Physical Force


Registered Member
Have any of you ever thought about how easy it would by to use physical violence on "the classic conseption" of a grey? It is somwhat humourous to think about actually you could just like...pull their arms and legs off like wings off a fly...would be somewhat amusing to see an abduction victim "get back at" a grey lick that. "GIVE ME AN ANAL PROBE?!?!?!?!" *POP*


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein
Sure, I'd like to do that to a grey(espically one involved with my abduction).

Dear DeathJester,

Well, it would be easy to perpetrate physical violence on any living creature. I just choose not to do it! Actually, it would give me a sick feeling if I did...

I have been told that I have a great sense of humor so, call me whatever you want in your mind, I'm just not one to find such acts to be humorous. As a matter of fact... Yuck!!! :)
taht would be hella rad dude
ive never been abducted that i know about, but it would be rad. i'd be like a wookie to them

This wasn't meant to be insulting to anyone. There are some people who don't find suck acts aplaudable but for those that do...

I am related to an abduction victim and I know how it makes them feel. And I am pretty sure that if they had a chance they would gladly beat the crap out of the person/thing that did that to them.

I say person/thing because I am not sure if you can morally call something that would knowingly do such acts to living thinking beings a person.

You might want to keep in mind that the tiny little ant can lift 100 times it's own weight! Sure, it looks puny but it is unbelievably strong for it's size!!
Starting a fight just might backfire and it may be your arms that are getting torn off like wings off a fly!! :)

I find what you said highly unlikly. There are people who have gone up against aliens and have won. This one kid took on six aliens, and kicked the s@#* out of them.


[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 06, 1999).]
Yeah, sure Dude. I am sure you have factual evidence to back that up, not just some schoolyard rumor.
Nope, no real evedence, just sounded like the right story at the time.

Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude

[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 07, 1999).]
So, DeathJester,
You gonna demand you have your arms ripped off if ever you have to spend a term in the Big Pen??
"No! No! No!....Not that!...Here rip my arms off instead!" Yeeeuuuuuwwwww!! :)
'So, tell me, Stumpy, what you gonna fight 'em off with next time???'

( this was a piece of light humour )
What? Not force the aliens to have sex with homosexual horses? Sorry to beat a dead...oh, forget it. I'll go home now.

Actually, by all accounts they are true "pencil-necks". I wonder how easy they would snap? Bear in mind, however, that when I first saw the alien in "Predator", I kept wondering how it would taste dunked in a nice hollandaise sauce.
well if you can get past there mind control and paralysis more power to you, as far as your story dude never heard of it but would say its unrealistic. The closest ive heard which came from one of Dr David Jacobs is the case of the drunk college student which they couldnt control so they dumped him back in his college yard in his underwear. That one came from 'Secret Life' so maybe it pays to get shit-faced lmao Take care all will monitor more online later. Still on aunts puter as we hocked ours.

Eric Cooper
I would stab their eyes out with my wanger *L*


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein
>Have any of you ever thought about how easy it would by to use physical violence on "the classic conseption" of a grey? It is somwhat humourous to think about actually you could just like...pull their arms and legs off like wings off a fly...would be somewhat amusing to see an abduction victim "get back at" a grey lick that. "GIVE ME AN ANAL PROBE?!?!?!?!" *POP*<

Have you ever thought that their mental telepathy would allow them to know your thoughts before you tried to attack them and counter with a force beam or some other advanced weaponry that could literally tear you apart? Just something to think about. It would be nice to get revenge on those that would attack or have attacked us without provocation, but alas, we must play the hand we were dealt. Maybe they've got a full house and we've only got three of a kind.

It'd be cool if scientists could come up with some awesome weaponry like in Quake III like a pulse rifle or something (maybe a particle disruptor beam). Then it'd be GO TIME!!!
Don't get an idea that I'm a killer-(I like to keep my profile low :) , just a joke)

What's fun in advanced technoligy bah?
Personaly, I'd think it be fun to hack one with a machede :D . Think about it, drop from the celling and let the blood fly!
Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't find that fun!

Here, maybe this will explane things

You know...that would be kinda shitty

They would probably exacute me if they got a look into my diseased thoughts...ah...nothing like chewing on a fresh pancreas.


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein
I know what you mean. There's nothing like the taste of a fresh juicy pancrease. :D

I wrote a story one time that used the premise that fire is unique to our planet and the little bastards just happen to be highly combustible.
WHOA!!! Sounds like a new mixed drink.

A Flamming Grey

Hmm...kinda like hot Earl Grey tea?


"Love your country, but never trust it's government" - Robert A. Heinlein