Perpetual motion machine

Well... I wouldn't say it "cannot be done"...

more likely... it "cannot be done with our (comparatively limited) understanding of how the universe works and our (comparatively limited) resources at our disposal"...

Likely, it is possible to break even the most fundamental of the laws of the universe... just that it is not within our power to do so at this time.

Well, I must point out that you're simply expressing an opinion. And I dislike having to say so, but it's a hopeless thought given what hundreds of years of scientific experience has taught us. ;) For example, gravity just *might* one day reverse itself and things will start falling UPWARDS. But I wouldn't waste even one micro-millisecond waiting around for it to happen. :D

I suppose you have the same thoughts about entropy, eh?
I suppose you have the same thoughts about entropy, eh?

From what I understand...they don't take bets on entropy in Vegas....because...(wait for it) Entropy always wins! :)

Sorry...I know it was stupid. Please forgive.
they have came close to a machine that can run itself self powered it was a generator using electromagnetic built by some guys from aust. i believe
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they have came close to a machine that can run itself self powered it was a generator using electronic magnets built by some guys from aust. i believe

Citation, please?

And while you're about it, I don't recall hearing about "electronic" magnets before. Is that some sort of improvement over electromagnets?
Don't believe everything you see on YT.

Think about it for a sec...if what they were saying were true...they would have single handedly solved the worlds energy needs. This information would be worth millions if not billions of dollars. Yet, they sell the plans for their generator for a 100 bucks on their website. Sound suspicious?
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u knew thats what i meant dick ill post a link

Watch it, kid! :mad: You'll get yourself in trouble over nothing.

My question was an honest one - I thought it might be some new naming convention for "electronically controlled electromagnets" or some such.

And sorry, that utube promo is nothing but a scam!
Well... I wouldn't say it "cannot be done"...

more likely... it "cannot be done with our (comparatively limited) understanding of how the universe works and our (comparatively limited) resources at our disposal"...

OK, did you read my post about the pendulum? It's a very simple machine. One bearing. Gravity powered. Converts potential energy into kinetic energy and back again. It will not run for ever. Adding complexity adds more opportunity for loss, this cannot be mitigated via any means.

Likely, it is possible to break even the most fundamental of the laws of the universe... just that it is not within our power to do so at this time.

No, it is not 'likely'. We have pretty good models, and none of them imply perfection, in fact, they imply unpredictability. A perfect machine needs to be perfectly predictable. Some things just are, we have to accept them that way. Nothing lasts for ever, and there is no for ever anyway.
I have a perpetual motion machine

My mouth. No! just kidding. I actually do. It is a concept but it is not totally possible. it needs a bit of energy input but can be a self sufficient machine. My dad had this thing with an elctric motor and a rod that he could plug into the wall input this rod and use the electrons recycled for a while unplugged it slowly lost it's torque then stopped. I have one. it takes alternative energy. i can almost make an auto out of it. I don't want to give it away free