Police dont know how to act,


when i was walking past liverpool st train station this morning, i was smoking a J and a police officer came up to me and asked "what are you smoking?", i said "im smoking weed", then he said "give me the spliff", i said "wait a second while i take 1 more hit on it"

he then grabed my arm and tried to apply some pressure to do a joint manipulation basic hold around my back. I just stepped aside and brought my hand around reversing his hold and i let go fast, and i said "im not trying to get aggressive, i will cooperate with you peacefully", then he started shouting and screaming at me he lost his temper, he pulled out his handcuffs and charged at me to grab my arm, i evaded him while saying "hey i will hold out my hands and let you cuff me, calm down and do this without force", then he grabbed at my top and started pulling my arm about with both of his hands, i laughed and held out my other armand said "here you go im not fighting you", then he got my wrists in the cuffs overly tight, it was a set of bar cuffs without a chain only a metal bar connecting them. he started twisting up the metal bar to make it cut into my arms, i said to him "stop trying to apply force to hurt my arms its not very nice to try and inflict harm when im not a threat to you", he started shouting again and got his radio out, he spoke into the radio "help, help i need backup at the front of the station outside mcdonalds, he is violent"

then 30 seconds later about 5-6 officers rushed around the corner and bundled around me, all trying to grab a bodypart, i started laughing and said "are you serious, all this for somebody smoking weed" they dragged me over to a police van and tried to empty my pockets and pat me down for weapons, one guy threw my lighter down a drain, i tried to step into the van and they pushed my head into the side while trying to hit my back and twisted up my handcuffs as hard as they could, one pulled out CS gas and said "if i dont stop being violent he will spray my eyes".

when back at the stationt hey refused to give me a phonecall until i was in the cell for over 4 hours, they said i have to sign something to pay them money for a section 5 offence. they tried to tell me i cant do workouts in my cell lol, the arresting officer guy wrote up his report which was all a bunch of lies, it didnt even mention anything truthfull it was almost 100% fake. he claimed i started getting violent and giving threats of violence, he said i was a safety issue to the public who was very abusive. he also said i was shouting and being very loud, while he claimed to be calm and pro about the whole situation, he said i blew weed smoke in his face and told him to fuck off.

they didnt let me out for over 8 hours in the end, he refused to give me his badge number but i saw it after anyway. i didnt say anything apart fro one thing when i left in the front desk collecting my things from the bag. i said " everything on that report is a lie and he was the violent one trying to hurt me for no reason. im not going to even bother complaining to anybody, you guys can think you are big men in your uniforms sitting above the law, fuck all of you and let me out of this mother fucker, you corrupt assholes.

these pictures were taken roughly 9-10 hours after the situation, when i got home from the station. they were much worse when the wounds were fresh, they were bleeding and much more red. fuck the police.



Get your ass a lawyer.

nah, its not worth it nothing will happen. the most any police officer would ever get is maybe a slap ont he wrist, not even a caution. theres nothing i can do, there gang is too big.

Should have offered the mate a toke. ;)

no way its mine,

Dumbass, you're supposed to swallow it when the pigs show up.

its a downgraded C class drug, and all this was over less than half of a spliff i was smoking, what a waste of police time, 6+ officers had to write reports out, they had to tend to me in the cell and perform all types of time consuming things over a length of 8 hours roughly. all for a little bit of weed they are a joke and have no respect.

Yep, all cops are bad and everyone should be allowed to do anything that they want, regardless of the laws or rules or anything else.

Down with cops! Down with the pigs! Revolt! Revolt!

Baron Max
when i was walking past liverpool st train station this morning, i was smoking a J and a police officer came up to me and asked "what are you smoking?", i said "im smoking weed", then he said "give me the spliff", i said "wait a second while i take 1 more hit on it" ....

:rolleyes: You were walking around in public smoking weed?? I think you were being an stupid arrogant ass and you're lucky you didn't get tazered. If you don't want the cops attention quit doing the dumbass things that get you thrown into jail.
Its called growing up. And with a baby on the way, seems like you should consider it.
when i was walking past liverpool st train station this morning, i was smoking a J...


Whadda you want, sympathy ?

You were commiting a crime - who cares how insignificant you think it was - then you apparently acted as though the police are not the duly appointed agents of the gov't/enforcers of the law, but just there to inconvenience you. How do you know the last guy this cop encountered who behaved like you didn't try to cut his throat or some such ?

the arresting officer guy wrote up his report which was all a bunch of lies...he claimed i started getting violent
You already confessed to becoming violent -

I just stepped aside and brought my hand around reversing his hold...
aka - assaulting an officer.

Also, I submit that your interpretation of the events in question is questionable at best, as you were under the influence of a perception-altering psychoactive substance.
Liverpool St Station is a cert for cops so why walk around smoking there? You were asking for trouble and you got it, where is the problem?
sorry to hear that empty but the policeman will only get a slap on the wrist (if your lucky that is)

one question though why did he get so agressive in the first place?
when i was walking past liverpool st train station this morning, i was smoking a J and a police officer came up to me and asked "what are you smoking?", i said "im smoking weed", then he said "give me the spliff", i said "wait a second while i take 1 more hit on it"

he then grabed my arm and tried to apply some pressure to do a joint manipulation basic hold around my back. I just stepped aside and brought my hand around reversing his hold and i let go fast, and i said "im not trying to get aggressive, i will cooperate with you peacefully", then he started shouting and screaming at me he lost his temper, he pulled out his handcuffs and charged at me to grab my arm, i evaded him while saying "hey i will hold out my hands and let you cuff me, calm down and do this without force", then he grabbed at my top and started pulling my arm about with both of his hands, i laughed and held out my other armand said "here you go im not fighting you", then he got my wrists in the cuffs overly tight, it was a set of bar cuffs without a chain only a metal bar connecting them. he started twisting up the metal bar to make it cut into my arms, i said to him "stop trying to apply force to hurt my arms its not very nice to try and inflict harm when im not a threat to you", he started shouting again and got his radio out, he spoke into the radio "help, help i need backup at the front of the station outside mcdonalds, he is violent"

then 30 seconds later about 5-6 officers rushed around the corner and bundled around me, all trying to grab a bodypart, i started laughing and said "are you serious, all this for somebody smoking weed" they dragged me over to a police van and tried to empty my pockets and pat me down for weapons, one guy threw my lighter down a drain, i tried to step into the van and they pushed my head into the side while trying to hit my back and twisted up my handcuffs as hard as they could, one pulled out CS gas and said "if i dont stop being violent he will spray my eyes".

when back at the stationt hey refused to give me a phonecall until i was in the cell for over 4 hours, they said i have to sign something to pay them money for a section 5 offence. they tried to tell me i cant do workouts in my cell lol, the arresting officer guy wrote up his report which was all a bunch of lies, it didnt even mention anything truthfull it was almost 100% fake. he claimed i started getting violent and giving threats of violence, he said i was a safety issue to the public who was very abusive. he also said i was shouting and being very loud, while he claimed to be calm and pro about the whole situation, he said i blew weed smoke in his face and told him to fuck off.

they didnt let me out for over 8 hours in the end, he refused to give me his badge number but i saw it after anyway. i didnt say anything apart fro one thing when i left in the front desk collecting my things from the bag. i said " everything on that report is a lie and he was the violent one trying to hurt me for no reason. im not going to even bother complaining to anybody, you guys can think you are big men in your uniforms sitting above the law, fuck all of you and let me out of this mother fucker, you corrupt assholes.

these pictures were taken roughly 9-10 hours after the situation, when i got home from the station. they were much worse when the wounds were fresh, they were bleeding and much more red. fuck the police.




Oof, that's fucking shocking! Seriously.
The police need a system that polices them. They're totally power-drunk, and abuse the law with the highest impunity.

Pig Scum
Police do often abuse the law. They do uphold the law of course, but it comes with certain duties that these officers did not complete.
you do realize we are only hearing one side of the story and that's from a guy who was high when it occurred.
All police, everywhere, are assholes. We discovered that in the 1960s and nothing has changed since then. Their jobs get risky and scary when they have to go after actual violent criminals, so they have a really good time when they get to harrass somebody who obviously will not fight back. The only thing you can do is avoid them. Don't ever ask them for help, and don't antagonize them.

Smoking a joint in most public places is sheer lunacy. To then antagonize the arresting officer is self-destructive behavior. I agree that you don't show much promise as a father since your judgment is absolutely horrible.

Some things are right, some things are wrong, but a whole lot of things just are. One of those things is that you're always going to come out second best in a confrontation with a cop. I hope your kid is brighter than his father.

I am second to none in my loathing of the police force, but whenever I have the misfortune to deal with one, it's "Yes sir" and "No sir."

If you want to fight for sensible drug laws, join one of the many respected organizations who are lobbying for that cause. Start by informing everyone you know that heroin is an $18 billion dollar industry, and since it's illegal, most of those profits are going into the coffers of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, to finance terrorist attacks. Let the stupid voters know that they can't fight a War On Drugs and a War On Terrorism at the same time.
You were commiting a crime - who cares how insignificant you think it was - then you apparently acted as though the police are not the duly appointed agents of the gov't/enforcers of the law, but just there to inconvenience you.

Cool. So if a copper ever tackles you to the ground, tasers you, and kicks your head until you're unconscious, I'll be applauding.

You already confessed to becoming violent -

“ I just stepped aside and brought my hand around reversing his hold... ”

aka - assaulting an officer.

You class that as assault? Hahahahahahahahahah!
Smoke 'em 'til they drop ....

Fraggle Rocker said:

Smoking a joint in most public places is sheer lunacy. To then antagonize the arresting officer is self-destructive behavior. I agree that you don't show much promise as a father since your judgment is absolutely horrible.

Some things are right, some things are wrong, but a whole lot of things just are. One of those things is that you're always going to come out second best in a confrontation with a cop. I hope your kid is brighter than his father.

Oh, come now, Fraggle ... don't you think you're being a little bit hard on him? In the first place, fatherhood takes some getting used to. To the other, I have a kid and I'm still known to smoke pot in public. Did it just last week, in fact.

The worrisome thing is what AlexB123 pointed out. I mean, I don't know Liverpool, but the thing with smoking dope in public is that it requires some precautions. Generally speaking, it's not that hard to do. But this adjustment is one of those things that fatherhood puts in context. I mean, it's true that I don't just walk around the streets of Ballard huffing from a bolt pipe these days, but still ....

• • •​

EFoC said:

i was smoking a J

Just out of curiosity, were you smoking a proper joint, or one of those messed-up, tobacco-laden things?