Physical Force


So, is Dahmer one of your idols, or what?

Have you ever actually tasted a human pancreas or is that just one of your fantasies?

What did you do that landed you in your cell... er... small room?

Do you laugh at death or does death laugh at you, DEATHJESTER?

Do you know how and when you are scheduled to die?

Oh, so many questions, so little time... :(

Hope you're not really serious about this SATAN thing. The one kid who I knew personally, who actually worshipped SATAN, came down with a terrible rare disease and died at the age of 15... Coincidence?
truestory- Oh, come ON! Deathjester can't really be getting to you, can he? One of the niceties about the Net is the anonymity. I don't think Deathjester has ever really eaten a human pancreas, but who am I to judge someone based solely on their culinary habits? If Deathjester is a cannibal, then we owe it to cannibals all over the world to embrace the diversity and welcome this new cultural experience into our midst. We already know cannibals to be wonderfully creative people, and maybe we can learn about important advances in civilization that we owe to cannibals. How many recipies can you name that require sauteed caucasian? So open your heart and home to a cannibal today. Operators are standing by... :D

(I know, I know. I'm still feeling weird from that funny-tasting eggnog.)

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited December 26, 1999).]
I used to be schizophrenic but we're all ok now.


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein
I used to have a mate who was a militant vegetarian and self publicist, who went on TV to put forward the suggestion that people ought to stop eating animals and eat human corpses instead! :eek:
His reasoning was that it would put an end to the daily mass 'murdering' of animals, free up land used for cemeteries and to make sure that everybody was ultimately put to good use for others benefit.

Needless to say his idea never did catch on in the UK.

Eggnog, or not, if there is a cannibal in our midsts I, for one, want to know about it! My great-grandfather was a cannibal in a crisis, but, that's another long story...

So, what say ye, DEATHJESTER?

What did you have for your holiday dinner, hmmmmm????

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited December 27, 1999).]

Boy have I been gone long!

:mad: I can't worship myself dipstick! :mad:

I truefully do eat a small amount of my own flesh daily.

Dude :mad:

Hey Dude,
I've been going looney with the smiley gifs...Here's your own personal one.
I think you'll like it!



[This message has been edited by Dave (edited December 28, 1999).]

LOL!!! Thanks for putting it right! :)


At first I thought, eeek!!! :eek:

But, then I thought, oh, so what? Dude's probably a cuticle eater or a mouth chewer... Nervous, mon?

Satan has a right to be nervous!!! :D

EEEEK!!! :eek:

You do this daily? How old are you? How much of you is left? :confused:

Yesterday's history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a "gift." That's why we call it "the present."
What will you do with your gift of today?
I must confess I ate my friend for Christmas
(at this point I could make a rather lewd and uncalled for joke ;) but I wont) HA!!! Just kidding I am not really a cannibal... I just enjoy the taste of "long pig" every once in a while...


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein
I must say I'm a bit of a sucker for the parsons nose, myself!.! :p :D

[This message has been edited by tablariddim (edited December 30, 1999).]