Police dont know how to act,

Gee, ye guessed?

I can actually remember being 19, standing in my dorm room, pipe in hand, looking at the bowl, and thinking, "I could do this for the rest of my life."

It seems I've given it a damn fine shot. Who'd have guessed?

No, really. I mean, I didn't really think I would.
Cool. So if a copper ever tackles you to the ground, tasers you, and kicks your head until you're unconscious, I'll be applauding.
If I did what he did, I'd expect to wake up in Intensive Care, if at all.

You class that as assault? Hahahahahahahahahah!
The law does, which is all that matters:
under British law it is an offence to lay your hand on to another person without their consent.

it is an offence to resist or wilfully obstruct or to assault a police officer in the execution of his duty or a person assisting him.

not to mention:
it is unlawful to possess a controlled drug other than
prescribed medication from a doctor.


By his own admission, the perp broke all the laws I cited. It was his own behavior that exacerbated the situation.
Again - how is the officer to judge from his flippant attitude and defiance that he is not someone on the verge of "wigging out" and doing who knows what ? If it were me, I would err on the side of caution to avoid being injured - as the officer apparently did.

The fact that he was - according to him, at least - prattling on in what he seems to imagine was the fashion some sort of "shao-lin master" or whatnot could well have added to the perception that he was a potentially dangerous lunatic, not that he was some sort of "wise man" intent on co-operating after teaching the "rigid-minded stormtrooper" a handy lesson in how groovy life could be if we all just got along.

Oh, come now, Fraggle ... don't you think you're being a little bit hard on him? In the first place, fatherhood takes some getting used to. To the other, I have a kid and I'm still known to smoke pot in public. Did it just last week, in fact.
His counsel made a heck of a lot more sense than your contribution of " Whoop-dee-doo ! I do it, too !! "
His counsel made a heck of a lot more sense than your contribution of " Whoop-dee-doo ! I do it, too !! "

Coming from someone who argues the pretense that the police, in the execution of their jobs, have no obligations to decency, proportion, or reality whatsoever?

Sorry, dude. If someone's going to raise fatherhood, then we need to recognize that there is no simple switch to be thrown that makes us all proper fathers.

Additionally, just because something's the law doesn't make it right. The idea that EFoC's actions are worth such conduct from the police when people smoke cigarettes is just a bit of a laugh.

Really, man ... in the United States, marijuana became illegal so that synthetic fibers could get a leg up in textiles.

In your rush to puff your chest and tell EFoC how horrible he is, you've declared your support for what are rather stupid and unjust laws. I'm of the opinion that people ought to break those laws, and they ought to be prepared to answer in a court of law. But that doesn't give law enforcement the right to go out of their way and assault citizens.
The law does, which is all that matters:
under British law it is an offence to lay your hand on to another person without their consent.

Did Empty give consent for the cops to try and put an armlock on him?

Coming from someone who argues the pretense that the police, in the execution of their jobs, have no obligations to decency, proportion, or reality whatsoever?

Sorry, dude. If someone's going to raise fatherhood, then we need to recognize that there is no simple switch to be thrown that makes us all proper fathers.

Additionally, just because something's the law doesn't make it right. The idea that EFoC's actions are worth such conduct from the police when people smoke cigarettes is just a bit of a laugh.

Really, man ... in the United States, marijuana became illegal so that synthetic fibers could get a leg up in textiles.

In your rush to puff your chest and tell EFoC how horrible he is, you've declared your support for what are rather stupid and unjust laws. I'm of the opinion that people ought to break those laws, and they ought to be prepared to answer in a court of law. But that doesn't give law enforcement the right to go out of their way and assault citizens.
Chi set the tone of the encounter when he didn't just comply with a reasonable request, and then used physical force against the police officer.
As far as I'm concerned, at that point something akin to "Taser 'em , bro" is proportional and realistic, since the officer had no way of knowing what might come next.

If anything in the narrative speaks negatively about his prospects for fatherhood, it would seem to me to be that he came away from the whole thing not thinking - or at least not expressing - the sentiment that perhaps he should re-evaluate his behavior patterns, but what seems to be the assessment that it was "all the police's fault" rather than the result of his own actions.

As to the law being "wrong" - as an aside I agree with your assessment cigarettes. After all, if nicotene is "as addicitive as heroin", why isn't it a controlled substance also ? That's another issue, though.
As Fraggle suggested, if one believes the laws of the land to be unjust, the responsible course of action is to take steps to change the laws., not simply decide they don't apply to you.

I must admit to not knowing the circumstances of the illegalization/criminalization of marijuana. Your explanation sounds somehow ludicrous, but weirder things have happened.

Lastly, you're the one apparently still puffin'.
I gave that all up years & years ago, for reasons which are irrelevant to this debate.

Did Empty give consent for the cops to try and put an armlock on him?



it is an offence to resist or wilfully obstruct or to assault a police officer in the execution of his duty or a person assisting him.

Case closed.
We must respect police officers, because they have guns and support of other police with them.

If Empty had given the policeman his joint he probably would of had him ask "Do you have any more on you?". For the most part they would have probably just confiscated it and told him to be on his way, because he decided to give him some attitude (No offence Empty but if you truly replied like you say you did that is attitude.) The policeman would of got upset at him because of his behaviour, by not showing them respect in the form of courtesy.

As for stepping out of the policeman's attempt to restrain you, like others have said you're lucky they didn't taser you or attempt to take you to the ground.

I know that Liverpool Street station (That's one of the Main train stations in London for those of you mixing it up with Liverpool) has hoards of Camera's, if you were truly being mishandled then all you'd need to do is get a lawyer and get those tapes before they get destroyed. Of course if the policeman was using his radio while trying to deal with you there is a likelihood that your arrest was recorded as well.

Technically the police nowadays don't enforce half as bad as they use to, I mean the old pictures of teenagers being dragged to their parents by the earlobe for being disrespectful, or just being clouted around the back of the head and being told to hop-it.
Of course you could get away with a lot back then too, like for instance the number of missing 'Bobbies Bikes'.

(Personally I find them useless since aren't run with any forms of consumerism in mind. It's not like they 'Sell' you a service or product, you are "TAXED" for it and have no say in what it's spent on and or how that service is run. Heck nowadays if you can give them 'Evidence' a crime is being committed, they won't do anything to help you. In the days of old 'Evidence' was suppose to be collected as part of an 'Investigation' which is suppose to be done by them.)
We must respect police officers, because they have guns and support of other police with them.

No, I disagree. I think we should all respect the laws of our country.

Or do you think that people should be permitted to disobey any laws that they don't happen to like?

Baron Max
when i was walking past liverpool st train station this morning, i was smoking a J and a police officerrt came up to me and asked "what are you smoking?", i said "im smoking weed", then he said "give me the spliff", i said "wait a second while i take 1 more hit on it"


You got what you deserved.
then he said "give me the spliff", i said "wait a second while i take 1 more hit on it"

Change your response to this:
"Wait a second while I finish taggin this building/car/mailbox"
"Wait a second while I slap this guy one more time"

You dont get to continue committing a crime in front of the police.

And no kidding. If I was the supplier of your herb and heard about you pulling a stunt like this, you would not be allowed around me. Our business interactions would end.