ZeRo X

Registered Member
Ok.....I need to ask you guys something thats been haunting me for awhile.

Have any of you seen a show on Fox where people got nosebleeds, a shotgun got twisted, and they never found the people?

I know this sounds bizarre, but I am really bothered by this. I forgot exactly what happened. I remember that there were 5-6 younger people (like 18-21) and they were at this house. They went outside and they actually saw aliens, with lazer type stuff.
They went inside and all got nose bleeds. Some guy went to look for the aliens and all they saw was a twisted shotgun(which wasnt twisted when he had it). All of these people were never seen again (this was on a home video they shot)

If anyone knows ANYTHING or remembers this show, please, please, post it here. I am terrified at seeing this. They said it was 100% real.
one more thing

This special show was shown like 4 years ago. Please, if you remember.

Im not sure if it was a 90-minute special debut of Beyond Belief or what, I cant remember.

If you know anything (even something similar) please share it here (web adresses too!)


I might be able to help you with that. I know what happened to them. They were abducted to be used as slaves, lab rats, or to teach them the ways of our planet. I doubt the last one, as they would have gone for the President, or Colin Powell or somebody in the Government.
ZeRo X

maybe the people had been naughty?

maybe they made thier own noses bleed through suggestion?

as far as T.V people are concerned
you dissapear when the camera is pointed at someone else :(

why are you woried?

groove on :)
About the show

Im so worried about this cause it scared the hell out of me. They said that is 100% real footage. These people all disappeared, all 5 or 6 of them. Never seen again. I know some other scarier stuff happened, but I forgot some of it. Did anyone ever see this thing? I cant find out anything about it.

If you saw it i think you'd know what I mean.
<i>They said that is 100% real footage.</i>

Oh, well it must have been, then.

heyya ZeRo X
if it is true then you will not be able to stop what has happened unles you poses a time machine, amoung other things.
if it is true and it is going to hapen again...
you might not be able to stop that either.

either way
you should try to stop worrying about it
because humans do far more scarry stuff than that and make it a game as well/ = psychopaths/crazzy people

if the people who bent the shotgun were nasty you would not have a twisted shotgun
you would have a twisted person who was about to use it!


100 % real footage could be 100% real footage of a joke/scam/shite to make people parranoid and make sadists get a laugh.

nose bleeds are common amoung some types of people
just the same as stigmatta is amoung hard core brainwashed religouse people.
the human body is an amazing thing!
most people have no idea in the slightest of what it is realy capable of!

groove on :)
(ps dont watch too many cartoons!)
100% real = ratings, it could just have bee nthere to scare the hell out of people, but if you do find it, please post it here id like to see it ;-)
I remember that, I saw the commercial and was scared sh*tless. I decided not to watch it (what with my being more of a youngin at the time). I asked one of my friends about it and they said it was a fake...but I really don't know if we were talking about the same thing. I'm interested but I wouldn't know the first place to look.

They were never seen again bodies or anything. Alot of wierd stuff happened, they even got like a very quick showing of the aliens on tape. I know alot of you are skeptical, but you would have to see it.
I saw the show. At the end there's a kid holding the video camera in his room when an alien comes in, then it goes to static, right?
What they showed on the show was a re-enactment actually. It mentions that at the end in the credits and all that. Of course they don't mention it aloud. ;)
The story was supposed to be true though... Dunno about that. Not sure what happened to them.
OKay, since when do you believe anything that you see on TV? If this so called "home video" was on on the tele, then it was a bogus peice of crap. Ha! And you.....bouhgt it.....? riiiiiiiiiiight. IT's fake, their was no aliens, there was no nosebleeds, it was all movie majic. It doesn't take that much to pull off, some fake blood, a sludge hammer, and some guys in fake costumes or some pe-advanced CGI.

Then please explain to me why they just dissapeared into thin air....and all of the evidense on that tape...
heyya ZeRo X
there are many storys like that one from all over the world but they only feed the delusional self anointing skeptics of material devotion.
in short
people believe eveything on tv is fake
so now they believe everything in life is fake and
now everything on tv is real.

strange people!

groove on :)
Originally posted by RIP
OKay, since when do you believe anything that you see on TV? If this so called "home video" was on on the tele, then it was a bogus peice of crap. Ha! And you.....bouhgt it.....? riiiiiiiiiiight. IT's fake, their was no aliens, there was no nosebleeds, it was all movie majic. It doesn't take that much to pull off, some fake blood, a sludge hammer, and some guys in fake costumes or some pe-advanced CGI.

I know that often my spelling is not incredible, but i know i keep saying this, but seriously, would you pay attention in language arts classes? I know this has nothing to do with this, but really, learn to spell.

Anyhow, yes chances are about anything else that this is a fake, but i would still like to see it if anyone has a tape or something along those lines.
Originally posted by ZeRo X
I know this sounds bizarre, but I am really bothered by this. I forgot exactly what happened. I remember that there were 5-6 younger people (like 18-21) and they were at this house. They went outside and they actually saw aliens, with lazer type stuff.
They went inside and all got nose bleeds. Some guy went to look for the aliens and all they saw was a twisted shotgun(which wasnt twisted when he had it). All of these people were never seen again (this was on a home video they shot)

Should I be frightend by the fact that I know exactly what this guy is talking about? Yeah I saw it, as I remember it was shown on "Sightings" and was so obviously and hillariously a hoax.

Every time they pointed the camera at an alien it turned to went staticy, convenient, either that or you just happend to see a little part of the alien and he'd like crawl into a window really fast and you would only get the spooky impression that someone had been there, when they all run outside, franticaly, the camera man just HAPPENS to pan the camera down a little so that you can see the shotgun that they left on the porch had it's barrel melted or whatever happend to it. And not only that but certain parts of the "Tape that they found" were supposed to be entirely filled with static (So that the makers of the film could conveniently put everything into nice neet little alien related scenerios) and they claimed (when they had another showing of this tape, I believe, sometime after the first time they showed it) that parts of the tape had been restored so that there was now a whole new scene in the whole thing. . . but that whole scene was suposidly completely and uterly obscured by static like the other parts of the tape, and when they showed that scene it was just as clear as the rest of the shtupid tape. You just can't do that!
Re: ?

Originally posted by ZeRo X
Then please explain to me why they just dissapeared into thin air....and all of the evidense on that tape...

How do you know thats even the case? Did you know these people before you saw the show? Do you normaly hear about nobody actors, or people involved in little news stories after their 15 minuets of fame are up? Of course not, quit worrying about it.

Well, at the end of the show they showed all of their pictures and it said they have been missing ever since.

Anyone have a website or links?