Pharisees in Christianity & Catholicism

MW, iThere are Catholics, and other ramifications of Christianity, but yes, Catholics are Christians, but there are other groups besides catholics.
Non-Catholic christians don´t even have an image of what Jesus would look like, that is Catholicism.
But whatever, that distinctions makes no difference to me. I have never seen a religious group or cult that actually follow the teachings of Jesus.

You would benefit by reading a little about what you say you know so much:

Why do you think even wikipedia makes the distinction I´m talking about?
For a Christianity specialist, you don´t seem to know much about it (=.
My whole point here is, why do people go to "church"???

If it´s not for other people to look at them, and see how good they are at praying, then I don´t know what is for.

Jesus used to call those people hypocrites. When Jesus said "they had they reguard in full", for me, it means that they get the respect of people, nothing more, not the respect of God.

So Jesus is saying, there is not even need to pray, because when you pray, and you are thinking other stuff that you are not saying, obviously you are being a hipocrite.

I rejoice in the Gospel of Judas, when it came out, I was amazed it just confirmed what I thought of the cannon:

Jesus was a rascal, and he showed the disciples real god, it was their own ego. They prayed because they were together, and they wanted the others to see them praying, but it was not what was in their hearts. And when Jesus made fun of this, they got angry. This is all about the ego.

The concept of "church" came out of the call for Christians to fellowship. That is to gather.

It was never intended that we should meet to pray. That came from the traditions of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The concept of "church" came out of the call for Christians to fellowship. That is to gather.

It was never intended that we should meet to pray. That came from the traditions of men.

M*W: Can you provide some references for your statements regarding the "church" concept? I believe it has more to do with gathering "en masse," which may not have been for "praying" but for the teaching of the law of the empire (christianity) to control the masses through guilt and fear of hell. Everything about it arose from the traditions of men.
He's an extent. The word congregate does mean to gather...but to go back to bible also applied to demonic wasn't used solely in a christian perspective.
M*W: Can you provide some references for your statements regarding the "church" concept? I believe it has more to do with gathering "en masse," which may not have been for "praying" but for the teaching of the law of the empire (christianity) to control the masses through guilt and fear of hell. Everything about it arose from the traditions of men.

It is a stretch to blame Christianity for guilt. Atheists dont feel guilt when they cheat on their spouse?

Hell??? Give me a break.
It is a stretch to blame Christianity for guilt. Atheists dont feel guilt when they cheat on their spouse?

Hell??? Give me a break.

M*W: John, how would you know if atheists feel no guilt when they cheat on their wives? Atheists are still capable of feeling guilt for such actions! Being atheist doesn't provide us with guiltless immorality. But, because we are more honest with ourselves, we tend to be more honest within our families and other relationships.

Besides, I wasn't actually blaming christianity directly for the imposition of guilt upon its followers, I was implying it was enforced by the HRE. How did the RE get tagged "holy" anyway? Christian-type beliefs had been around long before Rome took it over and organized it for their own purposes, and one of those purposes was for control of the masses. Ritualistic activities helped to train and ingrain the sheeple since the empire could no longer afford to pay its legions.
M*W: John, how would you know if atheists feel no guilt when they cheat on their wives? Atheists are still capable of feeling guilt for such actions! Being atheist doesn't provide us with guiltless immorality. But, because we are more honest with ourselves, we tend to be more honest within our families and other relationships.

Besides, I wasn't actually blaming christianity directly for the imposition of guilt upon its followers, I was implying it was enforced by the HRE. How did the RE get tagged "holy" anyway? Christian-type beliefs had been around long before Rome took it over and organized it for their own purposes, and one of those purposes was for control of the masses. Ritualistic activities helped to train and ingrain the sheeple since the empire could no longer afford to pay its legions.

I am not an Atheist M*W and i doubt you are. You implied that guilt is somehow a christian invention, or guilt feelings are\were enhanced by christianity.

Tell the readers you dont believe in anything that would be considered spiritual, go ahead M*W.

Sheeple??? It seems like everything you post is someone elses idea. Little sheep they are gathered at the feet of their so called, self professed scholars.

Ritualistic activities helped to train and ingrain the sheeple since the empire could no longer afford to pay its legions.

Where did you get that idea from? probably some nerd with coke bottle glasses who was an abused child. Well i dont care about other people's opinions based on their dreams.

All you are saying is that there are customs in Christianity just like every aspect of human life....

you won a prize, here it is:


I think i know plenty about the Romans M*W, their blood runs through my veins.
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I am not an Atheist M*W and i doubt you are.

M*W: I know you are not an atheist, but for the life of me, I can't believe you doubt that I am one! Have I been vague or unclear about my position?

You implied that guilt is somehow a christian invention, or guilt feelings are\were enhanced by christianity.

M*W: Christianity didn't invent guilt, but they surely used it for their own purposes. I've long since forgotten my original post, but my original thought was that the Romans used the new official religion of christianity to control the Romans through the use of guilt tactics.

Tell the readers you dont believe in anything that would be considered spiritual, go ahead M*W.

M*W: Spiritual is different to different people. What you call 'spiritual' I may call 'enlightenment' or something. Humans do have a spiritual side. Some recognize it. Some don't. I used to be a spiritual person, but I see it more as self-awareness and awareness of my place in the universe. I see spirituality as a connection to all people.

Sheeple??? It seems like everything you post is someone elses idea. Little sheep they are gathered at the feet of their so called, self professed scholars.

M*W: I didn't coin the word "sheeple." I borrowed it from someone else on sciforums. The word has been used frequently by several people. I never stated that I made it up, and whomever made it up didn't accuse me of stealing his made-up word.

However, you have accused me of posting other people's ideas, and now you've overstepped your bounds. Certainly, I may agree with a lot of people's ideas but don't claim them to be my own. But since you accused me of this, please cite specific statements where I have claimed someone else's idea was my own.

M*W: I said: "Ritualistic activities helped to train and ingrain the sheeple since the empire could no longer afford to pay its legions."

Where did you get that idea from? probably some nerd with coke bottle glasses who was an abused child. Well i dont care about other people's opinions based on their dreams.

I got this idea out of my own head. Where do you think I got it from? It has been referred to at other times on this forum by other people who are knowledgeable about this issue.

All you are saying is that there are customs in Christianity just like every aspect of human life....

M*W: No, this is not what I was saying. I was referring to the Romans and their customs.

you won a prize, here it is:


M*W: Now that's really mature of you John.

I think i know plenty about the Romans M*W, their blood runs through my veins.

M*W: Oh, so you're from Rome?
M*W: I know you are not an atheist, but for the life of me, I can't believe you doubt that I am one! Have I been vague or unclear about my position?

I also don´t think you are an atheist M*W, why else would you be here in the Religion forums? you are seeking for answers as well as every human being.
I also don´t think you are an atheist M*W, why else would you be here in the Religion forums? you are seeking for answers as well as every human being.

M*W: I wasn't an atheist when I came here, but I am now. I'm not the only atheist here either. Why would any of us be here? Religion just happens to be a subject I've always studied... when I was a christian, and when I was not. There are always answers to be found, including the ones you don't want to hear. Since I have been on sciforums, I have learned the truth about religion, and there is more truth to find.

M*W: You're actually from Rome, Italy? Not your ancestors, you, yourself were born in Rome, Italy?

How interesting. My family comes from Calabria and before that from Sicily. When I say "family," I do mean "family." Maybe we're related. We've also got a bunch of Italian cousins living in Argentina.
M*W: You're actually from Rome, Italy? Not your ancestors, you, yourself were born in Rome, Italy?

How interesting. My family comes from Calabria and before that from Sicily. When I say "family," I do mean "family." Maybe we're related. We've also got a bunch of Italian cousins living in Argentina.

Yes M*W, i was born in Rome, Italy and came to U.S when i was one year old.

I dont have relatives in Argentina, but if you are from Sicily that explains alot...just kidding.:)

When I say "family," I do mean "family."

ha ha ha.... - I dont know what you mean though.

So you are 100% Italian too? I am, but i have never been outside of U.S since and dont know much about Italy at all aside from what i've read.

WOW, i never would have imagined you were Italian. Guess this means i will have to cut you some slack....nope.:D
Yes M*W, i was born in Rome, Italy and came to U.S when i was one year old.

I dont have relatives in Argentina, but if you are from Sicily that explains alot...just kidding.:)

ha ha ha.... - I dont know what you mean though.

So you are 100% Italian too? I am, but i have never been outside of U.S since and dont know much about Italy at all aside from what i've read.

WOW, i never would have imagined you were Italian. Guess this means i will have to cut you some slack....nope.:D

M*W: I guess many people don't know that I'm Italian, but I have a very common Italian surname, although today I think it means 'communist.'

I have come from the infamous Sicilian "familoso" if you know what I mean, so don't mess with me or I will have you whacked.
Yes M*W, i was born in Rome, Italy and came to U.S when i was one year old.

I dont have relatives in Argentina, but if you are from Sicily that explains alot...just kidding.:)

ha ha ha.... - I dont know what you mean though.

So you are 100% Italian too? I am, but i have never been outside of U.S since and dont know much about Italy at all aside from what i've read.

WOW, i never would have imagined you were Italian. Guess this means i will have to cut you some slack....nope.:D

M*W: I guess many people don't know that I'm Italian, but I have a very common Italian surname, although today I think it means 'communist.'

I have come from the infamous Sicilian "familoso" if you know what I mean, so don't mess with me or I will have you whacked. The HBO show The Sopranos was written about my family, so watch out or I'll make a hit on you.
M*W: I wasn't an atheist when I came here, but I am now. I'm not the only atheist here either. Why would any of us be here? Religion just happens to be a subject I've always studied... when I was a christian, and when I was not. There are always answers to be found, including the ones you don't want to hear. Since I have been on sciforums, I have learned the truth about religion, and there is more truth to find.

You just said it all, you learned your truth from others; that is not the truth.
M*W: I guess many people don't know that I'm Italian, but I have a very common Italian surname, although today I think it means 'communist.'

I have come from the infamous Sicilian "familoso" if you know what I mean, so don't mess with me or I will have you whacked. The HBO show The Sopranos was written about my family, so watch out or I'll make a hit on you.

ha ha...yeah sure. No i dont know what what you mean, not sure 'familioso' means anything anyway:rolleyes:

I dont watch Sopranos to 'learn' about the Mafia;) - besides that was more about the 70s\ early 80s.

You just said it all, you learned your truth from others; that is not the truth.

that is my main grievance too.