plutonium memes

ethon jubal said:
{The sad littel duch boy with his finger in the dyke walks away to his house on a high hill.}
Please provide co-ordinates of any high hill in the Netherlands which is in convenient walking distance of any dyke.
"high" and "convenient' are relative terms
dykes were predated by artificial mounds and hills of which, some remain. the odds are good that at least one dyke would be in proximity to at least one or more of that shit


i heard of this "raising the bar" as a cunning and insidious tactic to intimidate but never one as outrageous as your demand for "co-ordinates". frikkin stratospheric, ja?

i would be ashamed
but i guessing.... not you ;)
Phlog, if a VastGut's doubtless chronically self-serving, yet ultimately sad response is insulting to my cat please let me know (Like Happeh, he remains on ignore. [A Vast Gut, not my cat.])
Ophiolite, nah, he's talking crap.

Gustav, the highest point in the Netherlands is a staggering 322m above sea level. I guess that counts as a hill, considering the featureless landscape, but I'll argue that it's not a 'high' hill, and Ophiolite's point is valid.

Co-ordinates are 56°46'N 6°01'E near enough, btw.
ethon jubal said:
{The sad littel duch boy with his finger in the dyke walks away to his house on a high hill}

Ophiolite said:
Please provide co-ordinates of any high hill in the Netherlands which is in convenient walking distance of any dyke.

i wonder if oafy buys into "finger in the dyke" legend (a new york authors work of fiction) since that was not pounced on with his typically rabid aka foaming at the mouth, style.


As in the Groningen marshland area, the oldest settlements in the Frisian area date back to the early Iron Age. This applies both to the central areas of Westergo and to the northern part of Oostergo. In this last area a few very high mounds were created. Hogebeintum, at almost 9meters, is the highest mound in the entire Wadden Sea Region. The Frisian region also saw a broad expansion of habitation in the late Iron Age and Roman times as well as colonization of the newly reclaimed salt marsh ridges in the northern part of Westergo in the Early Middle Ages.

Differences in the physical condition and in the history of habitation made that there are strong contrasts within Fryslân in the appearance of the mound landscape. The relatively farflung high mounds on the curved salt marsh ridge in northern Oostergo contrast sharply with the far more dense network of scattered, largely low mounds in central Westergo and the strings of low mounds on the salt marsh ridges of northern Westergo.

Some mounds are built in an elongated shape, which can also be seen in a few German trading mounds. Holwerd is one such. In this context Oldeboorn is also interesting: it lies on the Boorne, and may well have played an important role in the colonization of the peatlands upstream.

In the Frisian mound district too, dyke building began .........Adriaan Haartsen & Dré van Marrewijk
phlogistician said:
Put someone on ignore, and see how. Learn via experimentation. You know, like scientists do.

i rather not
see, if i choose to ignore, i actually do so
the mechanism that you chose not describe is not the province of scientists but rather that of the pseudo scientists aka a little boy sneakily peaking thru his fingers (at his moms tits?)
Gustav said:
so ahh
who wants to eat shit first? :)

Tell you what, if you can point out the word 'hill' in that section you c&p'd, I'll have a bite.

But it doesn't say 'hill', it says 'mound'. Maybe I can forgive you if English isn't your first language, but 'mounds' are not 'hills'.

The village of Hogebeintum, built on a terp (an old, artificially kind of hill which protected the inhabitants against the rising sea in the old days)

drop the semantic meanderings and kindly concede
in any case.....
phlogistician said:
Tell you what, if you can point out the word 'hill' in that section you c&p'd, I'll have a bite.
....i yet have to name a specific dyke as per the original question that is in "close" proximity to hogebeintum. i am just assuming (logically), that there would be one or more, nearby. (google earth sucks!)

so leave the shit alone for the time being ;)
'artificial kind of hill', nope, 'mound' is a more accurate word. So if the term 'hill' is debatable, the term 'high hill' is certainly not proven.

Nice try though.
well let try some dic defs for mound

Main Entry: 2mound
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: origin unknown
1 archaic : HEDGE, FENCE
2 a (1) : an artificial bank or hill of earth or stones; especially : one constructed over a burial or ceremonial site (2) : the slightly elevated ground on which a baseball pitcher stands b : a rounded hill or natural formation
3 a : HEAP, PILE <mounds of work> b : a small rounded mass <a mound of mashed potatoes> webster

then lets look at some for hill

Main Entry: 1hill
Pronunciation: 'hil
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hyll; akin to Latin collis hill, culmen top
1 : a usually rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain
2 : an artificial heap or mound (as of earth)
3 : several seeds or plants planted in a group rather than a row
4 : SLOPE, INCLINE american heritage

yikes! what does usgs (What is the difference between “mountain,” “hill,” .......”?) say about this shit?
phlogistician said:
....the term 'high hill' is certainly not proven.

i say!
did i not mention that high/convenient are relative terms?
this jubal guy could be a dwarf or something
Gustav, you link definitions that use terms such as;

"the slightly elevated ground"


"a small rounded mass"

and still pursue the 'high is relative' angle.

You are talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time. Give it up.
phlogistician,Still at it, if anyone posts you always think your right the
world is real and lots going on go outside it is okay.

Get a life ARSE HOLE
lsufos said:
phlogistician,Still at it, if anyone posts you always think your right the
world is real and lots going on go outside it is okay.

Get a life ARSE HOLE

It's you're a contraction for you are , you illiterate dolt. Seems you spent too much of your youth outside, and not in school.

You talk about me getting a life, yet you waste yours (correct use, of 'your', possessive, take heed) chasing little blobs of light in the sky. That is funny.

And yes, I am an ARSE HOLE. At least I am not a STUPID OBSESSED ILLITERATE ARSEHOLE! Have fun being you, I'm sure it's hilarious.