Photon in an acceleration field


Does anyone know what the wave-function is for a photon traveling along the vector of an acceleration field? I'm referring to proper acceleration. For example, if a rocket fires its engines, everything inside of the rocket will experience a proper acceleration field.
OK, maybe the wave function of a photon in an acceleration field is not so easy. Are there any string theorists who would like to assist?
I'm not surprised there are no responses. For some special cases, wave functions were actually describing aether waves. Aether waves are part of the aether medium that gives the vacuum its properties. Eigenstates for position are just like open space in the vacuum; possible places that a particle might be.

Now space can be curved by a gravity field. Those eigenstates for position are supposed to reflect the curvature of space. But waves functions are supposed to predict probabilities in a quantum system. Aether waves simply undergo frequency shifting or chirping. Frequency chirping is of the form $$cos(at^2 + bt + c)$$.

When the strong acceleration fields of a black hole cause a photon to frequency shift, it can be described as frequency chirping. The acceleration of gravity and the frequency chirp are coupled together. When a frequency chirp is repeated at a high repetition rate, an aether wave image of the gravity field forms. This image will be a lot weaker than the original gravity that can cause a frequency chirp like that.

There have been no experiments to confirm whether or not a repeated frequency chirp will create an image of a gravity potential. In the absence of experimental data, this remains an unanswered question.
For some special cases, wave functions were actually describing aether waves. Aether waves are part of the aether medium that gives the vacuum its properties

Is that what the aliens told you?
Perhaps you should ask your space alien friends. Here is what you told others:

Go find an open field where a saucer can land. Wait until it's the dead of night. Then yell your offer into the sky. See what happens.
Is that what the aliens told you?
The aliens wanted me to ask you why do individual particles wave when they go through both slits in the Double slit experiment. They think you'll try to bullshit your way out of answering the question.
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I discovered something amazing. Aether waves have a transverse and longitudinal components. All aether waves extend throughout the universe. Photons are just excitations of transverse aether waves that travel along the aether wave at c. The longitudinal aether waves are gravity. The earth stays in orbit around the sun because the gravitational image of the sun exists as a frequency shift of a longitudinal aether wave. Gravitational potential,and acceleration, exists along the frequency shift of the L-Aether wave. Longitudinal aether waves are very long (they stretch across the whole universe). I guess these longitudinal aether waves are the fabric of space-time.
I guess I mis-underestimated you Mazulu. This does sound like a breakthrough that will turn the Physics community upside down. It seems like you have some intuitive grasp of how the universe works and how to harness space and time for the good of all mankind. And it does not even require much math. Those Physics eggheads are all barking up the wrong tree on that. Wikipedia seems to be all you needed to crack this cosmic egg. I smell a Nobel Prize for you. And with the prize money you can buy that signal generator you need to do your experiment. And once you have the gravity beam device (which as I understand it, you can also use as a disintegration beam, for space travel, as well as many other amazing things) you will become fabulously wealthy and powerful. Congratulations on your breakthrough. :thumbsup: Now get to work on that acceptance speech.
I guess I mis-underestimated you Mazulu. This does sound like a breakthrough that will turn the Physics community upside down. It seems like you have some intuitive grasp of how the universe works and how to harness space and time for the good of all mankind. And it does not even require much math. Those Physics eggheads are all barking up the wrong tree on that. Wikipedia seems to be all you needed to crack this cosmic egg. I smell a Nobel Prize for you. And with the prize money you can buy that signal generator you need to do your experiment. And once you have the gravity beam device (which as I understand it, you can also use as a disintegration beam, for space travel, as well as many other amazing things) you will become fabulously wealthy and powerful. Congratulations on your breakthrough. :thumbsup: Now get to work on that acceptance speech.

I'm working on a paper that I plan to submit to FQXI. I hope to have it finished and submitted very soon. I'll post a link to it when I submit it.
Mazulu does not understand sarcasm.

It is as though he has the mind of a child. He really does believe that he can build a gravity beam using flashing colored lights. And that he has telepathic communication with space aliens. He seems completely disconnected with reality and yet he claims to be employed. I find that hard to believe. Surely the interview process would have weeded him out. I would not want to buy an oscilloscope he worked on.
Mazulu does not understand sarcasm.
Aliens told you? Or just the voices in your head.
The aliens were right. You are bullshitting your way out of the question. Here it is again: Why do individual particles wave when they go through both slits in the Double slit experiment?

If you don't know, then just say so.
It is as though he has the mind of a child. He really does believe that he can build a gravity beam using flashing colored lights. And that he has telepathic communication with space aliens. He seems completely disconnected with reality and yet he claims to be employed. I find that hard to believe. Surely the interview process would have weeded him out. I would not want to buy an oscilloscope he worked on.

You were right the first time. You did underestimate me.
I'm not surprised there are no responses.
Because no one thinks it's worth giving you much of the time of day.

Aether waves simply undergo frequency shifting or chirping. Frequency chirping is of the form $$cos(at^2 + bt + c)$$.
Except you haven't demonstrated that is what happens. You had to ask here about varying frequencies, someone linked you to the chirplet and now you're running with that. That isn't actually how light behaves when moving through a gravitational field. You need to solve null geodesic equations in relativity.

When the strong acceleration fields of a black hole cause a photon to frequency shift, it can be described as frequency chirping. The acceleration of gravity and the frequency chirp are coupled together. When a frequency chirp is repeated at a high repetition rate, an aether wave image of the gravity field forms. This image will be a lot weaker than the original gravity that can cause a frequency chirp like that.
Thanks for showing you're just pulling things out of your backside. As I said, you've latched onto chirplets because someone else told you they do varying frequencies, not because you've derived them from the behaviour of photons in a black hole's space-time. The behaviour of photons is not as described in chirplets. This is a demonstrable fact because the black hole metric actually applies to the Earth and Sun too (it's for spherical objects in general) and thus we know from experiments that GR is an accurate model for photon behaviour. Photons moving around a black hole do not behave as you claim.

Thus your claims are falsified.

No doubt you'll now make excuses and claim that your aether suddenly doesn't say it's a chirplet but something else. Unfortunately for you you obviously lack the necessary knowledge and brainpower to do the relativistic modelling of the photons. The best you've managed maths-wise is just copying basic equations you obviously don't understand.

There have been no experiments to confirm whether or not a repeated frequency chirp will create an image of a gravity potential. In the absence of experimental data, this remains an unanswered question.
Wrong! Photons in black hole backgrounds do not follow the chirplet profile. So if your claim frequency shifts and gravitational potentials are equivalent then a chirplet experiment (assuming your experiment weren't fundamentally wrong in other ways) wouldn't give that gravity potential.

This is the problem with knowing bugger all and trying to deceive people into thinking you are doing something viable. When you just borrow (or rather steal) ideas you don't understand from all over the place you have no way of determining whether they are consistent with one another or reality. And in this case it's led to a demonstration your claims are just that, random unjustified claims you've borrowed from other places without understanding them. How long do you plan to keep this up? Do you think this is going to go anywhere?

You are bullshitting your way out of the question
Wow, talk about hypocrisy. You have repeatedly claimed you think common sense is the ultimate guide, you claim it's common sense to say all things which exist must have a cause and you believe in a god which is the creator of everything. Those beliefs are contradictory and I've repeatedly asked you to address that but you ignore me. That was an explicit demonstration your claims about common sense were flawed. Now we've got another demonstration your claims are just nonsense.

Here it is again: Why do individual particles wave when they go through both slits in the Double slit experiment?
A result nicely and easily explained using wave functions. Wave functions which are not aether. Saying "It's an aether wave!" doesn't make your case. Quantum mechanical fields are not aethers. Saying they are is abusing definitions and very dishonest. It's like calling a dog a cat because it has 4 legs and a tail. Yes, but there's distinguishing features which mean they aren't the same.

Can you provide a working model of the system which gives the interference patterns? I don't mean some arm waving and some BS. I mean provide a model which describes particle emissions from a point source which result in a field intensity which is a standing wave on the detection screen. What's your model's version of say the Schrodinger equation, a central equation which allows you to model various physical systems and extract quantitive results. And no, you cannot just say "Well it's the Schrodinger equation" because you haven't shown you can derive such a thing from postulates pertaining to aether concepts. Until you can do such a thing you don't have an explanation for the double slit experiment.

If you don't know, then just say so.
Why don't you follow your own advice? You obviously don't know about any of the science pertaining to what you make claims about yet you don't admit it. You go so far as to say aliens told you.

Here's another question for your common sense. If someone claimed to speak directly to god about how the universe works yet made errors so basic children know better and who is demonstrably just sticking together disparate results from maths and physics, none of which he can do himself, would it be common sense not to believe his claims about understanding physics and speaking to god? Common sense would say he's not talking to god. And if he believes himself to be in contact with god but the evidence says otherwise then what does common sense tell you about his mental well being? Common sense says he should see a doctor as he's manifesting signs of a mental illness.
A photon has a frequency f. If it falls into a gravity well, it's energy and frequency will increase. Therefore, chirplets make sense.

If I am labeled as crazy for asking God and the aliens how to build an acceleration field generator, it's only because I am quite sure that the physics community will never figure it out. So, I decided to figure it out on my own. Sure it lacks all the super-string mathematical (pizazz), but I came up with an experiment. You see, frequency chirplets and gravity do go together. Gravity-chirplet One particular kind of chirplet, called a q-chirplet, has a quadradic term for frequency, cos(at^2 + bt + c).

When I look at physics, it looks to me as if the photon (light) is the central theme. In SR, the speed of light is invariant for all references frames. Furthermore, the velocity of all other particles is gauged in terms of the speed of light as $$\beta = v/c.$$ In GR, the space-time interval has c built into it. In QM, for V=0, the solution to the Schrodinger equation is a wave (a property of light). Time dilation and length contraction are effects that happen because the speed of light is c.

It gives me the impression that properties of light are important and fundamental to the laws of physics. Otherwise, the photon would just be another particle. Anyway, when a photon falls along the radii of a gravity well, it frequency shifts (frequency chirps). So it occured to me: maybe frequency chirps and acceleration fields are coupled? That's when I thought of the experiment.
Because no one thinks it's worth giving you much of the time of day.

Except you haven't demonstrated that is what happens. You had to ask here about varying frequencies, someone linked you to the chirplet and now you're running with that. That isn't actually how light behaves when moving through a gravitational field. You need to solve null geodesic equations in relativity.
I googled "acceleration field photon wave-function". The first hit I got was this.
There isn't a lot of talk about the wave-function of a photon in an acceleration field. I would have thought that string-theorist "Alpha Numeric" would have a good answer or a link. Nope.

Thanks for showing you're just pulling things out of your backside. As I said, you've latched onto chirplets because someone else told you they do varying frequencies, not because you've derived them from the behaviour of photons in a black hole's space-time. The behaviour of photons is not as described in chirplets. This is a demonstrable fact because the black hole metric actually applies to the Earth and Sun too (it's for spherical objects in general) and thus we know from experiments that GR is an accurate model for photon behaviour. Photons moving around a black hole do not behave as you claim.
AlphaNumeric, Are you saying that when a photon falls along the radii of a black hole, are you saying that its energy does not increase? Is that what you mean when you say you don't believe in common sense? After all, common sense says that the photon's energy (frequency) would increase.

Wrong! Photons in black hole backgrounds do not follow the chirplet profile. So if your claim frequency shifts and gravitational potentials are equivalent then a chirplet experiment (assuming your experiment weren't fundamentally wrong in other ways) wouldn't give that gravity potential.
Again, are you saying that when a photon falls into a gravity well, along the radii, that the photon's energy and frequency do not increase? Surely you must not understand. I wanted to use chirplets for this special case.
Perhaps I am crazy. Nevertheless, I am going to tell you how an acceleration field generator works, once and one last time.

The wave-function is the closest you have to describing an aether medium. Agree, disagree, I don't care. But there is a special relationship that exists between wave-functions (aether waves) and light (the photon); it is a relationship of mutual causality. You can use $$<x> = \int\psi^* (x\psi)dx$$ to calculate the probability density or probability of detecting a photon with a wave-function psi. A wave-function describes an aether wave. Likewise, if you were to inject the photons at the eigenstates of this wave-function, you would reproduce the aether wave. So who cares, right?

A photon traveling along the same direction as the acceleration field vector, would frequency shift; it's wavefunction would be $$\Psi_a$$. Obviously, it would be the acceleration field that causes the photons to frequency shift or frequency chirp, right? That is, you wouldn't expect the photon to frequency shift because of the presence of an aether wave described by $$\Psi_a$$. But that is where you, and the other physicists, will pass right over it. You will walk right by acceleration field generator technology without realizing it was there. You see, if you generate an electromagnetic frequency chirp that looks like the wave-function $$\Psi_a$$, and you do it continuously, you will reproduce the aether wave that the wave-function describes, and you will reproduce a small fraction of the acceleration field that is coupled to the wave-function/aether wave.