Plastic Bags For Peaceful Death

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Selfish? Suicide? That's rather - ah, interesting. I mean, suicide should be a personal choice, shouldn't it?

No, suicide does not take strength. Living through suicidal depression does. I would know. Would you?

Well, it takes more than a bit of courage to face eternal nothingess, don't you think?

Sheesh. :rolleyes:

If life is eternal nothingness, to face it when an option out exists is not courage. It's stupidity.

If life is pleasurable, worth living, then living through pain is not couragous. It is the sensible thing to do.

I just don't see why we attatch all these value judgements to suicide. Selfish? If there's one time you're going to be selfish, when you're suicidal has got to be that one time. Weak? No, you're staring death in the face. How's that weak? If life is so painful that suicide is the best choice, the rational thing to do is to kill yourself.

Suicide isn't strong, either. It just is. It's an option like having that chocalate mousse during your diet is.
Xev, when soemone really wants to commit suicide, they don't care about the eternal nothingness. That is not what's on their mind. All they care about is all the emotional pain going away. They don't care about how it's going to end, only that they won't feel pain anymore. It's in just about any psycological textbook on the subject.
Okay, I'll give you that one. However, it does at the same time support my argument that those who want to truly die don't care about the "eternal abyss". That is furthest from their mind. All they care about is the pain going away.
In which case, Xevious, they have no real understanding of the "eternal abyss", do they?

fucking hell. there it is.... the answer to my problem.
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Not sure why anyone would bother judging an adults' decision to no longer wish to be a part of this life. If you're on a ride, and you don't want to wait until the end of it (keep in mind, millions per year do not reach a "natural" end - working in Canada's largest trauma hospital has more than shown me that), no other can speak for them, or judge them.

To call it weak or cowardly is pure naivety and demonstrable of one who is, basically, clueless and Green to the gills. Ending one's life could be an weakness or cowardice, but that's usually reserved for people who have done horrible things and about to pay a penalty for it, have it go public etc.

It's a bit irritating to hear someone say, "Life is tough, too bad, deal with it". These are the 70 IQ'd dimwits I refer to. If you don't want to be here, you're not in prison, you are free to go. It's the dimwits who refer to life as a place you are chained to whether you like it or not. You aren't chained to anything.

It would appear that a central point has been left out of the debate regarding suicide. It seems with all of this talk of cowardice, strength and the like regarding death, matters in the end as if we will or will not die. Have you all forgotten that no person leaves this earth alive. Hence the debate should recognize that suicide is not a debate about whether or not to die, rather it is about just when. That notion should remove some of the bravado and criticism aimed at suicide choosers.
Suicide with a plastic bag? What a stupid idea.

If you want a peaceful death I hardly think that's the way to do it. Diacetylmorphine overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning or even blood loss would be much more peaceful.

(Though I should point out I don't recommend those either.)
Bringing a thread back from the dead depths of, well, death to discuss suicide.

I'm sure that if someone wants to off themself, they'll find a way without spending money, much less on a plastic bag, of all things. If their serious, they'll find a way.

Specialized suicide isn't much of an industry. I could kill myself with my bare hands if I was serious about it.
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