- Christians don´t believe in statues, they think those are evil. Like the statue of Christ nailed to the cross in each church, Christians don´t have that.
M*W: Having been a dyed in the wool catholic, but no more, you are totally mistaken.
Catholics don't believe in statues either. Catholic churches have lots of statues, but they're nothing more than artwork as reminders. They are not to be worshipped. That would be idolatry.
Jesus nailed to the cross is called a crucifix. Catholics believe it is a reminder of what Jesus allegedly did for humanity.
Christians don´t believe in the divinity of the Virgin Mary, Catholics have prayers to her.
M*W: Catholics don't believe in the divinity of Mary per se. Catholics do have prayers to her, but she only serves the purpose of intercessory prayer to her son. She is only adored as his mother, because she had a special place in his life.
Christians don´t believe in repetitive praying, like Catholics keep repeating the same prayers over and over again.
M*W: Christians repeat the Our Father, the Doxology, the 23rd Psalm, Psalm 101, I believe, and many more, so what you've stated is not true. Catholics have specific prayers to the BVM and the saints. All the prayers Catholics say are based on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and are not directed to the individual saints for their holiness.
Christians dance in the ceremonies.
M*W: I have personally known Catholic charismatics who danced in the aisles and laid on hands in prayer meetings, and had rock music masses. Times have changed.
Those are just of the top of my head.
Indifferent to these things, I don´t beleive in man-made churches, or man-named priests, or man made-scriptures.
M*W: Neither do I nor do I believe in a god nor a son of god, nor a mother of god, nor a sister of god, nor a brother of god, nor a wife of god, nor a child of god, etc.
Jesus didn´t follow anyone, Gautama didn´t follow anyone, Zarathustra didn´t follow anyone, etc...; they followed only themselves, their spirit. And that is what they were doing, to teach people to follow nobody´s teachings, for every person to follow only his inner-self.
M*W: That's fine and good, but I don't believe a jesus existed, nor his mother, nor his step-father, nor his wife, nor his brothers. Didn't happen. Nothing to believe. I don't know about Guatama or the others, but I know there was no Jesus.
One thing I forgot to mention is that the traditional confession in a cramped up booth with the priest listening behind a screen no longer exists. The current sacrement of reconciliation occurs between the individual and the priest face-to-face. It is usually accompanied by a mass of reconcilation, appropriate music, waiting one's turn to speak to the priest, and the "punishment" is no longer "say three hail mary's," but something more advantageous to the community like pray for the homeless or feed the homeless, etc.
If I wasn't such a fanatical atheist, I'd make a great catholic!