pet limit law

I would think that wherever you live laws can be enacted that reflect the way your community wants to allow for however many animals and what kind of animals should be allowed in it. If you live in a rural area then certain things will be considered and if in a city other things will be considered. But there should be laws that not only protect the people but also that protect the animals as well.

but as i said in the op, there are already laws that do just that. :shrug:
A limit to pet ownership? If the person pushing that petition doesn't like living in 'The Land of the Free' they are free to leave, the un-American swine.
A limit to pet ownership? If the person pushing that petition doesn't like living in 'The Land of the Free' they are free to leave, the un-American swine.

the petition is actually in protest to the limit law, or actually, to bring it to a vote.
are they a nuisance to the neighborhood? are they all cared for well? if so, then why is it too many?

Probably. Most likely. Just because.

I would REALLY like to see the evidence of all the shots for all those cats. Are those cats never let outside?
While I would oppose the law, I am aware that most people who have 17 cats are not doing them any favors. 17 cats in close proximity are a potential breeding ground for feline diseases, including feline Aids, even if you otherwise treat them well.
If you are really taking care of them, is one thing... but it is rare that people with that many animals are caring for them as they should be cared for. I only have two and caring for them is a lot of time, work and money. I can't imagine having 5 of them let alone 17. Of course caring for 17 fish isn't as difficult. :D
but it is rare that people with that many animals are caring for them as they should be cared for.

Exactly. Those people are usually:

1. Mentally unstable.
2. Poor. >>> no shots, no neutering pets

Now here is a question for Lori:

You probably agree that 100 cats are too many, and you think 17 are alright. So there has to be a number where you would draw the line and say: OK, that is too many.

What is that number???
17 cats says that's there is something wrong with that person....but anyhow

We got our dog chipped and paid a one time fee for licensing. I would have myself chipped, if ppl with that many cats or dogs have them licensed. I really don't think that is the case.
They usually aren't neutered either as mentioned above. When these ppl die all these cats end up in the humane society and most put to death because of the bad conditions they were living under.
You have to be making a good living to be able to buy that much cat food and cat litter for 17 cats...........and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh the Stench!!! yuck!!!!

One of my neighbors has rabbits running around the neighborhood. We caught one and kept it in the garage for a week. We were actually thinking of keeping it because we didn't know who owned it. Later on that week we noticed more rabbits in the area we caught this one. I noticed they had some cages in their backyard, because the gate was open. When I went to bring the rabbit back this Indian woman answered the door and said " Oh I don't touch the rabbits" and would not take it from me. I told her how their rabbits are running around the neighborhood and how my dog Bruce would kill it instantly if he got hold of one in our backyard. She didn't seem to give a shit and I proceeded to put the rabbit in her backyard. I called the city...but it was busy but I plan on calling again this week.
ooooooohhhh. :eek:
I've noticed that you tend not to recognize sarcasm. I have the same problem. A word to the wise: you need to work on that. Most of our members are kids and half the stuff they say is meant to be at least partially humorous.
While I would oppose the law, I am aware that most people who have 17 cats are not doing them any favors. 17 cats in close proximity are a potential breeding ground for feline diseases, including feline Aids, even if you otherwise treat them well.
Feral cat colonies are denser than that and they're not noted for being ravaged by epidemics of dire diseases. Outfits like Alley Cat Allies just round 'em up, neuter 'em, and turn 'em loose again.
So there has to be a number where you would draw the line and say: OK, that is too many. What is that number???
Obviously it depends on the particular circumstances. How big is the house? How many people live there? How meticulous is their housekeeping? How big is their lot and how close is the nearest neighbor? Is it a location where they can be allowed outside?

The reason most of us would draw the line somewhere south of 100 cats is that we reasonably assume that one person, or even two people, couldn't do a good job of taking care of that many, no matter how dedicated, sensible and resourceful. But there are exceptions to everything.

My wife can take care of eleven dogs, in a 3,000 sqft house with an acre of fenced yard, with just the usual visits from the cleaning lady and some serious research into cleaning technology. I'm sure she could do thirty cats.

As I noted above, it's not the number of pets that's the problem, but the number of different species. She's also got an Amazon and two cockatiels who are more mess and more work than the dogs.
I've noticed that you tend not to recognize sarcasm. I have the same problem. A word to the wise: you need to work on that. Most of our members are kids and half the stuff they say is meant to be at least partially humorous.

i don't think he was being sarcastic, i just misinterpreted what he said, or i think i was just trying to reiterate what i had stated in the op about the laws being in place.

i wouldn't have guessed you to be 67. wow you're old! :D :p
Feral cat colonies are denser than that and they're not noted for being ravaged by epidemics of dire diseases. Outfits like Alley Cat Allies just round 'em up, neuter 'em, and turn 'em loose again.

From what I have read, cats living outside in large groups do better than cats trapped indoors in large numbers, because disease vectors are more likely to disperse, the groups often move around, and there is less stress resulting from overcrowding.
From what I have read, cats living outside in large groups do better than cats trapped indoors in large numbers . . . .
If you're going to maintain a large population of animals in a small indoor area, you take on the responsibility for an awful lot of cleaning. Otherwise the place won't be very healthy for cats or humans. And that's where most of the "cat ladies" fall down.
I see no need for a specific restriction on the number of pets as long as the they're properly cared for.

I've heard that the town I live in also has a restriction of 5 pets per household, but you can we really say that a family with 4 pets is treating them better than a family with 6 pets?
I guess dreams of my own personal zoo would be dashed by such a law. Unless I kept them in deep dark caves under the house, where no-one would see them.
I see no need for a specific restriction on the number of pets as long as the they're properly cared for.

I've heard that the town I live in also has a restriction of 5 pets per household, but you can we really say that a family with 4 pets is treating them better than a family with 6 pets?

That's true people can take care of 6 pets, just like they can take care of 6 kids. Although I find both numbers would be way to high for me. My old neighbor had a great many pets but he took care great of all of them: 2 horses, 3 dogs, 2 cats, a bird, and his wife had a bunch of rabbits. They would all follow him around the yard in a line, so cute.
The secret to taking care of a large number of animals is no secret: you simply have to devote a lot of your time, attention and other resources to them. Our pets are our family so they have a very high priority in our consciousness. Hardly a moment goes by that we don't interact with at least one of them. Every plan we make, from mowing the lawn to buying groceries to taking up a new hobby to getting a new piece of furniture to going out for the evening to taking a vacation, prominently includes how it will impact them, and will be modified twelve times before we find it satisfactory, or else discarded.