pharmakeia: Drug Dealers and the NT.

you say you know bible in 10 different languages?
your just the goyim i've been lookin for

Fool. I am a Jew.

La Dabar, the Word, is a name for the invisible Spirit of God, Wisdom.

Lo Ammi.

Lo Rumma

and Goyim is a plural form. But I am a single person.

The bible only involves three languages:
Biblical or Classical Hebrew,

With a few borrowed words from Babylonian Aramaic, and Latin (NT),
as well as Egyptian, Syrian, and even old Phoenecian (mostly proper nouns).

Babylonian Aramaic, Yiddish, and Latin are unnecessary to know. They are late, polluted languages, with misleading cultural baggage.

I just happen to know other languages which can assist in the areas of archaeological investigation and translation of secondary evidence.

Most of the extant book of Enoch is in late Ethiopic, with portions of an Aramaic version found at Qumran.

Thomas exists only in Coptic, other than quoted portions.

Coptic is late Egyptian from the region of Alexandria. (mostly Greek cognate)
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Of course most people believe Hitler and Stalin existed, even though there is less historical evidence for them than for Jesus. As a matter of fact, people are still arguing over the actual villain status of Hitler, because the case is complicated. Nonetheless, most people are able to accept on the basis of his historical impact, that Hitler existed, more or less in the form mainstream history represents him, and most people don't seriously doubt the *basic* content of Mein Campf even though there may be arguments over how it should be rendered into English.

Likewise, while there are many different opinions of Stalin, Constantine, Pontias Pilate, Alexander, Cleopatra, and Genghis Kahn, most people don't doubt their actual historical existance, because of the nature and size of their impact upon history.

Similarly, it is absurdly implausible to 'explain' Jesus as a merely a recycled 'sun-god' myth, (as posited by Medicine Woman) when his teachings and his impact upon his own opponents strongly suggest he was at least one of many historical Rabbis/messiahs known to have existed in the time period. Even the vehement opponents of Jesus and Christianity (the unbelieving Jews) never leveled such absurd claims against Christian apologists, because they were blatantly ridiculous. If such a case could be made in any way, it would have been made repeatedly by Jews for the first four centuries after Christ.

A careful and unbiased reading of Jesus' teaching (which is loaded with semitisms) will show less resemblance to ancient Egyptian myths, and reveal rather an uncannily close resemblance to Rabbinical teaching, thinking, and arguing, as found in the Targums of Qumran, the Midrashes of all ages, the Talmud (both Palestinian and Babylonian), and thousands of Rabbinical works ever since.

In other words, everything we know about Jesus says he was a Jew, not an Egyptian illusion, mirage, or hologram brought on by heat stroke. It is doubtful that thousands of hardcore Jews abandoned the faith of their fathers (which they were willing to suffer torture and die for) in order to embrace a vague nostalgic fantasy from the hated Egyptians.
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em....Hitlet, Stalin...??? i have seen the manytimes on celluloid, TV, in mags . have not CHOSENto but have read their words. an haveheard peoples who were victims of teir evil. so pulleeese dont use that as some form of evidence for Jesus having existed

Allegro in his book The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth gives maybe the most plausible argument i have heard to dat about how tere may havebeen a gnostic 'Teacher of Rightousness' who preedated the supposed 'Jesus' by some time, and who also was crucified.......who knows. and hat does it MATTER?

whats it matter some dude got crucified millenia back? he suffwered? we all can suffer. some people, even some children suffer far worse than he did. what? God's only son, knows he is gonna have a hard time for a bit and die on a cross and then heaven? big deal. what abot concentration camp victims who suffered far worse horror, day in day out?

your 'evidence' is the argument that precisely because of the doctrine about Jesus and the long membership to his religion that that proves he existed--actually physically. no it doesn't at all. doctrin is propaganda. power elites know how to manipluate people. it i divide and control.

first you psychologically divide them. then when they mistrust their very selves you step in astheir abiding athority sanctioned by an invisible spirit tey cant see, wit the old carrot and stick. heaven and hell
lifethen if ya can call it that, becomes a..........GAMBLE, dont it??

for how can one really reaally KNOW? why? cause its in the Bible?...meanwqhilethey have ya hooked, and have short changed you from ACTUAL ecstatic exploration. the R E A L inspiration and meaning of prepatriarcal myth......

they hav your brain in chains. it isn't full of ecstasy (not that it can be all the time mind), but words words words, and fear
I knew sooner or later you'd be pushing Estacy. "Estacy" is the same old MDA (MMDA) that bikers were pushing in 1970.

Please don't promote such a monstrous drug before others who may be underage, weakminded, or naive.

MDA is a dirty poison, and the biker's date-rape drug of choice. Only a complete sick loser would recommend such garbage to the unsuspecting.

A German invention, MDA is the latest in a series of heavy chemical warfare attacks against uninformed and unarmed civilians, especially the underaged and vulnerable.

I thank God everyday that Drug Dealers will pay in full and make restitution for their crimes against humanity.
oh my daaays, you are in a rut aren't you?

first off, 'ecstasy'...i actually am not to pleased with te apporpriation of tis anceint Grreek term for MDMA. i VERY rarely, if ever use the yerm IF i am speaking aboutMDMA, for that reason. do you get me now. i was speaking about ecstasy 'entheoi'/Gk.. clear?

secondly, MDMAisnot a 'drity drug' as you ignorantly assume. its original intentwas to create a more indepth empathy between therapist and client

One of the most beautiful true stories i have read about its intelligewnt use was reported at 'MAPS' website. where a young man with a terminal disease takes MDMA wit his girlfriend. not only did te taking of it relief him from his severee pain during ter communion, thewy were brought so close togther that his paretner--when he finaly died felt no need to grieve so much beCAUSE they had gotten SO close during the experience. you obviously have somevery hard axe to grind concerning drugs. what? is it personal? have ou been beating up by a pusher maaan? has you child been through certain rhings wit drugs? am trying to understand where you blind hostility comes from regarding 'drugs'. as all about that issue wasyour first entrance speech!
Again, you are so transparent. You deny you were talking about 'ecstasy' the drug, then spend two paragraphs promoting it thoroughly. Am I surprised? No.

The lovely apocryphal stories about the 'origin of ecstacy' are touching, but just more perverse and evil propaganda from obscenely immoral drug companies who have a hidden racist agenda, and freely experiment upon human beings contrary to the Geneva Convention.

Your heart-wrenching story of the 'terminal disease' patient is a total fabrication, but if it has any truth it is the simple one found already in proverbs without the sentimentality and revolting shmaltz: "Give strong drugs to the dying, but avoid them yourself." (Proverbs)

I hate drug dealing because of the massive amount of evidence that has now accumulated against it. There is no real distinction possible between 'legal' and illegal drugs at this point. They are all cartels run by American International Corporations with the help of covert military operations.

The hidden agenda is to kill of and control ethnic groups, and derail opposition:

Breakdown of Drug Deaths

Big Picture

How Drug Companies Operate

Medical System is Leading Cause of Death in USA

How Drug companies Deceive Doctors

Children's Deaths from Ritlin and other 'control' drugs

Drug Companies charged in aiding Deaths (API)

More Flakey Drug Business

A good discussion of the Ethics and Morality of Recreational Drug abuse
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Einstuck said:
The lovely apocryphal stories about the 'origin of ecstacy' are touching, but just more perverse and evil propaganda from obscenely immoral drug companies who have a hidden racist agenda, and freely experiment upon human beings contrary to the Geneva Convention.
What propaganda is coming from drug companies regarding ecstacy? A drug that they don't even produce.

Do you know much about ecstacy?
Do you know much about ecstacy?
Do you know anything at all about the Hells Angels and covert operations?
The Viet Nam War and protests...Kennedy and King,

MK-Ultra, LSD, German Drug companies, the explosives built into the building in Oklahoma?

Incinerating 80 women and children in order to 'save' them at WACO?

Israelis and Jews behind the Big Ecstacy Suppliers

Veterans Betrayed for Telling the Truth

Government Drug Trafficking

Torture used by Government
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What propaganda is coming from drug companies regarding ecstacy? A drug that they don't even produce.

Where do you think ecstacy comes from?

Yes Virginia, there is a supplier!
Einstuck said:
Where do you think ecstacy comes from?

Yes Virginia, there is a supplier!
M*W: Ecstacy was used for some kind of psychotherapy treatment. Some drug company must have manufactured it. I've never experienced the effects of ecstacy. I've always found ecstacy in naturally in my life.
Ecstasy has been found to be helpful when treating post-traumatic stress disorder.

While drug companies have made ecstasy at one time or another, the stuff you buy on the street is unlikely to be made by them.

I am not condoning the drug by the way. It just seems that, because it is relatively new, few people know much about it. There has certainly been a lot of propaganda, but I think most of it was very negative.
As they have with every other drug they found could be manufactured cheaply, the international drug companies have used every dirty trick in the book to market and push their product. The immoral and dangerous behaviour of drug companies is well documented, and shows no signs of abatement.

For instance, they have even re-released Thalidomide under another name in South America, where they can't be prosecuted, even though the drug is under a virtual international ban in all civilized countries.

Monster Drug Thalidomide Re-released in South America

'Sponsored' Research supports re-release of Horror Drug

It would be a mistake however, not to place the activities of drug companies into the larger picture of ethnic 'management' and population genocide which is a part of the Western 'left hand'.