Provita said:
Matthew 16: 13 - 20 (New American Bible)
Mainly verses 18 - 20:
18 And so I say to you, you are Peter (also translated as rock), and upon this rock I will build my Church, and in the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
It is said that this is Jesus' giving Peter the authority as the first Pope... but, when the oldest greek texts found are examined... the word "rock" does not match up with the word "Peter" so that he is not saying "Peter, you are the rock that I shall build my Church upon" but rather "Peter, upon this rock *points to a rock next to them* you will build my Church."
This may be just a mistake copied down when the texts were being passed, but this also may be exact to the original... if so, the entire Papacy is not truley infallible! Anyone like to comment? Cause this has always made me wonder... does anyone know anymore about this?...
Jesus had been doing many miracles, and some of the people belived he was Elijah, Jerimiah, or perhaps one of the prophets...
So He asked Peter who do YOU say that I am?
When he replied "thou art the Christ, the son of the living God":,
Jesus told him; "flesh and blood did not REVEAL this to you, but the Father in heaven hath REVEALED it.
He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood hasn't revealed this to you. You never took some man's theology about it. You never learned it in a seminary.
But My Father, which is in heaven, has revealed it to you.
And upon this rock..." What rock? The spiritual revelation of God manifesting Himself to the individual. "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It."
You can understand some spirtual things with the carnal mind because they are logical, or make sense, but most of the mysteries of the kingdom are only understood by the Spirit of God REVEALING it to you, revealed by the Father to an individual son.
This is the rock......that Jesus was referring to that the gates of Hell could never prevail against.
The rock is a revealation of who God is, and as faith is a revelation, when you understand who God is, that He is one God.....God above us, God with us and God in us, and the spiritual principle of God revealing His truth as spiritual mysteries directly to an individual, thats what His church is built upon.
Preceipt on preceipt, line upon line......
You can't give your revelation to someone else, they have to get it for themselves from the same One you got it from.
Directly from the Father.
The foolish will come and say to the wise...."Give us of your oil".
Oil being the Spirit, and with it comes revelation....but they will tell them "go and get it for yourselves"
Thats what the true church is built upon.
Now, watch. Now, the Catholic church says that He built the church upon Peter. That's wrong.
The Protestant church says He built it upon Himself. Thats wrong.
He built it upon the spiritual revelation of Who He was, because He said, "Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood has not revealed this to you.
I say thou art Simon, upon this rock (What rock? The revelation.)
I will build My church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it."
Jesus not revealing the mysteries to the multitudes or wanting to point to Himself said baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Why did Peter do with the revelation of God given him, having the keys to the Kingdom.?
There is not one place in the Bible where any persons was ever baptized in the Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
Then when Peter standing present when Matthew 28 was quoted, and turned around, and ten days later, with that revelation, and baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thats spiritual revealation of the Father to the individual, not taught by the schools of organized religions, but something revealed fresh to you.
That can't be taken from you by man's reasoning or cunning words, because it wasn't given to you by man wisdom, but was given by God.
Some people will say; "Well, I'll take what Jesus said, not what Peter said."
If they were contrary one to another, what are we going to do?
If it all ain't God, what part of the Bible is right?
It's all got to coincide and come together, and only the revelation of God.
Our schools will never teach it. It's a revelation that you must see it.
Now, the Catholics says, "Upon Peter, the rock (little stone)." And the Protestant said, "Upon Christ, the Rock." Not to be different, but it was upon the revelation that Peter had Who He was. "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him; and all the Father has given Me will come to Me."
Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven.
Abel by faith in God offered a more excellent sacrifice.
And the carnal believer thought that it was the works of his own hands, and his fruits and his beautiful offering that he brought, that God would recognize, and it made a clash.
When the carnal and the spiritual meets, there's always a clash.
When Judas and Jesus met, there was a clash: One the Son of God; the other one the son of Satan.
Just like Cain and Abel, there was a clash when they met.
Now, we come in this day to the same thing again: the carnal denomination to the spiritual Bride of Christ.
The spiritual Bride of Christ is so much different from the carnal organizations till there's no comparison in them at all.
The natural always tries to type the spiritual. But as in Jacob and Esau, it will not work.
Now, when it come to doing good works, I believe that Esau actually was a better man than Jacob in the sight of men.
But Jacob, his whole soul was to get that birthright, and that's what God recognized in him spiritual.
And it's always caused the natural to hate the spiritual.
It caused Cain to hate Abel; it caused Korah to hate Moses; it caused Judas to hate Jesus; and on and on it goes. It causes the natural to hate the spiritual.
There you find a foundation, something that cannot be moved, finding there the Holy Spirit living His life in human beings, manifesting Himself to the world. And it makes men thirst for Him: unshakable, undisputable, the Word of God manifested and showing Himself, the Word itself being lived out through human life. What a wonderful thing. There's nothing uncertain about that. You can see where God made a promise, and here it is being made manifest. Hundreds of years ago the prophets spoke of it, and here we see it coming to pass.
Thats the rock His church is built upon that can never fail.