Please help i need to know if its true

jennmog said:
How can you tell if preminitions are real, and is there a way to control when and how they come?

Those who have true premonitions, know that they are premonitions before the event. It is the reality of a catastrophic premonition that impregnates itself into the mind so not easily forgotten. These premonitions are very disturbing, and more like a curse. They often go unreported, and often seem completely useless even if reported. Once you recognise them, {it only takes one}, the suffering is the waiting for it to occur.

Skin provides an honest objective viewpoint. A litmus test if you like, to press you into dismissing the dreams that result in the coincidental awareness. De Ja Vu or premonition, the mind is a complex system that does not always permit timely recording of sensory data, nor even conscious data processing. An example of how convoluted the mind can get, is when you slow it down with morphine. Then you realise that there are several simultaneous thought processes occuring, some filtered to the frontal lobe, others not. Dream and reality become indiscernable. When you are fully conscious, it all happened so fast, the mind cannot determine what came first. The conscious rational thought, or the dream, or the unconscious thought, or was it seen first while your mind was elsewhere ?

I grant that cognitive processes pose a difficult test bed for repeating and proving true phenomena, but I assure you, the existance of true premonition still beckons the questions....why ? .... and how ?

True premonition happens, but it is random.
SkinWalker said:

Interesting. This has also been recorded in animals. It is true that some reactions to certain combinations of stimuli are genetically encoded, not learned. The 'sixth sense' concept may be attributed to these.

I commend your empirical views of premonition, and encourage your personal opinion.


Skinwalker I agree with you very much so, but once I had one. It was about a year ago when one night I was dreaming of our soccer team playing our rival colleyville. I remembered this dream because I thought it was very odd because I wasn't playing soccer for the school last year. Well, in the morning I woke up and said "damn...we lost n we were coming back...n who the hell is charlie." Well, just a couple of weeks ago I had deja vu during my game. I knew exactly what was going to happen, and couldn't help myself from making the bad play. After it was done I said "my bad charlie." Exactly what I had done in my dream...
preminitions are real. I grew up in a spiritualist religion. You know things before they happen. How to control it. I dont know.
Now I have a question, and I dont know how to present it on a forum, but here it is I too have preminitions. Of things to come, if I say something it happens, I dont really know if that is a preminition, but it seems like it. I need to learn how to notice, and control my preminitions. If you really think about dreams are of the past or the future or things in the present that is stuck in your mind, they are of preminitions. Please answer if you know
I don't know if this will HELP or make things worse,

check the book OLD SOULS by Tom Shroder

if that doesn't wierd you out too much you might want to investigate DION FORTUNE
