Piss(ed) Christ(ians)

from what i know of christians, they tend to be die-hard capitalists which is quite opposite of christ.

So is this vengeance filled attack similar to the Afghanistan removal of Buddhist statues through mortaring?
no a piss cup and a piece of wood is apparently enough... :shrug:

LOL...seriously, i dont want to see human piss on anything let alone old, stale piss. I hope this is a painting or phtot and not the actual piss 'cause if that jar broke the stink would be unbearable.
Art is powerful. It stirs emotion . I like Piss Christ. I think I understand it too. My interpretation is how it makes a mockery out of people that worship Jesus like you would an Idol. Instead of worshiping charitable attributes by picking up the cross and following you bow down to an image of a man that lived a charitable type life . Living vicariously by Christ instead of picking up a cross and carrying it your self . For example . The carpet layer knows how to get on his knees . He actually does something when he is forced to his knees by the will of creation . Pretty much mandatory type action for a carpet layer. Jesus Idol Worshipers get on there knees and say some words usually so other pompous people can here them . That is it. Now every one feels good and we can go back to honking at people in traffic , cutting em off , or taking there parking space. Raping there daughters and sons . Enslaving the women and telling Poor Man he is dirt. Ya glad my church is the mountains , cause I can do all that stuff every day even on Saturday and Sunday

good post. this is because jesus is a scapegoat. some christians emulate him, many basically use him or expect others to grovel or sacrifice for them and that can be the reason for the attraction to the religion. the latter being tricky people. there can be some masochist/sadist elements here.
Don't be ridiculous. You're making completely unreasonable demands. You can be a good person without giving everything you own away and become poor yourself. You're making the same mistake that the some of Christians are when interpreting their holy book.

As Christ himself instructed his follower to do exactly that, people that don't do it, aren't following him, and aren't Christians. It really is that simple.
I find it really annoying that they claim superiority , yet behave in similar types of badness, varying only in degree... in many cases...in which case where's the superiority?

It really, really strikes me as an incredible case of cultural chauvinism.

There's no such thing as religion separate from the people who practice and preach it. Take good, well-meaning people and raise them in any of the major world religions, and I'm sure they'll turn out more or less equally tolerant of others. Likewise the contrapositive for ill-meaning people with poor upbringings.
Originally Posted by YoYoPapaya
Don't be ridiculous. You're making completely unreasonable demands. You can be a good person without giving everything you own away and become poor yourself. You're making the same mistake that the some of Christians are when interpreting their holy book. ”
Phlogistician replied:
As Christ himself instructed his follower to do exactly that, people that don't do it, aren't following him, and aren't Christians. It really is that simple.

The guy I was thinking of drove a van that was easily over ten years old...and he spends nights and weekends feeding homeless people out of it with food he himself buys.

Haven't seen him in a while but I don't doubt he's still feeding hundreds of people out of some decrepit vehicle or other.
And he doesn't try to convert anybody.
Nice guy.

Back when I was a Christian, I believed you were supposed to love God as intensely as you could, and love everyone else as well. Treat them kindly. Don't judge, that's God's job. If they are suffering, try and fix it.

I still run around not judging very harshly and trying to fix suffering.:shrug:

Likewise the contrapositive for ill-meaning people with poor upbringings.

A poor or even abusive upbringing does not get you off the hook for what you yourself do.
As Christ himself instructed his follower to do exactly that, people that don't do it, aren't following him, and aren't Christians. It really is that simple.

Alright. I disagree with your definition of Christian. But I still love you <3

Not many Christians in your reality ;)