people have so many different ideas of goodness, though.
It would have to happen singularly, within oneself, and with the recognition of the notion of evil or a toned down form... like mischieve. If there were no evil there would be nothing with which we could compare good. You would at the very least have to have an idea of evil in the past. Our world is driven by duality and it seems our purpose to bounce back and forth between notions. Without light there is no shadow and so light loses its brilliance. When all is known there is no suspiscion and so no place for the creative mind to nurture itself.
Outside of isolation it may not be possible to live in true goodness for a long time. There is a great misocaineia in the world that draws a line.
The animal/child mentality of innocence would best describe the notion of no rights and a like amount of wrongs.
Rudeness stemming from sheer ignorance will always be misinterpreted as long as people have a notion of themselves, and while the ignorant continue to be so. When a child begins to learn those concepts his imagination is taking hold. Our creative selves make humans what we are (aside from the physical stuff). Part of the reason for the existence of awareness is the contrast between right and wrong, day and night, male and female (not sequencially respective, ladies).
Hatred is a powerful force.
It always amazes me when bright people succumb to the idiocy of spats. I berate myself when I do it. Not to sound elitist (unless it's too late) but there are so many better things to be gained even through trying to study that person and attempting to find out why they are the way they are or trying to help them to see something despite their manners.
Then again (and I might say there is ALWAYS "then again"), old skool relaxation and easiness between good friends can quickly turn testy, but as Bebelina said, if it's understood that someone's joking or amends are soon made, there isn't so much damage. Oh well.
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Hello spankyface, welcome to Sciforums! I hope you enjoy it here.

There is much to be said for simple good manners. It is the "grease" that eases sensibilities between folk confined within civilized society. Without it, laws finally succumb down to the level of fighting.

........ since we all know that's not going to happen. :D

In fact, I've made that promise from day one. But Boris had it coming. :mad: Man! That guy can't stand to lose an argument!:D
Get rid of that weird costume & I'll think about it!!!!!!

:D :D : ;) ;) ;) :cool:

I probably shouldn't have wrote that!!!!:rolleyes:


And please: No tatoooooooes or nose rings either.
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