Physics predicts end of Religion


Valued Senior Member
Physics predicts end of Religion/Superstition

A study using census data from nine countries shows that religion there is set for extinction, say researchers. The data reflect a steady rise in those claiming no religious affiliation. The team's mathematical model attempts to account for the interplay between the number of religious respondents and the social motives behind being one.

The result, reported at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas, US, indicates that religion will all but die out altogether in those countries. Nonlinear dynamics is invoked to explain a wide range of physical phenomena in which a number of factors play a part.
More good news from the front. Well, not really news to those of us living in wealthy secular highly educated modern societies.

i don't see any mention of america. i'm so shocked.

such fine culture america has and so many intelligent people thumping their bible.
Actually there was a study last year on the number of genX who do not believe in their parents' superstition and the same trend is happening in the USA.

I suppose one way to look at things is an inevitable slide towards truth. A luxury of wealth and consequence of education. When people feel safe and secure they don't seem to need (or want the hassle of) the Gods.

IMO there will probably be a migration away from two denominational primitive deity based belief systems to more eastern deeper self reflecting belief systems - such as Buddhism. Actually, ttytt as nimble as Christianity is don't be shocked by a blending of Buddhist reflective practice with Christianity self forgiveness.
I just read this article myself, and came here to link to it. It's quite interesting, because it seems people cling to labels, and would count themselves as being Christian because their parents had them Christened, but they never go to church unless there's a wedding or a funeral, and probably wouldn't fare very well in quiz about their religion (but then it's been shown that atheists know more about religion than believers).

The Census, which is underway in the UK right now, asks some rather loaded questions, which gives a false impression of religious affiliation. But simply, there are very few believers in the UK, it's just some whiff of tradition they are detecting.
it's just some whiff of tradition they are detecting.

There really is so much of that around, at least in the western world anyway. I know a number of people who identify themselves as Church of England, or Baptist, or Catholic simply because of some vague familial association. If you broach the topic of religion with them the only response you really get is a few brief comments about Sunday school and a short story about how their second cousins father was a minister. God doesn't seem any more real to them than he does to me.
Actually there was a study last year on the number of genX who do not believe in their parents' superstition and the same trend is happening in the USA.

I suppose one way to look at things is an inevitable slide towards truth. A luxury of wealth and consequence of education. When people feel safe and secure they don't seem to need (or want the hassle of) the Gods.

IMO there will probably be a migration away from two denominational primitive deity based belief systems to more eastern deeper self reflecting belief systems - such as Buddhism. Actually, ttytt as nimble as Christianity is don't be shocked by a blending of Buddhist reflective practice with Christianity self forgiveness.

i'm sorry, but i don't find your apparent faith in the wealth and education in society to be any more sound than religious faiths, and i doubt the majority of gen X does either. i live in a pretty comfortable part of the world, and still from what i've seen, young and old alike, we can't afford to have faith in anything but god itself. and that's good. i think that will ultimately make things a lot better.
we can't afford to have faith in anything but god itself. and that's good.

What about believing in yourself? Why can't you give that a go instead of only trying out another belief that is supposed to "control" you.
What about believing in yourself? Why can't you give that a go instead of only trying out another belief that is supposed to "control" you.

well god is what it is. i mean, when it comes to control, ultimately, inherently, yeah. but that's not how it seems from a personal perspective in regards to what i choose to do. interaction with god has actually resulted in empowerment and confidence in my case. god has encouraged me to learn to love myself. society will never do that.
Or how about you work on you comprehension skills, so you won't post things contrary to the conclusions of the research, and appear to be ignorant?

i only seem ignorant to you because your own paradigm equates god with religion.
Physics predicts end of Religion/Superstition

More good news from the front. Well, not really news to those of us living in wealthy secular highly educated modern societies.

The model is based on extrapolation to zero or the assumption the intercept is going trough zero, Physicist have not solved their own problem , so they jump into something that is not comprehensible to them such as consciousness.
It is comprehensible , if you have a belly full you will allow your mind to wonder , but in the horizon with out population rise and our commodity will become more scarce man is going to look into direction the secularism.
i only seem ignorant to you because your own paradigm equates god with religion.

And you talk a lot of crap, you know. Belief in God makes you religious, period.

Although I don't really understand why you seek to distance yourself from religion. Seems incongruous with your signature, declaring yourself 'the church'.
well god is what it is. i mean, when it comes to control, ultimately, inherently, yeah. but that's not how it seems from a personal perspective in regards to what i choose to do. interaction with god has actually resulted in empowerment and confidence in my case. god has encouraged me to learn to love myself. society will never do that.

What else does God tell you and can't you see how one person claiming communication with God is the cause of religion? First he tells you what's good, then you tell another person, and before you know it, it's a religion.
god has encouraged me to learn to love myself. society will never do that.

But if you were to just believe in yourself to have started with, then you would not be relying on anything but yourself to believe in. Substituting a "god" to give you what you already have isn't necessary once you realize that it is you that is who you rely on and is in ultimate control, nothing else.
But if you were to just believe in yourself to have started with, then you would not be relying on anything but yourself to believe in. Substituting a "god" to give you what you already have isn't necessary once you realize that it is you that is who you rely on and is in ultimate control, nothing else.

and i thought i was an idealist. :p

it's just not the way it happens. all we know when we come out of the womb is that we're uncomfortable and then the conditioning commences. i will say however, that in my experience, seeking and interacting with god has involved much introspection.
And you talk a lot of crap, you know. Belief in God makes you religious, period.

Although I don't really understand why you seek to distance yourself from religion. Seems incongruous with your signature, declaring yourself 'the church'.

god is not religion. god isn't even religious!

religion is like the police. if we weren't fucked up we wouldn't need it.
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What else does God tell you and can't you see how one person claiming communication with God is the cause of religion? First he tells you what's good, then you tell another person, and before you know it, it's a religion.

well that's not my problem.

i've joked before about how ridiculous it might be if people tried to make a religion out of what i've experienced. religious practices are often ridiculous. but it wouldn't mean that i didn't experience what i did, or that my experience was meaningless, or detrimental. we as people can find ways to corrupt almost anything and everything.