Pleasure of SEX

Emotions are a instincts. Of course animals without a brain can't feel anything, for them sex it brought on entirely through chemical messages if tehy had a brain it would feel good. Even so any animal with a brain feels pleasure and pain and they all fell pleasure for having sex, without they would not do it, the pleasure is literally the instinct: when they have sex dopamine is released that simple.
Even so any animal with a brain feels pleasure and pain and they all fell pleasure for having sex, without they would not do it, the pleasure is literally the instinct: when they have sex dopamine is released that simple.

Again, incorrect. Animals do not have sex because it is pleasurable; they are not thinking of sex when it is not time time to have sex. When their reproductive cycle begins, their need is instinctive and must be quenched. The question is not if they enjoy sex, it whether they have sex because it pleasurable and that is a definite No.

Of course animals without a brain can't feel anything....
I will give you the time to revise.
Poor fetus ;) left all alone with people insisting.... wait a second, what are you guys even trying to say?

First things first, "animals" work in much the same way we do *gasp*, we are related to them all afterall, most of the basics are the same.
Even in "lesser" animals the instincts telling them to do things aren't as simple as you guys are making out. What instincts do is send a message to the individual, which the individual then interpretts into its own "mind language". This is the same for every organism, even humans, even plants.
There is one message every living thing gets, and that is "try to pass on your genetic material", different animals then interprett that in different ways, suited to their species.
Some mind languages might be more complex, but the instincts are the same and the result is the same. The complex preparation of our instincts makes us think we are making big decisions, when really we are just going to complex lengths to get our instinctive tasks completed.
Forget about the "lymbic" system, it really is irrelevent. Its just what makes us feel like we do, other organisms would get their own rewards in their own way that they happened to evolve instead of the lymbic system.
As fetus said "how do you know a jellyfish doesn't feel good about spwning?" and I bet it would in its own little way.
I bet salmon feel as sweet as plumb after swimming miles up stream to their spawning ground. Thats just how it worked, if animals could be spoonfed instincts the way you seem to think then it never would have needed to change, we'd just hear the message in our heads and say "yes sir!". But we don't, because instincts don't work like that, the instinct needs to be transformed into an idea by the brain before it can be acted upon, and for animals without brains, it needs to be done in some other way.
There is no "animals do this, humans do that", you'll find that if all animals work in some way, then humans inevitably do too. Not saying humans aren't unique, just saying all animals are unique and anything shared by all those unique animals will be shared by us too.

Not all animals would feel pleasure in the sense we feel it, thats just anotomical semantics, the fact remains that all organisms breed to reproduce, but none of them realise that, crocodiles think they do it to spend a romantic evening nibbling on the hottest croc tail in the district, fish get mad thrills dropping wads on unfertilised egg batches, preying mantis' want it bad enough to risk their lives, its just too sweet to not go for it, none of these feelings are exclusive to humans, the words our brains put to them are strictly human but the original urges that we needed to subconsciously translate are not.

So, yeah humans have sex for pleasure, gee lets call the newspaper:rolleyes: but the pleasure is only there to make reproduction happen.
Everyone really should know this:confused: What is the alternative you had in your minds? The reproduction is there to make future generations of pleasure happen? LOL
Humans are animals
We just happen to be very smart animals with opposable thumbs and advanced languages.
An Infant in Ecstacy

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Eating as always been pleasurable even for a infant.
(Your post just triggered a fond memory I have of a baby nursing at the breast and his eyes rolling back in his head as he is consumed with pleasure.)
what jacks me up the most about sex is its fundamental mechanistic nature. at the same time I'm thinking "man I really need to jam it into this hot beesh" I'm also thinking "goddamn it's somewhat repulsive to be compelled to force my reproductive organ into a female orifice for the ritual enacting of the biological imperative - I am nothing but a salmon, swimming because I must. This compulsion rests behind my every though, often working its way to the foreground... sometimes consuming my mind." ack.

you can make it a mind thing, or some sort of religion... but all and all you cannot effect the reason it exists and it is as such fundamentally mechanistic. you must fuck to propagate the species. put your fluids in these fluids by grinding your pelvic regions together. ah... I'm such a romantic. :rolleyes:
Haha, yes!
I feel somewhat pathetic when I'm getting action, and its not just because of my tiny penis;)
You can't go up to a girl and say "aah my body really feels the need to pass on its genetic material so if you'll just get naked I can shut it up and then I'll be on my way"
You have to lie and talk shit and insult yourself and the girl, just like the bower bird needs to collect blue trinkets and the elk needs to headbutt its buddy really hard. All animals have their little arbitrary breeding rituals that they think are serious business.
When I see humans that take it equally as seriously as these animals what can I assume other than they are in every way simple animals?
If you don't have wes's realisation you are one of these animals you think so little of. How are you different? You are blindly following your instincts without giving them any thought.
Forget humans, I am not saying humans do not have sex simply for pleasure. Or dolphins or bonobos. Casual sex-- sex for pleasure, does not extend beyond the three above. If it did, for the third time, sex by other animals would not be restricted to reproductive periods. As you know, unlike other mammals that exhibit physical signs of fertility, human adaptation led to the way of the family group. Sex used for bonding...

The limbic system irrelevant? Of course not. You bet those animals that donot have a limbic system would feel pleasure? Anatomical semantics? There is no semantic issue here. You are speculating. This is like saying I bet aliens would have their own way of communicating. Whilst this may be true, and probably is true if aliens did exist, it is not fact for it is not known. What is however known, is that animals who have a limbic system release like chemicals as we do in the event of activities that we deem pleasurable. I know nothing of plant pleasure for it is undefinable.

Yes, sex is instintive in all animals that have sex. Sex in humans and said animals however is different in the other animals. We have serial killers that get SEXUAL pleasure from killing; etc. The mechanics and "interpretations" sexually arousing r an adult male looking at an attractive female are different from that which would have a similar male be aroused by a 2 year old.

This is an excellent site and tape on human sexuality:


This compulsion rests behind my every...
Try being 23 again. The single most important benefit of a steady partner at that age is constant/readily available sex. The disadvanatge is your mind begins to expect is, say very day. When the inevitable breakup occurs you are fucked. ou are out looking for some every time your mind calls and when you fail, you are limited to pathetic masturbation, at least until the next staedy. The fucking life of the compulsive and instinctive male.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Try being 23 again.



I suppose I'm down. Do I get to keep my family?

Please advise.


(ps, is it a shot or a pill or what?)
Hold out your hands.

In wesmoris' right hand, thefountainhed
drops a red pill.

thefountainhed: You take the pink pill and the story ends. You wake up and you go back with your children and family--happy. But with a single vagina and with every instinct in your body begging for more.

The pills in his open hands are reflected in the glasses.

You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and you become 23.

feels the smooth skin of the capsules, with the moisture growing in his palms. opens his mouth and swallows the red pill. The Cheshire smile returns.

Follow me.

After a 50 second walk along a winding walkway, thefountainhed
provides wesmorris with the largest blunt of the finest Jaimacan weed ever conceived, along with a video tape and a PC.

Enjoy your blunt for you realize as a nerd, 23 is hell. The video tape is a porno, and the PC will allow you more access to porn. Welcome to the life you forgot.

thefountainhed laughs Uproariously as he returns to reading shit on sciforums whilst praying for his shift to end so he can hit the bars, watch some football games, get some sleep, hit the frat parties in the continuous search b4 the next steady, all whilst waiting till he is 30.