Isn't non-trinity their schtick?
no, they seem more like a secular organization. they accept anyone of any religion as well as even atheists while respecting their views. so this means in reality, their real values are as well as those who are involved, that a sense of humanity and ethical considerations is their core values, while the rest is secondary philosophical interests. this type of moral base is very intelligent yet leaves room for much spiritual exploration, sharing and growth. it's just a lot more progressive. i think it's one of the better ones along with some other philosophies like buddhism. it's more open-minded. the good aspect of this type of philosophy is it attracts those who tend to be more sane, also not usually out of a motivation to use it as some statement that they are better or holier than thou. this is because the organization is not based on that so it's less likely to attract those with that type of motivation.
as far as fundamental religions, though i respect that they have a right to their organizations, that doesn't mean i respect those people as individuals or their values. also, this is the mainstream and they see organizations like universalist as "out there" or "psycho" with subtle disparaging, condescending and false connotations of 'paganism' because it's secular but there beliefs are not; they are the legitimate ones, the ones god loves the most, the favored people, the right people, the most humble, the most loving, the most compassionate, the ones who are the most sane and moral ad nauseum. it's a very upside down world we live in.
to me, for an adult to remain in that type of closed-minded organization and endorse it willingly is someone i really wouldn't consider a good person. it's just kind of impossible if you've been in those organizations and churches to do that unless you agree pretty much with bigotry. there are some there that maybe more naive and that's why but for the rest, even though they may think of themselves as most moral, i don't see that. they have to shut out other philosophies and not consider them etc, they tend to shun other people who are not christian etc. pretty much, they are bigots. what's amazing is they can appear pretty goody-two shoes so it can be a little puzzling at first but after awhile you get to see that they have a very dark side. you find this out when discussing anything that may offend the 'ego' of their god. greatest i am put it best in the other thread. if you are not christian, you are shit on a stick, though they may have a pretense of humility toward you. they are not as good or compassionate as they think of themselves or their image of propriety.
i think that fundamentalists stunt their emotional, mental and spiritual growth by being emphatic about their god. this is because they never leave room for any doubt. you would think that this makes them stronger, it doesn't and that is why they want to spread it more to get others to confirm this dogmatic belief. it's similar to someone saying they finished a race when they've only begun and they tell themselves they've arrived.
i find an open-minded philosophy to be much more spiritually powerful because one is not fooling themselves. each new discovery or moment of enlightenment is enriching and leads to spiritual, mental, and emotional growth and awareness.