PM Blaire on science

Here you are wrong Cris.

I do not feel persecuted at all. I just do not bother anymore to reason with G. It's no use. I couldn't care less about it. It's about time some posters here at Sciforums, let other posters in their value in stead of mocking them all the time.

G should gain more respect if he didn't make everything a risee what is posted by me and some others. So, whatever he says or does, I couldn't care less about.

Somehow, there seems to be so much fun in terrorizing posters with a different view than some posters themself have. Like they make it a sport to chase others down and try to get a reaction so they can go on with their stupid little game.

This will be the one and only post I make about this.

I will just stay who I am and not change for the benefit of some other posters here. I am who I am. No more or less than someone else here.

Not every human is the same. There should be space for everyone here, without the mockery.

I do not mock you, do I? And you have a completely different view on life than I do. We can post and show respect for eachother.

After a year of posting and being mocked by G, I will only respond in the same way to him, 'cause I lost my respect for him long, long ago. I am sorry to say so...

(As a sidenote: Sorry Adam that your thread here is hijacked. It was not the intention.)
I disagree. I do not think that explains it at all.

G, you are not fair, as usual...
Okay. For you, the Newton explanation: equal and opposite reaction.

Why do I relate to you differently than I do to, say, Cris. Surely I am capable of being respectful and well-mannered. Afterall, I afford Chris such courtesies (Cris is the epitomy of respectful and well-mannered). I have said not one doltish thing to Chris.

You are no more than a coward. You crawl for people who might win from you by words.

I can hardly call that respect. I call that crawling and licking someone's feet.

You've noticed I bash Europe each time you bash the US. I bash pseudo-science each time you bash science. You say something dumb, I say something dumb in return.

If that makes me appear to your sensibilities unworthy of respect, well, there you have it.

At some point, you're going to have to conclude that humming loudly with your hands over your ears is your own brand of cowardly behavior. :p