Plastic Bags For Peaceful Death

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Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Plastic bags designed for committing suicide are to be manufactured in Brisbane and given away to Australians, euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke said on Tuesday.

The Australian-designed draw-string "exit bag" has an airtight seal, and kills not through suffocation but by oxygen deprivation.
And the difference is??? :eek:
To avoid prosecution, Exit Australia will distribute the bags without instructions on their use.

"There's a special way you hold the bag and you then go to sleep, and it's only when you go to sleep that the bag comes into play,"
Hope everyone can figure that out without the instructions! :bugeye:

You mean someone is going to have to go and collect all them plastic bags? Oh, some lucky someone...

Where do you find this stuff Goofyfish?
If you start contemplating suicide, you really don't care how much it hurts. The pain of death is much less than the pain of life and the pain of guilt, so the mind starts self destructing.
If you haven't contemplated suicide you don't know what it's like.

And if you haven't gotten out of it, at least temporarily, with the help of someone caring, you have not experienced true joy. It is the stuff even beyond the reach of the divine.

And if you haven't felt what it's like to have that someone betray you, you still haven't really lived.

Ach, I'm just getting all mushy again. But oh well.

Aye, I agree. And if you haven't pulled yourself out of it, you can't ever really know the combination of true lonliness and true power....
It's easy to mistake teen angst for suicidal tendencies. As I said, you don't care if you kill yourself with a saw or a bag. Whatever pain you will feel pales in comparison with what goes on inside you.
Suicide is selfish and weak. I thought about suicide once and nearly killed myself for being so stupid, I am ironic.
I have a question reguarding these suicide bags:

What if they are used to cover up murders?
And why are they making these?:confused: maybe a small pen sized device loaded with a single bullet would be better. Or how about just toughing your way through it? LIVE for heavens sake!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Lesion42
And why are they making these?:confused:
Monieeee :)

The don't care whether people live or die, they just want to create new products and have them bought. Though they'll have to research if there's a big enough demand first. :eek:
No, suicide does not take strength. Living through suicidal depression does. I would know. Would you?
I don't know all the details but it's not something people can purchase over the counter if they suffer depression. It's for people with teminal illnesses and suffer immense physical pain from it. They need to go through tests (physical and psychological) to join the group or buy the bag, I'm not sure which; maybe both.

just thought I'll clear that up.
I know that. Being termanlly ill by itself won't make you suicidal however. It's being depressed over being terminally ill which makes one suicidal.
Not always the case. A terminal illness can wear you down physically the point that you can no longer bear it. Suicide relieves that physical pain. Mental depression does not enter into it.


Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
If they cannot bear the pain, then they are in mental torment over their physical discomfort. Why do you think pain is used in military field interrogations? You break their spirit by breaking their legs or arms and causing them exquisit pain. Trust me, I have a friend who lives with a chronic back problem. He cries almost daily because he can't handle the pain and he sometimes talks about how depressed it makes him.
I trump your back pain with a friend who died of leukemia.
He was seldom drepessed, and only mentioned suicide when
the pain was unbearable.

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