plutonium memes

ethon jubal

Registered Member
A person reading this document may have questions. I will do my best to answer any and all to the limit of my ability. If you have answers to my questions I would hope you would do the same.

Understanding the beginning is very difficult when one starts in the middle even if one stays to the end. The omnivierse as far as I have been able to gather is steady state but was in a condition of perfect symmetry, time was a cycle, every thing written before was over written, over and over, repeating with out number. It had no features accept that. {It should be noted that Time is the only thing that survived the preconditon of the protouniverse}.

Nothing could happen in the universe until time reppeated at least once, in this form the zero point universes have one feature, spin in any direction, in other words, they are truly omnidirectional. After the first cycle somthing interesting happens.

"Into play comes the number of number of repetitions come number of repetitons come number of repitions come" {please note there was a symmetry break here in the text that can not be resolved and although it doesn't make sense is totally relevant, don't drive your self crazy over it, the quotes around it are to highlight it and hopefully it will become more clear latter when I begin the discussion of the paradox}

The very fact every thing repeated creates a flaw, wrinkel, dimple, knot, or inclusion, call it whatever. The fact that it{the flaw} MUST come from outside the system makes the universe break symmetry. Two revolutions are self-referenving, the path has been traveld before but the universe is omnidrectional.

This is a paradox, if the path, is, how could the body in question been free to spin is any direction? The preuniverse can not resolve this and promptly destroys its self, with staggering [infinite?] energy.

Now there are three things that survive, time energy, and the most interesting paradox. I know this sounds almost child like but that is the way it came out simple and clear and to the point. This as far as I know it is the first tenitive philosophical inroads into a pre Plank time big bang and is origanal and new [I cannot truly know this].

Plese understand any new thought in the Yelm is a VERRY BIG DEAL. There is more but this is all I can give right now, anny feed back would hope stimulate further information.
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It looks very close to being word salad to me. Do you think someone has let a new AI loose on t'internet?
Ophiolite evidence for postulates funny you must be a geometry teacher. guthrie Im not sure but i think im flaterd.
I think that perhaps an Artificial Unintelligence is providing us some entertainment.
ethon jubal said:
Ophiolite. Evidence for postulates? Funny, you must be a geometry teacher.
Have you heard of punctuation? Sentence structure? Grammar? Spelling conventions?

I've amended your post so it makes sense. If this wasn't the sense you intended then learn to write.

Nowhere, that I can see, in your opening post, do you state you are offering conjectures, idle thoughts, axioms, or postulates.

Within philosophy and science it is common practice to offer a minimum number of postulates, commensurate with introducing a hypothesis. One does not cite a series of unsubstantiated, radical, unrelated conjectures dressed as speculative whimsy, then claim them as postulates.

Can you offer one iota of support for any of your postulates that would justify taking them, or you, seriously?
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Do to the fact that the human mind egsists in a "dicomatic" universe it can not grasp certan features of the environment in wich it finds its self with out breaking into poistive or negtive conceptual thinking. It the [human mind] can not hold certen information long enough to apply logic and grasp information with out a yes or no answer. If there egisist a paradox that is not a novel construct of whimsy but is a fundimental construct of our universe it then becomes imparitive to establish a phlosophy/mathmatics that can deal with information in a nonliner, rather than ether or pattern. Question, does or have there ever been a mind that can do this? I sugest that it takes more than one mind to hold all of the peaces. First and formost it is crucial to form the first three steps of knowledge and understanding of the system we find our selves in.
postulate #1 Time is the first dimension. It poseses one and only one feature,spin.
postulate #2 a time unit has no information untill it has compleated at least one revolution, at that point the of number of revolutions come into play and symmetry breaks.
postulate#3 as symmetry breaks an identical but oppsite unit is created. The two have the same rotational velocity but oppsite spin. they twist spacetime between them causing them to fall into each other and then annialate. Information is still zero.
postulate#4 in the next revolution the # of revolutions are in play as is part of the flaw. The flaw creates a way to record information. The intresting fact is this happens about half way through the third revolution. One of the great features of consiousnes is self referal and is essental in the developing universe.
postulate #5 time is evolvig literaly through time.
CANGAS I think your back handded complement is quite droll. If it helps, you can call me Forest Gump.
ophiolite what kind of evidence do you want? mathmatics, physical, logical, philosophical. It is one thing to say my spelling is abismal and another to say my syntax is illogical. But I note that no one has disproved the core idea. If you think I am a fool crack pot then stand up and say so. I just want to know why it is hard wired into our brains to not grasp the paradox. Im not getting any traction from you guys. I know that you are wishing thease ideas would go away but weather or not I do they wont. The wild card in life is just that wild. You may ask where did you come from my answer is from out walking in the world.
ethon jubal said:
ophiolite what kind of evidence do you want? mathmatics, physical, logical, philosophical..
Physical is the only kind that counts. It should be expressed mathematically, if possible; such mathematics being employed through logic.

ethon jubal said:
It is one thing to say my spelling is abismal and another to say my syntax is illogical. But I note that no one has disproved the core idea. .
ethon, your writing style is so abysmal no one can discern what your core idea is.
ethon jubal said:
I know that you are wishing thease ideas would go away but weather or not I do they wont.
I don't give a flying aardvark about these ideas, because I have little or no grasp what you are talking about.
ethon jubal said:
If you think I am a fool crack pot then stand up and say so.
Certainly. I think you are a fool and a crack pot, and even worse, you can't write worth a damn.
However, I am quite happy to talk to you for as long as it amuses both of us.

ethon jubal said:
Due to the fact that the human mind exsists in a "dicomatic" universe it can not grasp certain features of the environment in which it finds itself, without breaking into positive or negative conceptual thinking.
Two things: I have a vocabulary of well over 50,000 words. One of these words is fuck. I shall use it in this example sentence. What the fuck's a dicomatic universe?

You appear to be saying that the Universe is structured in a dualistic form: with positive and negative. Moreover, you believe this structure inherent in the Universe, imposes postive or negative views on our minds.

All I can say is, speak for yourself. I have no difficulty in holding two mutually exclusive thoughts in my head at the same time. For amusement I am working on holding three simultaneous thoughts together at the same time.
This personal experience seems to disprove one of your fundamental claims.
The subconscious mind doesn't do well with uncertainty. It's a true fundamentalist. Most people who consider themselves agnostics, for example, may actually be so, speaking analytically. The subconscious, though, is very uncomfortable with this state of affairs and will desparately try to impose simplicity and certainty on the analytical mind. So although people maintain they are agnostics, they may actually fall in the atheist camp or the "believer" camp.

The subconscious must get a very quick read on reality in the interest of survival. Friend or foe? Light or dark? God or No-God? Invisible reality or No invisible reality?

Anyone who can work around the limits of the subconscious in survival mode is unique.
As far as I can make out, its the same old shit about someone capable of grasping TOTALLITY with their limited mind. You know, the kind of thing that SF authors spat out about 30 years ago, having done it to death. The kind of thing that only pseudoscientists try and talk about nowadays. (Although I don tthink colin Wilson is dead yet.)
I see I struck a nerve but if you want to continue then so do I. Saber ratteling is unnessary [I am on the net so I have access to every word ever]. Definition: "dicomatic" is a state where there are two fundimentaly equal but opposite answers to a question and the question is unknown. Occam's razor can not be aplied here, both are simple and beautyful. they both work well but only when mutually exclusive. This can not be resolved but is not a true paradox but a protoparadox{in the second revotution of the universe the symmetry break has not occured yet and all concepts are not fully formed}. A mind must find an answer so takes one of two paths. so you hit the mark but you dont have all of the information. If you review what I said about the Yelm and had seen through the deliberate flaw in what I said. You would know that in the thought experament nothing can change, there must be somthing that allows for shifting of position.{think of the childs toy that has ranks and files of tiles that can move. This toy also has one empty space that allows one of the tile to move into when done right it forms a pattern. The paradox it this empty space and the pattern it follows is what is relivent}.
Every thing fits perfectly excluding the paradox. An argument that might hold watter is that if the universe has infinite number then the infinite must exist so if the universes have a parodox then it must exist. You asked for mathmatics but unfortunatly nobody ever taught me transdimensonal noliner calculas and although i have an idea how it might work you would think me cracked or "flawed" if i gave you a transdimenaional equation{not to mention they are very hard to wright}. P.S. this should go under the heading of philosophy not psydoscience. I hope you can understand that what is happening is every time you try to think about what i am saying your brain smacks into the paradox and must reboot and that hurts.
dude I am a self made man unclothen before the truth. by the way Foret Gump just asked does this discribe dark matter? I call this chamelion partical the paradoxicon and if you will accept that there is somthing to what i am saying then i wil give you some of it propertys. who has a hand up your concepual fecies distributar any way?
Right. That's really quite good. Whose sock puppet are you?
Ahh... you found me out Ophi. I figured if I posted a lenghty single paragraph with little or no punctuation and misused vernacular, and misspellings like "Foret Gump" and "discribe" no one would connect it to me. I'm just having my way with you all.

Now, I just need to post a response as my sock puppet (from my proxy, of course, just to keep Stryder on his toes when he looks at my IP) that denies that I (as ethon jubal) am a "sock puppet" for SkinWalker.

By that time, you will all wonder if I'm actually using a sock puppet or not, and most will decide that I couldn't possibly be -otherwise, why would I tell you. I ask you all: has anyone known me to deliberately lie?

I'm either lying now or telling the truth.
I posted something in another thread that I think is relevant to what the thread innitiators original thoughts were.

As I mention people are more than likely to find what I've written to have the usual twist of "Paradox" to it. Cosmology as you can guess finds it difficult to answer some questions, the only thing that people can do is try to weigh the content of the universe and what each "theorised" event would achieve to try and work out what actually happened. (Unless they do some 'Remote viewing' tricks and I'm not talking parapsychology)
I dont doubt the truth that I am. Do to the fact that there is no imput from all of you inteligent people gives me a sinking fealing that you are all my 11 grade english teacher. other than that I might as well be talking to the grass. {The sad littel duch boy with his finger in the dyke walks away to his house on a high hill.}
Who's walking away? The little douche boy or the dyke he had his finger in?

Whichever it is, the boy had better wash his finger.

(of course, that being my sock puppet, I'm just playing straight man to myself)