Pleasure of SEX


Valued Senior Member
I think sex is not only for reproduction, but for pleasure too.
There is nothing wrong to have sex with spouse or sex partner(not married), it is our right~
Its not "for" pleasure.
The pleasure is just the means to make us do it. Traditionally organisms don't take science classes that teach them about reproduction, and even if they did they might not care about the survival of their species. They need to be tricked into reproducing and this is done by making them enjoy the act of reproducing. So it is not surprising you would think it is "for pleasure", you are one of the organisms in question. The actual purpose of sex is reproduction, we now know this for a fact.
I believe we've known this for quite some time actually, something like tens of thousands of years. Get with the times cave man. :rolleyes:
right on Dr Lou Natic!

Thanks to modern contraceptive we can now out smart our genetically implanted impulses and screw without reproducing. Some would say equivalent to snorting crack to trick your brain into releasing all that good dopamine without doing anything good for your survival physically and genetically.
this is an interesting post. obviously sex is for reproduction, but it's not to say it can't be done merely for personal pleasure. hence, so many "accidental" births. personally and for moral reasons, I don't believe in having sex with women outside of the current relationship i'm in, although recent science has shown us that males are hardwired to be polygamous.
sex isn't necessarilly "for" reproduction. You could say its the purpose from an evolutionary standpoint, but the purpose of any human act is determined by the ones who carry it out. If people have sex with no intention of reproducing then most likely the purpose of that act was pleasure.

The same coudl be said for other things, like eating. eating is something we are driven to do by evolution because it is how we get sustenance, but people certainly eat for pleasure as well.
The only reason why it pleasurable is because evolution made it that way! The animals that did not get pleasure for eating, drinking, fucking, ect, did not survive. We eat because it feels good, it feels good because we evolve for it to feel good, that evolve because it if was any other way we would not be alive. There for it is instinctually hardwired into us to find these things pleasurable, it not by some will power of are own that we find this thing pleasurable, that just wishful thinking.
sure, but if people are having sex using a contraceptive then they are not engaging in that act for the purpose of reproduction, they are engaging in that act because they find it pleasurable.
The reason they find it pleasurable is obviously as you said, due to evolution favoring animals who took pleasure in it, but that doesn't make the purpose of every individual sex that people engage in reproduction.
I was never disagreeing with that, the purpose we have sex is for pleasure, Dawkins based evolutions being why it pleasurable. The mind may thing “I don’t want to have a child, but I want to have sex", the genes make the impulse to have sex and do a very good job of that, the genes only "want" for the person to reproduce. The mind though finds ways to trick the genes and get pleasure for nothing (by using contraceptives for example) even so the physical reason for sex is still reproduction, the mental reason only being pleasure.
Could it be that the author of this thread wasn't viewing sex from a scientific point of view but from a ethical one. As in how religions only allow sex for reproduction...not pleasure (you hedonistic bastards) ?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
We eat because it feels good, it feels good because we evolve for it to feel good, that evolve because it if was any other way we would not be alive.

Well that's rather narrow minded. Plants for instance don't eat, and they manage to stay alive. We could look for other ways of taking in energy.

The same goes for reproduction it doesn't HAVE to feel good, I mean our bits could all be magnetically drawn to one another and that'd probably still work out.

Dr. lou's little speech about the purpose of sex being reproduction is just hilarious. This is not a fact, it's nothing more than personal opinion. The act of sexual reproduction has no objectively or scientifically quantifiable purpose, it simply has consequences (or "effects" if you'd like to put it in terms that don't sound so negative, as I certainly don't mean it that way), one of which is reproduction. Evolution has no purpose, it's not some sort of linear progression, and there is no evidence that it is created consciously by the intent of some higher being (as your use of the word purpose implies, whether this is your intended message or not).

Once again I’m forced to please ask you to pick up a text book and learn a little bit about evolution or at least biology before you open your mouth and profess yourself to be some sort of expert on the topic.

Note that I said
The animals that did not get pleasure for eating, drinking, fucking, ect, did not survive.
Did I say plants NO, plants don't even have a brain they never needed one!

Also Dr Lou Natic speech is in fact a reputable theory of evolution read some of the works of Richard Dawkins. Perhaps it is you that need a refresher in this subject. We never said or imply anything about this subject of evolution being sentient, nor linear progression.
We eat because it feels good, it feels good because we evolve for it to feel good, that evolve because it if was any other way we would not be alive.
I believe taste buds evolved as a way to tell between the poisonous and the not. Most poison is bitter and taste is 70%smell. We started to eat because we go hungry, weak and die without food. We share and celebrate food now becuase throughout our history as a species, we have been chasing food.

All animals enjoy sex? I am not so sure of that, but I do not know. Maybe you can provide a link?

Obviously the main purpose of sex was reproductive variety. It is pleasurable as an evoltionary-survival tactic. The difference between us and animals is that we understand the processes of sex and thus can have it just for pleasure without the consequence of pregnancy. We do the same with alcohol, food, drugs...
Here's something else to think about. According to evolution, there would be no reason for people to masturbate since it does not serve to pass on genes. Yet people do it anyways. Why? For pleasure of course!
We are not denying the fact that sex is for pleasure we are only explaining why we get pleasure from sex.

Maybe you can provide a link on animals that don't enjoy sex? that would be rare enough to find legitimate latitude on.
Maybe you can provide a link on animals that don't enjoy sex? that would be rare enough to find legitimate latitude on.
Animals that do not posess the limbic system? I always thought only the "higher' animals has a limbic system, but I will do the research.
You both are expressing the 'mechanical' philosophy of the universe, where higher sex drive=pleasure and low sex drive=death. right?

Maybe you can provide a link on animals that don't enjoy sex? that would be rare enough to find legitimate latitude on.

Dolphins mate in 5 seconds. I'm not so sure they derive pleasure from it, but they are certainly drawn to it as a process they 'need' to do.

We started to eat because we go hungry, weak and die without food. We share and celebrate food now becuase throughout our history as a species, we have been chasing food.

And over time the consumption of food became pleasurable because it fullfilled a biological need. Cooked food however, gave us the evolutionary jump, because it decreased mortality and tasted better.
Then why do dolphins do it so often and even to pregnant and lactating mothers? Chickens on take 5 secs and the love it (well the rosters at least)

Eating as always been pleasurable even for a infant.
Not all animals have the limbic system and so not all animals enjoy sex. And those that have sex do not have it simply because it is pleasurable. If that were the case, most animal sex would not be limited to there productive cycles. Animals fight for, and have sex because it is an instinct. Pleasure, just as in humans I believe exist to increase the probability of success-- the exchange of sperm, and repetition.

For example, in humans, when the female orgasms, the vaginal walls are relaxed and sperm can permeate within that orifice with relative ease. The same processes exist with dogs and the other mammals--it is relaxing for the same purpose. One might be tempted to bring up homosexual sex and its enjoyment; but in truth, pleasure is derived by the same mechanics as those in heterosexual sex. Pleasures generated from spanking, pissing, etc are obviously mental.

To my knowledge, only Humans, Bonobos, and Dolphins engage in sex as a social activity-- for anything other than reproduction-- solely for pleasure: both of the event and socialization.

Eating as always been pleasurable even for a infant.

I disagree. Taste buds are an evolutionary trait. Food is only pleasurable with taste buds; this should be obvious. Prior to the acquisition of taste buds, pleasure in food could be equated to finally getting air after suffocating--relief or anything synonymous.