PETA kills 97% of its adopted animals


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
That's what I call efficiency!

"Not counting animals PETA held only temporarily in its spay-neuter program, the organization took in 3,061 "companion animals" in 2006, of which it killed 2,981. According to Virginia's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), the average euthanasia rate for humane societies in the state was just 34.7 percent in 2006. PETA killed 97.4 percent of the animals it took in."

Hey pet, God save you from PETA!!!

P.eople for the
T.ermination of
Better dead than enslaved.

This is old news, of course. Penn and Teller talked about this on an episode of Bullshit. It's obviously the exact same case. Even talking about the refrigeration unit used to store the corpses.

I do wonder, however, how much possible spin there is here.

Is it possible that these animals were old, sick, etc?
Also, have their practices changed since then?

I'm not defending PETA. They're a bunch of radical crazy fuckers.
But, I do wonder how much spin is going on.
Here is an idea that you can count on. Once you are talking about thousands of animals You are talking about a similar spread of the different breeds, ages, health, and adoptability. When someone like PETA gathers their animals from a random sampling of owners and shelters along the Eastern seaboard, they ain't no such thing as an anomaly that would cause them to need to euthanize 97 percent of their animals.

I am convinced that we are facing a group hysteria and insanity.
Animals that need rescuing are most likely to be sick or injured. Consider.
This is from

If PETA can be regarded as the drastic extreme of animal rights,
big business interests are simply the flip side of that coin.
For instance, the "war on PETA" is almost entirely the work of one man, Rick Berman
(ref-, who simultaneously runs a nonprofit "consumer advocacy" group and a Washington lobbying firm
(.doc). The sole purpose of the nonprofit is to launch smear campaigns
against those who get in the way of the businesses that back the lobbying firm:
"From his offices a block from the White House, Berman wages a never-ending public-relations assault on doctors,
health advocates, scientists, food researchers, and just about anyone else who highlights
the health downsides of eating junk food or being obese. He also targets groups that
want animal-treatment standards for the meat industry,
such as PETA, and trial lawyers who want to sue the food industry...
Such people, Berman notes on the center's Web site, are 'food cops, health care enforcers,
militant activists, meddling bureaucrats and violent radicals who think they know what's best for you.'
However, while Berman presents himself as a defender of consumers against overbearing bureaucrats and health zealots,
he's really defending the interests of another group: restaurant chains, food and beverage companies,
meat producers, and others who stand to see profits hampered by government regulations,
or even by increased health awareness on the part of customers." (ref-, also see additional links and articles: (.doc)

A prime example of Berman's total disregard for the truth can be found in his website devoted to the claim
that "PETA Kills Animals" (ref- It attempts to capitalize on the 2005 scandal (.doc)
that involved PETA members dumping euthanized animals; PETA doesn't "kill"
animals any more than the Humane Society or Animal Control, they euthanize our country's unwanted pets
and that's BEEN common knowledge. Berman has no use for the whole truth because in his world of greed and power
he knows that a lie told often enough will spread, carried forward by ignorance and
others who stand to gain from it and that's enough to do the job- to discredit and destroy his adversaries.

People need to take a good look at where their information is coming from,
investigate the source before drawing a conclusion or choosing sides.
That's the only way to make educated, informed decisions because
it would be moronic to give a vote of blind allegiance based on the fascade
of either PETA or Berman's "Center for Consumer Freedom" (ref-
We need to insist on what's positive, decent, humane and kind and object to what's not;
ultimately we can make the good win out, if we persist.
PETA is definitely not above reproach but they're still capable of doing good for animals in a reputable, honest capacity.
Seeking their assistance in such a capacity when there is a case of chinchilla neglect
or abuse hanging in the balance should not be discouraged,
it can save lives while encouraging good conduct on the part of animal right's "mad diva."
Better dead than enslaved.

This is old news, of course. Penn and Teller talked about this on an episode of Bullshit. It's obviously the exact same case. Even talking about the refrigeration unit used to store the corpses.

I do wonder, however, how much possible spin there is here.

Is it possible that these animals were old, sick, etc?
Also, have their practices changed since then?

I'm not defending PETA. They're a bunch of radical crazy fuckers.
But, I do wonder how much spin is going on.

Interesting that Penn and Teller made no mention of who runs the organisation which is giving out this information. They just state that it is the "Centre for Consumer Freedom", which sounds like an independent organisation that protects consumer choice. Who could be against that? This is a video showing where the organisation gets some of its money from.

One possibilty regarding the 97% figure, is that PETA may be against keeping animals as pets at all and they think that death is preferable to a life with nasty humans. That would be fairly loony.

Their meetings do look like cult meetings, but no more so than any large corporation.

Some of P&Ts stuff might hit the mark, but this clip would make me very wary of believing a word they say.
Who produces this Bullshit program anyway? Is it just on the internet or on TV as well?
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Bullshit is on the Showtime channel. I watched the programs on the net and except one I agreed with them and found it fair and balanced and well argued, showing both sides of the issues....
Rick Berman is right on the money, his information is completely accurate and verified, and some people bash him because he caught PETA with their trousers around their ankles.

PETA keeps screaming for laws but won't obey any law that inconveniences their terrorists.
I hate to say it but I suspected they were not a squeaky clean org. And those stats are pretty bad, i think too many people are out to get rich or famous. Rescuing and protecting animals is not the place for it.
Yeah, none of the suffering animals are put through is unnecessary.
No companies test frivolous products on animals.
No scientists do research that involves the suffering of animals and has little likely benefit for humans.
Animals are treated well, especially in circus, research facilities and in US agribusiness.
Any group complaining about this is just nuts.
Any suffering that is happening is absolutely necessary and who cares anyway.

(the scary thing is that some people will take this seriously, and worse some of them will agree)
Animals that need rescuing are most likely to be sick or injured. Consider.

What about the fact that other shelters kill about 37 percent on the average?

If PETA were on the up and up, and there is absolutely no chance of that, then they would adopt more animals out and kill fewer animals than the national average.
Yeah, none of the suffering animals are put through is unnecessary.
No companies test frivolous products on animals.
No scientists do research that involves the suffering of animals and has little likely benefit for humans.
Animals are treated well, especially in circus, research facilities and in US agribusiness.
Any group complaining about this is just nuts.
Any suffering that is happening is absolutely necessary and who cares anyway.

(the scary thing is that some people will take this seriously, and worse some of them will agree)

It is better to take those views seriously, for both humans and animals. If you have believed anything that PETA or other animal rights groups have told you, throw it out. They ARE lying.
It is better to take those views seriously, for both humans and animals. If you have believed anything that PETA or other animal rights groups have told you, throw it out. They ARE lying.

If you have believed corporate brochures, government oversight agency assurances and the media about how animals are only mistreated is very rare occurances, you need to look again.