Plugging into the Internet with the Brain

Can the brain like an antenna to access infinite information stored in the universe?

  • Yes. All information is stored in the universe and accessible with the brain.

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • No. You only access information stored in the brain. There is no infinite universal information.

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Dunno.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I have a different opinion.

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
I came across a collective consciousness study about the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon by Sheldrake. They talk about it at this site:

In this example, one monkey learned how to wash a potato. Then, she taught it to some others. After teaching it to alot of monkeys, other monkeys that have never been exposed to the teaching already knew how to wash potatos without having to learn it.

SkinWalker said:
've read a bit on Eddison and don't remember such a suggestion. I also couldn't find anything remotely similar in a google search.
Who cares?
What is your dilema/point?
Em... d? Like a great many of the subjects you have a tendancy to be drawn towards, Scooge never actually existed. He was made up.
Mr Anonymous said:
Em... d? Like a great many of the subjects you have a tendancy to be drawn towards, Scooge never actually existed. He was made up.
em,,,,,,,A, his character 'existed'. and i have met people who resemble that character........anoter one is Dickens' 'Mr Gradgrind'--in his novel 'Hard Times', te character begins with sayig, "Facts, Facts, Facts'!......tis to remindsme of people i've communicated wit here. they are blinded by 'facts'. cant see reality for 'facts' .......getme?......hmmmmmmmwe'll see
How can you be blinded by facts?

How can facts obscure reality?

What is more likely is that you have created a reality of your own and you are sticking to it regardless of the conflicting facts.
This reminds me of an idea that I had a few years ago, which I turned into a whimsical fantasy novel. The premise is that all the information that ever existed or is likely to ever exist is contained in the light at the beginning of time, ie, the big bang.

Further, planets are sparked into life (meaning all living things on a planet) by intelligent radiation from certain stars. The life thus created has the propensity to unconsciously communicate with the host star, so that the information received by the star is processed and radiated back to the living planet in order to make it (all life contained within it including 'nature') evolve according to its needs.
shaman_ said:
How can you be blinded by facts?

me))))))))i see you aint doe an English course readn in Hard Times then...? not that i have, but i can dig what Dikens was exploring.
Mr Gradgrind, name and character is representing all the grim mechancial mindset of the Industral Revolution, where 'facts' take over from senistivity,feeling, soul, compassion....and so on. humanity. ie., his modus operandi is 'facts facts facts' that's ALL he can see.

How can facts obscure reality?

me)))))))statistics are facts. people become statistics. tke a stroll round here. look at the racists propaganderists posting wid their statistics. thats all tey do isthrow statistics at ya. they aren't looking at PEOPLE. so the facts are gettin in the way of observing and feeling. yes stats have a place, buy are just a partial, limited, look, not the whole MEANING

What is more likely is that you have created a reality of your own and you are sticking to it regardless of the conflicting facts.
take water.....this is a true story. i was amember of the Lycaeum, whioch isa forum dedicated to psychedelic information and science an all forms of supposedly free inquiry (actually its totally up its arse....anyway, i waxed lyrical about water, and a poster cae back with something like 'rubbish! water is H2o....! for him that was THE fact of what water IS. cause science is 'god' and told him so. get me now?
duendy said:
em,,,,,,,A, his character 'existed'. and i have met people who resemble that character........anoter one is Dickens' 'Mr Gradgrind'--in his novel 'Hard Times', te character begins with sayig, "Facts, Facts, Facts'!......tis to remindsme of people i've communicated wit here. they are blinded by 'facts'. cant see reality for 'facts' .......getme?......hmmmmmmmwe'll see

Well, certainly as gross caricatures Dickens fictional characters certainly exist in print, but have you ever at all paused to ponder the notion that in discerning certain reminiscent traits in how you choose to read other peoples responses - is this not a product of your own fickle nature?

I mean, we're all well read, reasonably educated, able to do simple arithmetic and yet, according to you, we're all too dumb to know our own minds.

Do you not feel at all you've a tendency towards fictionalisation?
Mr Anonymous said:
Well, certainly as gross caricatures Dickens fictional characters certainly exist in print, but have you ever at all paused to ponder the notion that in discerning certain reminiscent traits in how you choose to read other peoples responses - is this not a product of your own fickle nature?

mePPPcant remember th exact Shakspere reponse which would beperfect to reply...but its someting like how we are but actors on stage.......with our entrances and exists......?...well each one of us has pots of different characters we wshow to the world, and of course have our more real ones we only show to ourselves. people who writenovels, plays, myth, all forms ofliterature use life experience FOR their ideas, as did Dickens. Gradgrind is THE epitome of te attitude i am pointing to, which is reflected by all yous who demand facts facts facts. evidence evidence evidence....whilst seemingly igNORING inbetweens, nuances, subtleties, magic perfumes in the airrrrrr~~~~~~~~

I mean, we're all well read, reasonably educated, able to do simple arithmetic and yet, according to you, we're all too dumb to know our own minds.

me)))))))you said it fellah. 'education' hey. i dont call it indoctrination for nuthin!

Do you not feel at all you've a tendency towards fictionalisation?
actually most booksi read are NON fiction.