Please help i need to know if its true


Registered Member
How can you tell if preminitions are real, and is there a way to control when and how they come? I like dream things and then they happen within a week later like this time i dreamt my teacher was gunna like hand me a candle (not sure why at the time) and then like i went to my school concert and in chorus she was the one who handed out the candles for this one song... and things like that happen all the time. I am 11 and I am a little freaked.
I am affraid that anyone who says they have an answere for you doesn't know what they are talking about.

Only you can learn for yourself how to tell what a real premintion is. No one can tell you.
Humans are naturally predisposed to find correlations in data they observe... your dream was either complete coincidence or some part of you hoped that you would have it happen... The ability to see patterns in mundane life and predict or even guess at results is always looked at as some "magical force," but the reality is that there are many, many more dreams and events that go unnoticed simply because the coincidence of occurrance didn't happen.

Don't get freaked out... you aren't any different than the rest of humanity. No special gift, just a brain capable of abstract reasoning and a predisposition for belief.
SkinWalker said:
Humans are naturally predisposed to find correlations in data they observe... your dream was either complete coincidence or some part of you hoped that you would have it happen... The ability to see patterns in mundane life and predict or even guess at results is always looked at as some "magical force," but the reality is that there are many, many more dreams and events that go unnoticed simply because the coincidence of occurrance didn't happen.

Don't get freaked out... you aren't any different than the rest of humanity. No special gift, just a brain capable of abstract reasoning and a predisposition for belief.

Exactly. This is the only true post in this thread. What Skin has said is what and how it happens.
SkinWalker said:
Humans are naturally predisposed to find correlations in data they observe... your dream was either complete coincidence or some part of you hoped that you would have it happen... The ability to see patterns in mundane life and predict or even guess at results is always looked at as some "magical force," but the reality is that there are many, many more dreams and events that go unnoticed simply because the coincidence of occurrance didn't happen.

Don't get freaked out... you aren't any different than the rest of humanity. No special gift, just a brain capable of abstract reasoning and a predisposition for belief.

Exactly. This is the only true post in this thread. What Skin has said is what and how it happens.
SkinWalker said:
Humans are naturally predisposed to find correlations in data they observe... your dream was either complete coincidence or some part of you hoped that you would have it happen... The ability to see patterns in mundane life and predict or even guess at results is always looked at as some "magical force," but the reality is that there are many, many more dreams and events that go unnoticed simply because the coincidence of occurrance didn't happen.

Don't get freaked out... you aren't any different than the rest of humanity. No special gift, just a brain capable of abstract reasoning and a predisposition for belief.

Exactly. This is the only true post in this thread. What Skin has said is what and how it happens.
SkinWalker said:
Humans are naturally predisposed to find correlations in data they observe... your dream was either complete coincidence or some part of you hoped that you would have it happen... The ability to see patterns in mundane life and predict or even guess at results is always looked at as some "magical force," but the reality is that there are many, many more dreams and events that go unnoticed simply because the coincidence of occurrance didn't happen.

Don't get freaked out... you aren't any different than the rest of humanity. No special gift, just a brain capable of abstract reasoning and a predisposition for belief.

Exactly. This is the only true post in this thread. What Skin has said is what and how it happens.
SkinWalker said:
Humans are naturally predisposed to find correlations in data they observe... your dream was either complete coincidence or some part of you hoped that you would have it happen... The ability to see patterns in mundane life and predict or even guess at results is always looked at as some "magical force," but the reality is that there are many, many more dreams and events that go unnoticed simply because the coincidence of occurrance didn't happen.

Don't get freaked out... you aren't any different than the rest of humanity. No special gift, just a brain capable of abstract reasoning and a predisposition for belief.

Exactly. This is the only true post in this thread. What Skin has said is what and how it happens.
The suggestion to not tell your friends or try to show off is good advice. People fear that which they can not explain and often act very meanly to those who are different.
There are books on intuition that may be of help to you. You may want to learn about meditative techniques used in Eastern religions.
in my personal experience......i had many "premonitions" as a child as well.
my only mistake was telling my classmates about it. i was made fun of for many years afterwards.
my advice: keep it secret until you have absolute trust in the person you wish to tell. dont show off. dont brag. dont perform "tricks".
DO be yourself though, and open your mind to the possibilities that lay inside you.
congratulations on waking up to a whole new world!!
You may want to read the book Your Sixth Sense by Belleruth Naparstek She inerviewed a number of known intuitives about their experiences.
You are not having preminitions.

The problem is you are walking around and not really paying attention to what is going on around you. Then, these things come back to your conscious mind at certain times. Your teacher explained the thing about the candle while you were probably chatting with your friends or daydreaming.

Maybe you need more sleep. During high school I never got enough sleep, and kids your age need alot.

One time I saw a phone book in the closet of my room. I thought, my mom needs this, and brought it to her. She happened to be looking around for a phone book right at that moment. Weird, huh? Coincidences happen sometimes.
Its random in nature,ergo there is no particular way to know the success factor of dreams.You could try Baeye;s theorem...

The ones who suggest preminitions don't exist are those that recognize for every coincidence that might be considered a preminition for those that have a critical thinking handicap, there are thousands of moments when one thinks of something/someone that doesn't result in a coincidence.

Go play the lottery...
Coincidences already are common occurrances. Few people have the ability to grasp the significance of how large mundane events are compared to unique events. Every moment of every day is an unremarkable event until such time as you get a call from the very person you were just thinking about.

People are inherently incapable of remembering mundane events simply because its the unique events that create patterns in a sea of mediocrity.

But when you have a premonition next, be sure to post it here before it happens... wanna know why that will never happen. Because you won't know its a premonition until such time as you recognize the coincidence of occurance.

Go play the lottery.....
One of my favorite quotes.
"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or whatever you will, and the solution comes to you, and you do not know how or why."
Despite how certainly people have stated their views its really pure speculation either way. When exactly does something become more than a coincidence or too much of a coincidence to be just that? its impossible to quantify and there is never a clear cut point where a coincidence becomes a premonition.
As the only wise post in this thread stated its really up to you to decide if it is just a coincidence or something more , no one else can tell you. :)