people who its ok to to be disrespectful or intolerant of


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
is it just me that its viewed as ok to view non hetrosexuals as inhuman and to disrespect the handicapped. i mean i want to know why this attitudes are viewed as acceptable.
Finally someone with neighbours worse than mine...

No, it's considered rude.

However, people are allowed to think and "view" whatever they damn well please.
is it just me that its viewed as ok to view non hetrosexuals as inhuman and to disrespect the handicapped. i mean i want to know why this attitudes are viewed as acceptable.

Heterosexuals are inhuman. :D
is it just me that its viewed as ok to view non hetrosexuals as inhuman and to disrespect the handicapped. i mean i want to know why this attitudes are viewed as acceptable.

Yeah! Fuckin homos!

AFAIC, no it's not ok to view homosexuals as inhuman.
It's viewed as acceptable because homosexuality isn't the norm and you know how people tend to discriminate against something or someone that is different from them. Maybe they feel threatened. Maybe it's arrogance in the sense that people feel that their opinion is the standard and anything different is inferior, and thus must be eliminated.
One of our fellow IT guys in one of our remote claims offices is gay, and one of my best friends is gay. They are both awesome guys. As long as they are good people, I don't care who they take a romantic interest in (as long as it isn't me). With that said, I also have no desire to watch two dudes make out either.
As for the handicapped, I think the same 'they're different', and arrogance argument applies.
I'm real big on the 'live and let live' and 'do unto others as you would have done unto you' mentalities. Humankind isn't going to get very far if we don't start becoming more accepting of others' differences and start working together. 'United we stand, divided we fall' can be applied to the whole planet, not just the United States.
is it just me that its viewed as ok to view non hetrosexuals as inhuman....

As far as I'm aware, there's no law or rule that says how we should feel about others ...especially others who are different. If someone wants to hate another group of people, what's the big deal?

...and to disrespect the handicapped.

What does "disrespect" mean in that sentence?

i mean i want to know why this attitudes are viewed as acceptable.

Who or what said anything about it being acceptable .....and acceptable to whom?

Baron Max
when i say disrecpect i mean the ignoring or oversenstivity to the hanicapped and tring to take adavatage of thing people mdo to make life btter for them. as for hating another group just because it is not illegal does not make it right.
when i say disrecpect i mean the ignoring or oversenstivity to the hanicapped and tring to take adavatage of thing people mdo to make life btter for them.

Seems to me that's what humans do to all other humans it's perfectly equal treatment. Or are you expecting some kind of special treatment for the handicapped?

as for hating another group just because it is not illegal does not make it right.

"Right"? According to whom? And is that some kind of universal "right" that's been handed down from heaven or something like that? If so, on which large stone is it written? Or is it just your own idealism and you're trying to force others to abide by it?

Baron Max
I do not as you say "disrespect" the handicapped....alot were born that way or ran into some terrible misfortune. When I do come across them I act no different then if I was talking to anybody. I have no problem with Gays, although I do not know any personally (worked with a couple once) who were very nice. I do however do not like when they openly are flaunting it around because they are so PROUD to be GAY....

As for other ppl in general, I will not PRETEND that I like or get along or even try to get along with all people. Some people just really irratate me and I just can't stand them, and the less time I have to be around them the better....Thats just life in my opinion.....all this talk from some ppl around here, love thy neighbour and lets all play nice....well......if you are that lovey dovey and forgiving of others behaviours.....thats great for you.....
I like everyone in the beginning.....but some ppl really give you reason to end up hating them.....
I do not as you say "disrespect" the handicapped....alot were born that way or ran into some terrible misfortune. When I do come across them I act no different then if I was talking to anybody. I have no problem with Gays, although I do not know any personally (worked with a couple once) who were very nice. I do however do not like when they openly are flaunting it around because they are so PROUD to be GAY....

As for other ppl in general, I will not PRETEND that I like or get along or even try to get along with all people. Some people just really irratate me and I just can't stand them, and the less time I have to be around them the better....Thats just life in my opinion.....all this talk from some ppl around here, love thy neighbour and lets all play nice....well......if you are that lovey dovey and forgiving of others behaviours.....thats great for you.....
I like everyone in the beginning.....but some ppl really give you reason to end up hating them.....

then your one of the people who in my opinion respect the handicapped by not treating them any differently to them
Seems to me that's what humans do to all other humans it's perfectly equal treatment. Or are you expecting some kind of special treatment for the handicapped?

"Right"? According to whom? And is that some kind of universal "right" that's been handed down from heaven or something like that? If so, on which large stone is it written? Or is it just your own idealism and you're trying to force others to abide by it?

Baron Max

i'm standing up for the handicapped because i know first hand what they go through its appartent from your comments you haven't do you have any idea the physical and emotion burdon on them and there families cause i do. i'm not being idealistic i'm speaking my mind on how people see the handicapped. as for special treatment yeah i belive the government should do somethings so that they can get around better for special treatment yeah i belive the government should do somethings so that they can get around better

How interesting. You say the above, but in the post immediately above that, you said, "...respect the handicapped by not treating them any differently to them."

So don't want them treated any differently, yet you want them treated differently? Hmm?

Baron Max
i want people who meet the handicapped to not treat them any different then they would anyon else they meet. i want the government to make sure they have all the same chances everyone else has no conradiction
i want people who meet the handicapped to not treat them any different then they would anyon else they meet. i want the government to make sure they have all the same chances everyone else has no conradiction

give them the same chances?what on earth do you mean by that.

of course people treat them differently,there is no person in the world who treats everyone the same.
and if people did treat everyone the same the results would be disasterous
i want people who meet the handicapped to not treat them any different then they would anyon else they meet. i want the government to make sure they have all the same chances everyone else has no conradiction

The government? Is that what you see as a responsibility of the government? And what of everyone else the government somehow supposed to insure that everyone has equal chances? Ugly people should have the same chance to become a super model as the beautiful people? Duh?

Baron Max
The government? Is that what you see as a responsibility of the government? And what of everyone else the government somehow supposed to insure that everyone has equal chances? Ugly people should have the same chance to become a super model as the beautiful people? Duh?

Baron Max

i'm sorry but as i have said i know about the subject from personal first hand expierence so are you really sure you want to run your mouth of to me on a topic i am well aquanted with
You can't dictate how ppl should treat other people. I don't
see what the government has to do with any of this?
We just all can't get along....thats how is........thats how it was....
and thats how it will be till the day I die.
well like i said i know what the handicapped go through and it just bothers me that people act as if they want just a we bit of help form the government and people act as if its a bad thing. it just frustrates me that the things the government does to make things easier on them other take advandtage of like handicapped parking i have had people who when i parked in a handicapped spot( i was accualy with someone handicapped imagine that) had some one park in the hash markes for wheelchair so the handicapp can get in and out of cars. It things like that which to me show a society that cares nothing for them