people who its ok to to be disrespectful or intolerant of

well like i said i know what the handicapped go through and it just bothers me that people act as if they want just a we bit of help form the government and people act as if its a bad thing. it just frustrates me that the things the government does to make things easier on them other take advandtage of like handicapped parking i have had people who when i parked in a handicapped spot( i was accualy with someone handicapped imagine that) had some one park in the hash markes for wheelchair so the handicapp can get in and out of cars. It things like that which to me show a society that cares nothing for them

Because some ppl are just disrespectful in general.....and probably
to lazy to walk. I would never even think of parking in a handicapped
spot. There are alot of "white trash" though who simply don't give
a fuk about anything or anybody.
omg someone refrenced a thread i started. that thread is about what is and what is not a personal attack
Mod Hat - 11 of 25

Mod Hat - 11 of 25

Thus far I have deleted eleven (11) of twenty-five (25) posts in this topic for their irrelevance. As such,

(1) Posters need to stop interrupting topics to whine at others.
(2) Posters need to stop feeding the trolls.​

Seriously, I've had to consider issuing infraction points against otherwise-innocent posters for the "offense" of responding to predictable trolls. No such infractions have been issued, and, frankly, it seems more appropriate--although less productive--to simply withdraw the special rights and protections granted the willingly stupid and hateful. While such protection was tacitly extended in the interests of maintaining diversity, and while that extension seemed to make sense at the time, it is simply not possible to continue to protect those who willingly conduct themselves stupidly and hatefully.

I would ask our decent posters to ignore these trolls: responding to their digressions only validates them. And that makes the job of moderators more difficult. We are, after all, viewed by many as fascists, and I can't see how slaughtering nearly half a topic will help those disgruntled members of our community come to terms.

If you do not respond to these trolls, and if they persist, the moderators and site administrators have a stronger ethical foundation for their actions. As it is, I don't relish the thought of punishing decent folks. But when they contribute to such significant problems around the site, well ...?

Eleven of twenty-five, folks. Come on. Please?
is it just me that its viewed as ok to view non hetrosexuals as inhuman and to disrespect the handicapped. i mean i want to know why this attitudes are viewed as acceptable.
It kind of depends on where you are. In a big city with a majority American left-liberal population like L.A. and Washington DC, where I spent most of my life, no one would dare disrespect a gay or handicapped person any more than they would an ethnic minority. But more importantly, the American left-liberal movement really does feel that way. They embraced the gay and handicapped thirty years ago, once they were satisfied with the progress they'd made with ethnic minorities and women and could turn their attention elsewhere.
...I do however do not like when they openly are flaunting it around because they are so PROUD to be GAY.....

Just wondering, how do they do that? One of my best friends is a 'lipstick lesbian' and she has rainbow stickers on her car and wears rainbow jewelry. She says she does this to make it easier to connect with other gay women. Is she flaunting??

If I talk about my husband and kids, am I flaunting my heterosexuality? What if I hold his hand and kiss him in public?